258 research outputs found

    Information-theoretic Physical Layer Security for Satellite Channels

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    Shannon introduced the classic model of a cryptosystem in 1949, where Eve has access to an identical copy of the cyphertext that Alice sends to Bob. Shannon defined perfect secrecy to be the case when the mutual information between the plaintext and the cyphertext is zero. Perfect secrecy is motivated by error-free transmission and requires that Bob and Alice share a secret key. Wyner in 1975 and later I.~Csisz\'ar and J.~K\"orner in 1978 modified the Shannon model assuming that the channels are noisy and proved that secrecy can be achieved without sharing a secret key. This model is called wiretap channel model and secrecy capacity is known when Eve's channel is noisier than Bob's channel. In this paper we review the concept of wiretap coding from the satellite channel viewpoint. We also review subsequently introduced stronger secrecy levels which can be numerically quantified and are keyless unconditionally secure under certain assumptions. We introduce the general construction of wiretap coding and analyse its applicability for a typical satellite channel. From our analysis we discuss the potential of keyless information theoretic physical layer security for satellite channels based on wiretap coding. We also identify system design implications for enabling simultaneous operation with additional information theoretic security protocols

    An authentic-based privacy preservation protocol for smart e-healthcare systems in iot

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    © 2013 IEEE. Emerging technologies rapidly change the essential qualities of modern societies in terms of smart environments. To utilize the surrounding environment data, tiny sensing devices and smart gateways are highly involved. It has been used to collect and analyze the real-time data remotely in all Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Since the IIoT environment gathers and transmits the data over insecure public networks, a promising solution known as authentication and key agreement (AKA) is preferred to prevent illegal access. In the medical industry, the Internet of Medical Things (IoM) has become an expert application system. It is used to gather and analyze the physiological parameters of patients. To practically examine the medical sensor-nodes, which are imbedded in the patient\u27s body. It would in turn sense the patient medical information using smart portable devices. Since the patient information is so sensitive to reveal other than a medical professional, the security protection and privacy of medical data are becoming a challenging issue of the IoM. Thus, an anonymity-based user authentication protocol is preferred to resolve the privacy preservation issues in the IoM. In this paper, a Secure and Anonymous Biometric Based User Authentication Scheme (SAB-UAS) is proposed to ensure secure communication in healthcare applications. This paper also proves that an adversary cannot impersonate as a legitimate user to illegally access or revoke the smart handheld card. A formal analysis based on the random-oracle model and resource analysis is provided to show security and resource efficiencies in medical application systems. In addition, the proposed scheme takes a part of the performance analysis to show that it has high-security features to build smart healthcare application systems in the IoM. To this end, experimental analysis has been conducted for the analysis of network parameters using NS3 simulator. The collected results have shown superiority in terms of the packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay, throughput rates, and routing overhead for the proposed SAB-UAS in comparison to other existing protocols


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    In this thesis, a lower bound between non-orthogonal coherent states and mean photon number in quantum noise randomized stream cipher (Y-00) for a given measurement error probability is proposed and compared against other measurement schemes. In this analysis, recently discovered maximum likelihood positive operator valued measure (ML-POVM) approach in a multiphoton regime is used to provide more accurate and optimum results than greedy scheme, quantum unambiguous measurement (QUM), and random guessing for which we have considered success probability of coherent state detection as a figure of merit. Moreover an analysis about the impact of erroneous output sequence of a pseudo random number generator (PRNG) in predicting the running seed key is studied. In general, Y-00 scheme utilizes an initial shared secret key between legitimate users for which users experience superior receiver performance than does the intruder who does not know the key. An intruder suffers unavoidable quantum noise while probing the communication between legitimate users, owing to the user’s ignorance of the secret key. In particular, an indefinite bound was proposed earlier between the number of non-orthogonal coherent states and the mean photon number in Y-00 scheme. In this research work, a lower bound is proposed using ML-POVM, where ML-POVM provides better probability of detection of a given number of coherent states and mean photon number than other measurement techniques can detect. Finally, a simulation of linear feedback shift register (LFSR) is carried out as an example of PRNG for various number of bit-flip errors in the output sequence of LFSR to analyze the impact of erroneous output sequence in predicting the running seed key of LFSR, which demonstrates that a significant number of bit-flip errors is required to make the seed key indistinguishable from the observation of the output sequence of LFSR

    Modern and Lightweight Component-based Symmetric Cipher Algorithms: A Review

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    Information security, being one of the corner stones of network and communication technology, has been evolving tremendously to cope with the parallel evolution of network security threats. Hence, cipher algorithms in the core of the information security process have more crucial role to play here, with continuous need for new and unorthodox designs to meet the increasing complexity of the applications environment that keep offering challenges to the current existing cipher algorithms. The aim of this review is to present symmetric cipher main components, the modern and lightweight symmetric cipher algorithms design based on the components that utilized in cipher design, highlighting the effect of each component and the essential component among them, how the modern cipher has modified to lightweight cipher by reducing the number and size of these components, clarify how these components give the strength for symmetric cipher versus asymmetric of cipher. Moreover, a new classification of cryptography algorithms to four categories based on four factors is presented. Finally, some modern and lightweight symmetric cipher algorithms are selected, presented with a comparison between them according to their components by taking into considerations the components impact on security, performance, and resource requirements

    Coding for Cryptographic Security Enhancement using Stopping Sets

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    In this paper we discuss the ability of channel codes to enhance cryptographic secrecy. Toward that end, we present the secrecy metric of degrees of freedom in an attacker's knowledge of the cryptogram, which is similar to equivocation. Using this notion of secrecy, we show how a specific practical channel coding system can be used to hide information about the ciphertext, thus increasing the difficulty of cryptographic attacks. The system setup is the wiretap channel model where transmitted data traverse through independent packet erasure channels with public feedback for authenticated ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest). The code design relies on puncturing nonsystematic low-density parity-check codes with the intent of inflicting an eavesdropper with stopping sets in the decoder. Furthermore, the design amplifies errors when stopping sets occur such that a receiver must guess all the channel-erased bits correctly to avoid an expected error rate of one half in the ciphertext. We extend previous results on the coding scheme by giving design criteria that reduces the effectiveness of a maximum-likelihood attack to that of a message-passing attack. We further extend security analysis to models with multiple receivers and collaborative attackers. Cryptographic security is enhanced in all these cases by exploiting properties of the physical-layer. The enhancement is accurately presented as a function of the degrees of freedom in the eavesdropper's knowledge of the ciphertext, and is even shown to be present when eavesdroppers have better channel quality than legitimate receivers.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Universal Optimality of Apollonian Cell Encoders

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    Preserving privacy of private communication against an attacker is a fundamental concern of computer science security. Unconditional encryption considers the case where an attacker has unlimited computational power, hence no complexity result can be relied upon for encryption. Optimality criteria are defined for the best possible encryption over a general collection of entropy measures. This paper introduces Apollonian cell encoders, a class of shared-key cryptosystems that are proven to be universally optimal. In addition to the highest possible security for the message, Apollonian cell encoders prove to have perfect secrecy on their key allowing unlimited key reuse. Conditions for the existence of Apollonian cell encoders are presented, as well as a constructive proof. Further, a compact representation of Apollonian cell encoders is presented, allowing for practical implementation
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