163 research outputs found

    New Paths from Splay to Dynamic Optimality

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    Consider the task of performing a sequence of searches in a binary search tree. After each search, an algorithm is allowed to arbitrarily restructure the tree, at a cost proportional to the amount of restructuring performed. The cost of an execution is the sum of the time spent searching and the time spent optimizing those searches with restructuring operations. This notion was introduced by Sleator and Tarjan in (JACM, 1985), along with an algorithm and a conjecture. The algorithm, Splay, is an elegant procedure for performing adjustments while moving searched items to the top of the tree. The conjecture, called "dynamic optimality," is that the cost of splaying is always within a constant factor of the optimal algorithm for performing searches. The conjecture stands to this day. In this work, we attempt to lay the foundations for a proof of the dynamic optimality conjecture.Comment: An earlier version of this work appeared in the Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1907.0630

    In pursuit of the dynamic optimality conjecture

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    In 1985, Sleator and Tarjan introduced the splay tree, a self-adjusting binary search tree algorithm. Splay trees were conjectured to perform within a constant factor as any offline rotation-based search tree algorithm on every sufficiently long sequence---any binary search tree algorithm that has this property is said to be dynamically optimal. However, currently neither splay trees nor any other tree algorithm is known to be dynamically optimal. Here we survey the progress that has been made in the almost thirty years since the conjecture was first formulated, and present a binary search tree algorithm that is dynamically optimal if any binary search tree algorithm is dynamically optimal.Comment: Preliminary version of paper to appear in the Conference on Space Efficient Data Structures, Streams and Algorithms to be held in August 2013 in honor of Ian Munro's 66th birthda

    Fast Dynamic Pointer Following via Link-Cut Trees

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    In this paper, we study the problem of fast dynamic pointer following: given a directed graph GG where each vertex has outdegree 11, efficiently support the operations of i) changing the outgoing edge of any vertex, and ii) find the vertex kk vertices `after' a given vertex. We exhibit a solution to this problem based on link-cut trees that requires O(lgn)O(\lg n) time per operation, and prove that this is optimal in the cell-probe complexity model.Comment: 7 page

    Competitive Online Search Trees on Trees

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    We consider the design of adaptive data structures for searching elements of a tree-structured space. We use a natural generalization of the rotation-based online binary search tree model in which the underlying search space is the set of vertices of a tree. This model is based on a simple structure for decomposing graphs, previously known under several names including elimination trees, vertex rankings, and tubings. The model is equivalent to the classical binary search tree model exactly when the underlying tree is a path. We describe an online O(loglogn)O(\log \log n)-competitive search tree data structure in this model, matching the best known competitive ratio of binary search trees. Our method is inspired by Tango trees, an online binary search tree algorithm, but critically needs several new notions including one which we call Steiner-closed search trees, which may be of independent interest. Moreover our technique is based on a novel use of two levels of decomposition, first from search space to a set of Steiner-closed trees, and secondly from these trees into paths

    Splaying Preorders and Postorders

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    Let TT be a binary search tree. We prove two results about the behavior of the Splay algorithm (Sleator and Tarjan 1985). Our first result is that inserting keys into an empty binary search tree via splaying in the order of either TT's preorder or TT's postorder takes linear time. Our proof uses the fact that preorders and postorders are pattern-avoiding: i.e. they contain no subsequences that are order-isomorphic to (2,3,1)(2,3,1) and (3,1,2)(3,1,2), respectively. Pattern-avoidance implies certain constraints on the manner in which items are inserted. We exploit this structure with a simple potential function that counts inserted nodes lying on access paths to uninserted nodes. Our methods can likely be extended to permutations that avoid more general patterns. Second, if TT' is any other binary search tree with the same keys as TT and TT is weight-balanced (Nievergelt and Reingold 1973), then splaying TT's preorder sequence or TT's postorder sequence starting from TT' takes linear time. To prove this, we demonstrate that preorders and postorders of balanced search trees do not contain many large "jumps" in symmetric order, and exploit this fact by using the dynamic finger theorem (Cole et al. 2000). Both of our results provide further evidence in favor of the elusive "dynamic optimality conjecture.

    Smooth heaps and a dual view of self-adjusting data structures

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    We present a new connection between self-adjusting binary search trees (BSTs) and heaps, two fundamental, extensively studied, and practically relevant families of data structures. Roughly speaking, we map an arbitrary heap algorithm within a natural model, to a corresponding BST algorithm with the same cost on a dual sequence of operations (i.e. the same sequence with the roles of time and key-space switched). This is the first general transformation between the two families of data structures. There is a rich theory of dynamic optimality for BSTs (i.e. the theory of competitiveness between BST algorithms). The lack of an analogous theory for heaps has been noted in the literature. Through our connection, we transfer all instance-specific lower bounds known for BSTs to a general model of heaps, initiating a theory of dynamic optimality for heaps. On the algorithmic side, we obtain a new, simple and efficient heap algorithm, which we call the smooth heap. We show the smooth heap to be the heap-counterpart of Greedy, the BST algorithm with the strongest proven and conjectured properties from the literature, widely believed to be instance-optimal. Assuming the optimality of Greedy, the smooth heap is also optimal within our model of heap algorithms. As corollaries of results known for Greedy, we obtain instance-specific upper bounds for the smooth heap, with applications in adaptive sorting. Intriguingly, the smooth heap, although derived from a non-practical BST algorithm, is simple and easy to implement (e.g. it stores no auxiliary data besides the keys and tree pointers). It can be seen as a variation on the popular pairing heap data structure, extending it with a "power-of-two-choices" type of heuristic.Comment: Presented at STOC 2018, light revision, additional figure

    Belga B-trees

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    We revisit self-adjusting external memory tree data structures, which combine the optimal (and practical) worst-case I/O performances of B-trees, while adapting to the online distribution of queries. Our approach is analogous to undergoing efforts in the BST model, where Tango Trees (Demaine et al. 2007) were shown to be O(loglogN)O(\log\log N)-competitive with the runtime of the best offline binary search tree on every sequence of searches. Here we formalize the B-Tree model as a natural generalization of the BST model. We prove lower bounds for the B-Tree model, and introduce a B-Tree model data structure, the Belga B-tree, that executes any sequence of searches within a O(loglogN)O(\log \log N) factor of the best offline B-tree model algorithm, provided B=logO(1)NB=\log^{O(1)}N. We also show how to transform any static BST into a static B-tree which is faster by a Θ(logB)\Theta(\log B) factor; the transformation is randomized and we show that randomization is necessary to obtain any significant speedup

    Combining Binary Search Trees

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    We present a general transformation for combining a constant number of binary search tree data structures (BSTs) into a single BST whose running time is within a constant factor of the minimum of any “well-behaved” bound on the running time of the given BSTs, for any online access sequence. (A BST has a well-behaved bound with f(n) overhead if it spends at most O(f(n)) time per access and its bound satisfies a weak sense of closure under subsequences.) In particular, we obtain a BST data structure that is O(loglogn) competitive, satisfies the working set bound (and thus satisfies the static finger bound and the static optimality bound), satisfies the dynamic finger bound, satisfies the unified bound with an additive O(loglogn) factor, and performs each access in worst-case O(logn) time