3 research outputs found

    MAA-Patricia Vilain

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    Decentralized SDN Control Plane for a Distributed Cloud-Edge Infrastructure: A Survey

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    International audienceToday’s emerging needs (Internet of Things applications, Network Function Virtualization services, Mobile Edge computing, etc.) are challenging the classic approach of deploying a few large data centers to provide cloud services. A massively distributed Cloud-Edge architecture could better fit these new trends’ requirements and constraints by deploying on-demand infrastructure services in Point-of-Presences within backbone networks. In this context, a key feature is establishing connectivity among several resource managers in charge of operating, each one a subset of the infrastructure. After explaining the networking management challenges related to distributed Cloud-Edge infrastructures, this article surveys and analyzes the characteristics and limitations of existing technologies in the Software Defined Network field that could be used to provide the intersite connectivity feature. We also introduce Kubernetes, the new de facto container orchestrator platform, and analyze its use in the proposed context. This survey is concluded by providing a discussion about some research directions in the field of SDN applied to distributed Cloud-Edge infrastructures’ management

    Visualización web de datos para usuarios finales en entornos educativos

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    Al encontrarnos en la era de la información resulta necesario que los datos se muestren en un formato accesible para la mayoría de las personas. Para representar dichos datos de forma clara y sencilla nacieron los gráficos estadísticos. Actualmente existen muchas herramientas de visualización en el mercado. La presente tesina se enfoca en estudiar y comparar estas herramientas y proponer un prototipo de visualizador de datos para usuarios finales en entornos educativos, específicamente en escuelas secundarias.Facultad de Informátic