4 research outputs found

    DĂ©jĂ  Q all over again: Tighter and broader reductions of q-type assumptions

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    In this paper, we demonstrate that various cryptographic constructions—including ones for broadcast, attribute-based, and hierarchical identity-based encryption—can rely for security on only the static subgroup hiding assumption when instantiated in composite-order bilinear groups, as opposed to the dynamic q-type assumptions on which their security previously was based. This specific goal is accomplished by more generally extending the recent Déjà Q framework (Chase and Meiklejohn, Eurocrypt 2014) in two main directions. First, by teasing out common properties of existing reductions, we expand the q-type assumptions that can be covered by the framework; i.e., we demonstrate broader classes of assumptions that can be reduced to subgroup hiding. Second, while the original framework applied only to asymmetric composite-order bilinear groups, we provide a reduction to subgroup hiding that works in symmetric (as well as asymmetric) composite-order groups. As a bonus, our new reduction achieves a tightness of log(q) rather than q

    Deja Q All Over Again: Tighter and Broader Reductions of q-Type Assumptions

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    In this paper, we demonstrate that various cryptographic constructions--including ones for broadcast, attribute-based, and hierarchical identity-based encryption--can rely for security on only the static subgroup hiding assumption when instantiated in composite-order bilinear groups, as opposed to the dynamic q-type assumptions on which their security previously was based. This specific goal is accomplished by more generally extending the recent Deja Q framework (Chase and Meiklejohn, Eurocrypt 2014) in two main directions. First, by teasing out common properties of existing reductions, we expand the q-type assumptions that can be covered by the framework; i.e., we demonstrate broader classes of assumptions that can be reduced to subgroup hiding. Second, while the original framework applied only to asymmetric composite-order bilinear groups, we provide a reduction to subgroup hiding that works in symmetric (as well as asymmetric) composite-order groups. As a bonus, our new reduction achieves a tightness of log(q) rather than q

    Deja Q: Using Dual Systems to Revisit q-Type Assumptions

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    After more than a decade of usage, bilinear groups have established their place in the cryptographic canon by enabling the construction of many advanced cryptographic primitives. Unfortunately, this explosion in functionality has been accompanied by an analogous growth in the complexity of the assumptions used to prove security. Many of these assumptions have been gathered under the umbrella of the uber-assumption, yet certain classes of these assumptions -- namely, q-type assumptions -- are stronger and require larger parameter sizes than their static counterparts. In this paper, we show that in certain groups, many classes of q-type assumptions are in fact implied by subgroup hiding (a well-established, static assumption). Our main tool in this endeavor is the dual-system technique, as introduced by Waters in 2009. As a case study, we first show that in composite-order groups, we can prove the security of the Dodis-Yampolskiy PRF based solely on subgroup hiding and allow for a domain of arbitrary size (the original proof only allowed a polynomially-sized domain). We then turn our attention to classes of q-type assumptions and show that they are implied -- when instantiated in appropriate groups -- solely by subgroup hiding. These classes are quite general and include assumptions such as q-SDH. Concretely, our result implies that every construction relying on such assumptions for security (e.g., Boneh-Boyen signatures) can, when instantiated in appropriate composite-order bilinear groups, be proved secure under subgroup hiding instead

    New Trapdoor Projection Maps for Composite-Order Bilinear Groups

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    An asymmetric pairing over groups of composite order is a bilinear map e: G1 × G2 → GT for groups G1 and G2 of composite order N = pq. We observe that a recent construction of pairing-friendly elliptic curves in this setting by Boneh, Rubin, and Silverberg exhibits surprising and unprecedented structure: projecting an element of the order-N 2 group G1 ⊕ G2 onto the bilinear groups G1 and G2 requires knowledge of a trapdoor. This trapdoor, the square root of a certain number modulo N, seems strictly weaker than the trapdoors previously used in composite-order bilinear cryptography. In this paper, we describe, characterize, and exploit this surprising structure. It is our thesis that the additional structure available in these curves will give rise to novel cryptographic constructions, and we initiate the study of such constructions. Both the subgroup hiding and SXDH assumptions appear to hold in the new setting; in addition, we introduce custom-tailored assumptions designed to capture the trapdoor nature of the projection maps into G1 and G2. Using the old and new assumptions, we describe an extended variant of the Boneh-Goh-Nissim cryptosystem that allows a user, at the time of encryption, to restrict the homomorphic operations that may be performed. We also present a variant of the Groth-Ostrovsky-Sahai NIZK, and new anonymous IBE, signature, and encryption schemes.