3 research outputs found

    Image grid display: A study on automatic scrolling presentation

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    In this paper we describe a study on image grid display with automatic vertical scrolling. While scroll operations are normally carried out manually by the user, in the context of RSVP (Rapid Serial Visual Presentation) techniques this work considers a presentation mode in which the image grid is automatically scrolled. Through experiments carried out with 50 testers, we have investigated user performance while looking for specific target subjects within large collections of images. Different numbers of columns and scrolling speeds have been considered. The search task implied both clicking on the identified target pictures and simply vocally stating their visual recognition. To this purpose, and to identify possible specific gaze behaviours, eye tracking technology has been exploited. The obtained results show that number of columns and scroll speed do affect search performance. Moreover, the userâs gaze tends to focus on different screen areas depending on the values of these two parameters. Although it is not possible to definitely find an optimal columnsâspeed combination that is valid in all cases, the particular context of use can suggest feasible solutions according to oneâs needs. To the best of our knowledge, image grid display with automatic scrolling has never been studied to date. Keywords: Image grid display, Automatic scrolling, Image presentation modes, Image collections, Rapid serial visual presentatio

    New Visualization Modes for Effective Image Presentation

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    In this paper we consider the problem of effective browsing of collections of images. In particular, we address those situations where it is necessary to find a limited number of images satisfying certain criteria, as well as the very common case in which the user, not having a clear idea about what to search, needs to explore the entire picture database to identify what he or she simply likes. The approaches we propose try to find good trade-offs between browsing time and quality of the exploration. The article has a twofold purpose: on the one hand, it presents a selection of the new image display methods we have developed in the last years, which differentiate from those considered to date by the Information Visualization community; on the other hand, it illustrates the results obtained through comparative tests performed on a subset of the developed display modes, with the main aim to prove the feasibility of their use as substitutes for the usual "grid" arrangement


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