10 research outputs found

    New lower bound on the Shannon capacity of C7 from circular graphs

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    We give an independent set of size 367 in the fifth strong product power of C7, where C7 is the cycle on 7 vertices. This leads to an improved lower bound on the Shannon capacity of C7: Θ(C7)≄3671/5>3.2578. The independent set is found by computer, using the fact that the set{t·(1,7,72,73,74)|t∈Z382}⊆Z5382 is independent in the fifth strong product powe

    The Haemers bound of noncommutative graphs

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    We continue the study of the quantum channel version of Shannon's zero-error capacity problem. We generalize the celebrated Haemers bound to noncommutative graph

    Quantum asymptotic spectra of graphs and non-commutative graphs, and quantum Shannon capacities

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    We study quantum versions of the Shannon capacity of graphs and non-commutative graphs. We introduce the asymptotic spectrum of graphs with respect to quantum homomorphisms and entanglement-assisted homomorphisms, and we introduce the asymptotic spectrum of non-commutative graphs with respect to entanglement-assisted homomorphisms. We apply Strassen's spectral theorem (J. Reine Angew. Math., 1988) and obtain dual characterizations of the corresponding Shannon capacities and asymptotic preorders in terms of their asymptotic spectra. This work extends the study of the asymptotic spectrum of graphs initiated by Zuiddam (Combinatorica, 2019) to the quantum d

    New lower bound on the Shannon capacity of C7 from circular graphs

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    We give an independent set of size 367 in the fifth strong product power of C7, where C7 is the cycle on 7 vertices. This leads to an improved lower bound on the Shannon capacity of C7: Θ(C7)≄3671/5>3.2578. The independent set is found by computer, using the fact that the set{t·(1,7,72,73,74)|t∈Z382}⊆Z5382 is independent in the fifth strong product power of the circular graph C108,382

    Quantum asymptotic spectra of graphs and non-commutative graphs, and quantum Shannon capacities

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    We study quantum versions of the Shannon capacity of graphs and non-commutative graphs. We introduce the asymptotic spectrum of graphs with respect to quantum and entanglement-assisted homomorphisms, and we introduce the asymptotic spectrum of non-commutative graphs with respect to entanglement-assisted homomorphisms. We apply Strassen’s spectral theorem (J. Reine Angew. Math., 1988) in order to obtain dual characterizations of the corresponding Shannon capacities and asymptotic preorders in terms of their asymptotic spectra. This work extends the study of the asymptotic spectrum of graphs initiated by Zuiddam (Combinatorica, 2019) to the quantum domain. We then exhibit spectral points in the new quantum asymptotic spectra and discuss their relations with the asymptotic spectrum of graphs. In particular, we prove that the (fractional) real and complex Haemers bounds upper bound the quantum Shannon capacity, which is defined as the regularization of the quantum independence number (Mančinska and Roberson, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 2016), and that the fractional real and complex Haemers bounds are elements in the quantum asymptotic spectrum of graphs. This is in contrast to the Haemers bounds defined over certain finite fields, which can be strictly smaller than the quantum Shannon capacity. Moreover, since the Haemers bound can be strictly smaller than the Lovász theta function (Haemers, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 1979), we find that the quantum Shannon capacity and the Lovász theta function do not coincide. As a consequence, two well-known conjectures in quantum information theory, namely: 1) the entanglement-assisted zero-error capacity of a classical channel is equal to the Lovász theta function and 2) maximally entangled states and projective measurements are sufficient to achieve the entanglement-assisted zero-error capacity, cannot both be true

    Observations on graph invariants with the LovĂĄsz ϑ-function

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    This paper delves into three research directions, leveraging the LovĂĄsz ϑ \vartheta -function of a graph. First, it focuses on the Shannon capacity of graphs, providing new results that determine the capacity for two infinite subclasses of strongly regular graphs, and extending prior results. The second part explores cospectral and nonisomorphic graphs, drawing on a work by Berman and Hamud (2024), and it derives related properties of two types of joins of graphs. For every even integer such that n≄14 n \geq 14 , it is constructively proven that there exist connected, irregular, cospectral, and nonisomorphic graphs on n n vertices, being jointly cospectral with respect to their adjacency, Laplacian, signless Laplacian, and normalized Laplacian matrices, while also sharing identical independence, clique, and chromatic numbers, but being distinguished by their LovĂĄsz ϑ \vartheta -functions. The third part focuses on establishing bounds on graph invariants, particularly emphasizing strongly regular graphs and triangle-free graphs, and compares the tightness of these bounds to existing ones. The paper derives spectral upper and lower bounds on the vector and strict vector chromatic numbers of regular graphs, providing sufficient conditions for the attainability of these bounds. Exact closed-form expressions for the vector and strict vector chromatic numbers are derived for all strongly regular graphs and for all graphs that are vertex- and edge-transitive, demonstrating that these two types of chromatic numbers coincide for every such graph. This work resolves a query regarding the variant of the ϑ \vartheta -function by Schrijver and the identical function by McEliece et al. (1978). It shows, by a counterexample, that the ϑ \vartheta -function variant by Schrijver does not possess the property of the LovĂĄsz ϑ \vartheta -function of forming an upper bound on the Shannon capacity of a graph. This research paper also serves as a tutorial of mutual interest in zero-error information theory and algebraic graph theory