4,445 research outputs found


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    Personal identification can be done by using face, fingerprint, palm prints, eye’s retina, or voice recognition which commonly called as biometric methods. Face recognition is the most popular and widely used among those biometric methods. However, there are some issues in the implementation of this method: lighting factor, facial expression, and attributes (chin, mustache, or wearing some accessories). In this study, we propose a combination method of Discrete Wavelet Transform and Stationary Wavelet Transform that able to improve the image quality, especially in the small-sized image. Moreover, we also use Histogram Equalization in order to correct noises such as over or under exposure, Discrete Cosine Transform in order to transform the image into frequency domain, and Deep Neural Networks in order to perform the feature extraction and classify the image. A 10-fold cross-validation method was used in this study. As the result, the proposed method showed the highest accuracy up to 92.73% compared to Histogram Equalization up to 80.73%, Discrete Wavelet Transform up to 85.85%, Stationary Wavelet Transform up to 64.27%, Discrete Cosine Transform up to 89.50%, the combination of Histogram Equalization, Discrete Wavelet Transform, and Stationary Wavelet Transform up to 69.77%, and the combination of Stationary Wavelet Transform, Discrete Wavelet Transform, and Histogram Equalization up to 77.39%

    A Hybrid Image Compression Technique Using Wavelet Transformation - MFOCPN and Interpolation.

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    In this paper an interpolation method is proposed for compression technique. The method used is the localizing of spatial and frequency correlation from wavelets. Modified Forward Only Counter Propagation Neural Network (MFOCPN) is used for the classification and functional task. The wavelet based technique decomposes the lower sub band consisting of non significant coefficients and are eliminated. The significant smooth and sharp coefficients are found using interpolation methods. Here a new technique is proposed called the cosine interpolation, which is an alternative to the nearest neighborhood interpolation method. This methodology of interpolation proved to be an efficient approach for mapping all significant coefficients and thus resulting in improved quality. Hence the comparison is made between nearest neighborhood interpolation and cosine interpolation. The experimental results are tested on various standard images, where these results yield a better PSNR value compared with the existing nearest neighbor interpolation method

    2-D Prony-Huang Transform: A New Tool for 2-D Spectral Analysis

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    This work proposes an extension of the 1-D Hilbert Huang transform for the analysis of images. The proposed method consists in (i) adaptively decomposing an image into oscillating parts called intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) using a mode decomposition procedure, and (ii) providing a local spectral analysis of the obtained IMFs in order to get the local amplitudes, frequencies, and orientations. For the decomposition step, we propose two robust 2-D mode decompositions based on non-smooth convex optimization: a "Genuine 2-D" approach, that constrains the local extrema of the IMFs, and a "Pseudo 2-D" approach, which constrains separately the extrema of lines, columns, and diagonals. The spectral analysis step is based on Prony annihilation property that is applied on small square patches of the IMFs. The resulting 2-D Prony-Huang transform is validated on simulated and real data.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure

    Astronomical image manipulation in the transform domain

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    It is well known that images are usually stored and transmitted in the compressed form to save memory space and I/O bandwidth. Among many image compression schemes, transform coding is a widely used coding method. Traditionally, processing a compressed image requires decompression first. Following manipulations, the processed image is compressed again for storage. To reduce the computational complexity and processing time, manipulating images in the semi-compressed or transform domain is an efficient solution; Many astronomical images are compressed and stored by JPEG and HCOM-PRESS, which are based on the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), respectively. In this thesis, a suite of image processing algorithms in the transform domain, DCT and DWT, is developed. In particular, new methods for edge enhancement and minimum (MIN)/maximum (MAX) gray scale intensity estimation in the DCT domain are proposed. Algebraic operations and image interpolation in the DWT domain are addressed. The superiority of new algorithms over the conventional ones is demonstrated by comparing the time complexities and qualities of the processed image in the transform domain to those in the spatial domain

    Variational Data Assimilation via Sparse Regularization

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    This paper studies the role of sparse regularization in a properly chosen basis for variational data assimilation (VDA) problems. Specifically, it focuses on data assimilation of noisy and down-sampled observations while the state variable of interest exhibits sparsity in the real or transformed domain. We show that in the presence of sparsity, the â„“1\ell_{1}-norm regularization produces more accurate and stable solutions than the classic data assimilation methods. To motivate further developments of the proposed methodology, assimilation experiments are conducted in the wavelet and spectral domain using the linear advection-diffusion equation
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