50,838 research outputs found

    A transform of complementary aspects with applications to entropic uncertainty relations

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    Even though mutually unbiased bases and entropic uncertainty relations play an important role in quantum cryptographic protocols they remain ill understood. Here, we construct special sets of up to 2n+1 mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) in dimension d=2^n which have particularly beautiful symmetry properties derived from the Clifford algebra. More precisely, we show that there exists a unitary transformation that cyclically permutes such bases. This unitary can be understood as a generalization of the Fourier transform, which exchanges two MUBs, to multiple complementary aspects. We proceed to prove a lower bound for min-entropic entropic uncertainty relations for any set of MUBs, and show that symmetry plays a central role in obtaining tight bounds. For example, we obtain for the first time a tight bound for four MUBs in dimension d=4, which is attained by an eigenstate of our complementarity transform. Finally, we discuss the relation to other symmetries obtained by transformations in discrete phase space, and note that the extrema of discrete Wigner functions are directly related to min-entropic uncertainty relations for MUBs.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, v2: published version, clarified ref [30

    Graver degrees are not polynomially bounded by true circuit degrees

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    Let IAI_A be a toric ideal. We prove that the degrees of the elements of the Graver basis of IAI_A are not polynomially bounded by the true degrees of the circuits of IAI_A.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    A note on the shortest common superstring of NGS reads

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    The Shortest Superstring Problem (SSP) consists, for a set of strings S = {s_1,...,s_n}, to find a minimum length string that contains all s_i, 1 <= i <= k, as substrings. This problem is proved to be NP-Complete and APX-hard. Guaranteed approximation algorithms have been proposed, the current best ratio being 2+11/23, which has been achieved following a long and difficult quest. However, SSP is highly used in practice on next generation sequencing (NGS) data, which plays an increasingly important role in sequencing. In this note, we show that the SSP approximation ratio can be improved on NGS reads by assuming specific characteristics of NGS data that are experimentally verified on a very large sampling set

    Compression via Matroids: A Randomized Polynomial Kernel for Odd Cycle Transversal

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    The Odd Cycle Transversal problem (OCT) asks whether a given graph can be made bipartite by deleting at most kk of its vertices. In a breakthrough result Reed, Smith, and Vetta (Operations Research Letters, 2004) gave a \BigOh(4^kkmn) time algorithm for it, the first algorithm with polynomial runtime of uniform degree for every fixed kk. It is known that this implies a polynomial-time compression algorithm that turns OCT instances into equivalent instances of size at most \BigOh(4^k), a so-called kernelization. Since then the existence of a polynomial kernel for OCT, i.e., a kernelization with size bounded polynomially in kk, has turned into one of the main open questions in the study of kernelization. This work provides the first (randomized) polynomial kernelization for OCT. We introduce a novel kernelization approach based on matroid theory, where we encode all relevant information about a problem instance into a matroid with a representation of size polynomial in kk. For OCT, the matroid is built to allow us to simulate the computation of the iterative compression step of the algorithm of Reed, Smith, and Vetta, applied (for only one round) to an approximate odd cycle transversal which it is aiming to shrink to size kk. The process is randomized with one-sided error exponentially small in kk, where the result can contain false positives but no false negatives, and the size guarantee is cubic in the size of the approximate solution. Combined with an \BigOh(\sqrt{\log n})-approximation (Agarwal et al., STOC 2005), we get a reduction of the instance to size \BigOh(k^{4.5}), implying a randomized polynomial kernelization.Comment: Minor changes to agree with SODA 2012 version of the pape

    Minimum Cycle Basis and All-Pairs Min Cut of a Planar Graph in Subquadratic Time

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    A minimum cycle basis of a weighted undirected graph GG is a basis of the cycle space of GG such that the total weight of the cycles in this basis is minimized. If GG is a planar graph with non-negative edge weights, such a basis can be found in O(n2)O(n^2) time and space, where nn is the size of GG. We show that this is optimal if an explicit representation of the basis is required. We then present an O(n3/2logn)O(n^{3/2}\log n) time and O(n3/2)O(n^{3/2}) space algorithm that computes a minimum cycle basis \emph{implicitly}. From this result, we obtain an output-sensitive algorithm that explicitly computes a minimum cycle basis in O(n3/2logn+C)O(n^{3/2}\log n + C) time and O(n3/2+C)O(n^{3/2} + C) space, where CC is the total size (number of edges and vertices) of the cycles in the basis. These bounds reduce to O(n3/2logn)O(n^{3/2}\log n) and O(n3/2)O(n^{3/2}), respectively, when GG is unweighted. We get similar results for the all-pairs min cut problem since it is dual equivalent to the minimum cycle basis problem for planar graphs. We also obtain O(n3/2logn)O(n^{3/2}\log n) time and O(n3/2)O(n^{3/2}) space algorithms for finding, respectively, the weight vector and a Gomory-Hu tree of GG. The previous best time and space bound for these two problems was quadratic. From our Gomory-Hu tree algorithm, we obtain the following result: with O(n3/2logn)O(n^{3/2}\log n) time and O(n3/2)O(n^{3/2}) space for preprocessing, the weight of a min cut between any two given vertices of GG can be reported in constant time. Previously, such an oracle required quadratic time and space for preprocessing. The oracle can also be extended to report the actual cut in time proportional to its size