10 research outputs found

    Randomized algorithms to generate hypergraphs with given degree sequences

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    The question whether there exists a hypergraph whose degrees are equal to a given sequence of integers is a well-known reconstruction problem in graph theory, which is motivated by discrete tomography. In this paper we approach the problem by randomized algorithms which generate the required hypergraph with positive probability if the sequence satisfies certain constraints

    A Study on the Existence of Null Labelling for 3-Hypergraphs

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    On null 3-hypergraphs

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    International audienceGiven a 3-uniform hypergraph H consisting of a set V of vertices, and T ⊆ V 3 triples, a null labelling is an assignment of ±1 to the triples such that each vertex is contained in an equal number of triples labelled +1 and −1. Thus, the signed degree of each vertex is zero. A necessary condition for a null labelling is that the degree of every vertex of H is even. The Null Labelling Problem is to determine whether H has a null labelling. It is proved that this problem is NP-complete. Computer enumerations suggest that most hypergraphs which satisfy the necessary condition do have a null labelling. Some constructions are given which produce hypergraphs satisfying the necessary condition, but which do not have a null labelling. A self complementary 3-hypergraph with this property is also constructed

    On vertex independence number of uniform hypergraphs

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    Abstract Let H be an r-uniform hypergraph with r ≥ 2 and let α(H) be its vertex independence number. In the paper bounds of α(H) are given for different uniform hypergraphs: if H has no isolated vertex, then in terms of the degrees, and for triangle-free linear H in terms of the order and average degree.</jats:p

    Foksorozatok párhuzamos leszámlálása

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    Sampling uniform hypergraphs with given degrees

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    Graphs are combinatorial objects commonly used to model relationships between pairs of entities. Hypergraphs are a generalization of graphs in which edges connect an arbitrary number of vertices. We consider hypergraphs in which each edge has size k, each vertex has a degree specified by a degree sequence d, and all edges are unique. These are known as simple k-uniform hypergraphs with degree sequence d. We focus on algorithms for sampling these hypergraphs, particularly when the degree sequence is approximately regular and sufficiently sparse. The goal is an algorithm which produces approximately uniform output with expected running time that is polynomial in the number of vertices. We first discuss an algorithm for this problem which used a rejection sampling approach and a black-box bipartite graph sampler. This algorithm was presented in a paper by myself and co-authors: my specific contributions to the publication are described. As a new contribution (not contained in the paper), the rejection sampling approach is extended to give an algorithm for sampling linear hypergraphs, which are hypergraphs in which no two distinct edges share more than one common vertex. We also define and analyse an algorithm for sampling simple k-uniform hypergraphs with degree sequence d. Our algorithm uses a black-box sampler A for producing (possibly non-simple) hypergraphs and a ‘switchings’ process to remove any repeated edges from the hypergraph. This analysis additionally produces explicit tail bounds for the number and multiplicity of repeated edges in uniformly distributed random hypergraphs, under certain conditions for d and k. We show that our algorithm is asymptotically approximately uniform and has an expected running time that is polynomial in the number of vertices for a large range of degree sequences d, provided d is near-regular. This extends the range of degree sequences for which efficient sampling schemes are known

    New Results on Degree Sequences of Uniform Hypergraphs

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    Abstract A sequence of nonnegative integers is k-graphic if it is the degree sequence of a kuniform hypergraph. The only known characterization of k-graphic sequences is due to Dewdney in 1975. As this characterization does not yield an efficient algorithm, it is a fundamental open question to determine a more practical characterization. While several necessary conditions appear in the literature, there are few conditions that imply a sequence is k-graphic. In light of this, we present sharp sufficient conditions for k-graphicality based on a sequence&apos;s length and degree sum. Kocay and Li gave a family of edge exchanges (an extension of 2-switches) that could be used to transform one realization of a 3-graphic sequence into any other realization. We extend their result to k-graphic sequences for all k 3. Finally we give several applications of edge exchanges in hypergraphs, including generalizing a result of Busch et al. on packing graphic sequences