2 research outputs found

    Modelo de adaptaci贸n basado en preferencias en ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje para personas con necesidades especiales

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    In education, the integration of people withspecial needs have problems in a student group issometimes difficult because of problems with theuse of technological tools, as most of them donot consider features and needs. Also social andcommunication difficulties and limited interestin the students could be a result of the existenceany difficulty or disability. This paper presents anadaptive model that seeks to integrate adaptationfeatures of disability and educational factors in orderto introduce the student services (present topic,select learning objects more adjusted to your needsand learning style) that will facilitate their learningprocess, allowing the course to be designed is madeto measure. This adaptation model consists of thestudent profile (centered on your preferences), thedisability, the device, and pedagogical context, whichallow to adapt the deployment of information in avirtual learning environment for people with andwithout special needs. Finally, we present a casestudy that illustrates the use of this model in thecase of students with visual impairments.En el 谩mbito educativo, la integraci贸n de personascon necesidades especiales o con dificultades en ungrupo estudiantil, en ocasiones se dificulta debidoa problemas en la utilizaci贸n de herramientastecnol贸gicas, ya que la mayor铆a de 茅stas nocontemplan sus caracter铆sticas y necesidadesparticulares. Adem谩s, las dificultades socialesy comunicativas e intereses limitados en losestudiantes podr铆an presentarse como consecuenciade la existencia de alguna dificultad o discapacidad.El presente art铆culo presenta un modelo deadaptaci贸n que busca integrar temas como laadaptaci贸n, las caracter铆sticas de discapacidady ciertos factores del 谩mbito educativo con elfin de presentar al estudiante servicios, talescomo: presentar tema, seleccionar los objetos deaprendizaje m谩s ajustados a sus necesidades yestilo de aprendizaje, que le permitan facilitar suproceso de aprendizaje, sintiendo que el curso quese ha dise帽ado, est谩 hecho a su medida. Tal modelode adaptaci贸n, est谩 conformado por el perfil delestudiante (centrado en sus preferencias), el de ladiscapacidad, el del dispositivo, el de contexto yel pedag贸gico, que permiten adaptar el desplieguede la informaci贸n en un ambiente virtual deaprendizaje para personas con y sin necesidadesespeciales. Para finalizar, se presentar谩 un caso deestudio que muestra la utilizaci贸n de dicho modeloen el caso de estudiantes con discapacidad visual

    New educational technology models for social and personal computing

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    Educational technologists usually appeal to psychological theories rather than technological opportunity to motivate the introduction of new approaches to support learning. In this paper we list key developments over the past fifty years and distinguish approaches that have a convincing theoretical base from those that were really driven by ease of access to interactive computing facilities. We then look at the recent impact of new technologies on individual and group student learning. We take a strong position that we now have new topologies for learning which have no direct analogues in past educational practice. These positive educational developments are occurring because of relatively cheap access to almost ubiquitous computing and because of the maturity of a range of artificial intelligence derived search and indexing mechanisms that are now easy to use. We consider the barriers to effective deployment of these new approaches by educational institutions, paying particular attention to the need to devise new approaches to formative and summative assessment