4 research outputs found

    Variational image regularization with Euler's elastica using a discrete gradient scheme

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    This paper concerns an optimization algorithm for unconstrained non-convex problems where the objective function has sparse connections between the unknowns. The algorithm is based on applying a dissipation preserving numerical integrator, the Itoh--Abe discrete gradient scheme, to the gradient flow of an objective function, guaranteeing energy decrease regardless of step size. We introduce the algorithm, prove a convergence rate estimate for non-convex problems with Lipschitz continuous gradients, and show an improved convergence rate if the objective function has sparse connections between unknowns. The algorithm is presented in serial and parallel versions. Numerical tests show its use in Euler's elastica regularized imaging problems and its convergence rate and compare the execution time of the method to that of the iPiano algorithm and the gradient descent and Heavy-ball algorithms


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    Nano-scale machining, or Nanomachining is a hybrid process in which the total thermal energy necessary to remove atoms from a work-piece surface is applied from external sources. In the current study, the total thermal energy necessary to remove atoms from a work-piece surface is applied from two sources: (1) localized energy from a laser beam focused to a micron-scale spot to preheat the work-piece, and (2) a high-precision electron-beam emitted from the tips of carbon nano-tubes to remove material via evaporation/sublimation. Macro-to-nano scale heat transfer models are discussed for understanding their capability to capture and its application to predict the transient heat transfer mechanism required for nano-machining. In this case, thermal transport mechanism during nano-scale machining involves both phonons (lattice vibrations) and electrons; it is modeled using a parabolic two-step (PTS) model, which accounts for the time lag between these energy carriers. A numerical algorithm is developed for the solution of the PTS model based on explicit and implicit finite-difference methods. Since numerical solution for simulation of nanomachining involves high computational cost in terms of wall clock time consumed, performance comparison over a wide range of numerical techniques has been done to devise an efficient numerical solution procedure. Gauss-Seidel (GS), successive over relaxation (SOR), conjugate gradient (CG), d -form Douglas-Gunn time splitting, and other methods have been used to compare the computational cost involved in these methods. Use of the Douglas-Gunn time splitting in the solution of 3D time-dependent heat transport equations appears to be optimal especially as problem size (number of spatial grid points and/or required number of time steps) becomes large. Parallel computing is implemented to further reduce the wall clock time required for the complete simulation of nanomachining process. Domain decomposition with inter-processor communication using Message Passing Interface (MPI) libraries is adapted for parallel computing. Performance tuning has been implemented for efficient parallelization by overlapping communication with computation. Numerical solution for laser source and electron-beam source with different Gaussian distribution are presented. Performance of the parallel code is tested on four distinct computer cluster architecture. Results obtained for laser source agree well with available experimental data in the literature. The results for electron-beam source are self-consistent; nevertheless, they need to be validated experimentally

    New Parallel Sor Method By Domain Partitioning

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    . Domain partitioning is a widely-used approach in parallel implementation on MIMD computers. In this paper, we propose a new parallel SOR method, the PSOR method, formulated by using domain Partitioning together with an interprocessor data-communication technique. We prove that the PSOR method can have the same asymptotic rate of convergence as the corresponding sequential SOR method. We also demonstrate the parallel performance of the PSOR method on a shared memory MIMD computer (a KSR1) and three distributed memory MIMD computers (the Intel Delta, an Intel Paragon L38 and an IBM POWERparallel System 9076 SP2). Key words. parallel computing, SOR, JSOR, PSOR, convergence analysis AMS subject classifications. Primary 65Y05; Secondary 65F10. 1. Introduction. The successive over-relaxation (SOR) iterative method is an important solver for large linear systems [21]. It is also a robust smoother in the multigrid method [19]. However, the SOR method is essentially sequential in its origi..