8 research outputs found

    Precision Agriculture using Internet of thing with Artificial intelligence: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Machine learning with its high precision algorithms, Precision agriculture (PA) is a new emerging concept nowadays. Many researchers have worked on the quality and quantity of PA by using sensors, networking, machine learning (ML) techniques, and big data. However, there has been no attempt to work on trends of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, dataset and crop type on precision agriculture using internet of things (IoT). This research aims to systematically analyze the domains of AI techniques and datasets that have been used in IoT based prediction in the area of PA. A systematic literature review is performed on AI based techniques and datasets for crop management, weather, irrigation, plant, soil and pest prediction. We took the papers on precision agriculture published in the last six years (2013-2019). We considered 42 primary studies related to the research objectives. After critical analysis of the studies, we found that crop management; soil and temperature areas of PA have been commonly used with the help of IoT devices and AI techniques. Moreover, different artificial intelligence techniques like ANN, CNN, SVM, Decision Tree, RF, etc. have been utilized in different fields of Precision agriculture. Image processing with supervised and unsupervised learning practice for prediction and monitoring the PA are also used. In addition, most of the studies are forfaiting sensory dataset to measure different properties of soil, weather, irrigation and crop. To this end, at the end, we provide future directions for researchers and guidelines for practitioners based on the findings of this revie

    CNN Ensemble Approach for Early detection of Sugarcane Diseases – A Comparison

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    This paper mainly concentrates and discusses on sugarcane crop, the variety of cane seeds available for sowing; various cane diseases and its early detection using different approaches. Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) techniques are used to analyze agricultural data like temperature, soil quality, yield prediction, selling price forecasts, etc. and avoid crop damage from a variety of sources, including diseases. In the proposed work, with particular reference to eight specific sugarcane crop diseases and including healthy crop database, the neural network algorithms are tested and verified in terms quality metrics like accuracy, F1 score, recall and precision

    Identification of plant Syndrome using IPT

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    Agricultural productivity is something on which Indian economy highly depends. This is the one of the reasons that disease detection in plants plays a vital role in agriculture field, as having disease in plants are unavoidable. If proper care is not taken in this area, then it causes serious effects on plants and due to which the overall agriculture yield will be affected. For instance, a disease named little leaf disease is a hazardous disease found in pine trees in United States. Detection of plant disease through some automatic technique is beneficial as it reduces a large work of monitoring in big farms of crops, and at very early stage itself if detected properly by identifying the symptoms of diseases can result in increased productivity. This paper presents an algorithm for image segmentation technique which is used for automatic detection and classification of plant leaf diseases. It also covers diseases classification techniques that can be used for plant leaf disease detection. Image segmentation is one of the method which will segment the raw images in to two or more clusters and the programmed algorithm will work fine in analyzing these clusters for disease classification and prediction of type of disease that a plant leaf gets affecte

    Wheat yellow rust monitoring by learning from multispectral UAV aerial imagery

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    The use of a low-cost five-band multispectral camera (RedEdge, MicaSense, USA) and a low-altitude airborne platform is investigated for the detection of plant stress caused by yellow rust disease in winter wheat for sustainable agriculture. The research is mainly focused on: (i) determining whether or not healthy and yellow rust infected wheat plants can be discriminated; (ii) selecting spectral band and Spectral Vegetation Index (SVI) with a strong discriminating capability; (iii) developing a low-cost yellow rust monitoring system for use at farmland scales. An experiment was carefully designed by infecting winter wheat with different levels of yellow rust inoculum, where aerial multispectral images under different developmental stages of yellow rust were captured by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle at an altitude of 16–24m with a ground resolution of 1–1.5cm/pixel. An automated yellow rust detection system is developed by learning (via random forest classifier) from labelled UAV aerial multispectral imagery. Experimental results indicate that: (i) good classification performance (with an average Precision, Recall and Accuracy of 89.2%, 89.4% and 89.3%) was achieved by the developed yellow rust monitoring at a diseased stage (45 days after inoculation); (ii) the top three SVIs for separating healthy and yellow rust infected wheat plants are RVI, NDVI and OSAVI; while the top two spectral bands are NIR and Red. The learnt system was also applied to the whole farmland of interest with a promising monitoring result. It is anticipated that this study by seamlessly integrating low-cost multispectral camera, low-altitude UAV platform and machine learning techniques paves the way for yellow rust monitoring at farmland scales

    Monitoring Crop Carotenoids Concentration by Remote Sensing

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    Assessment of carotenoids (Car) content provides a valuable insight into clarifying the mechanisms of plant photoprotection and light-adaption and is critical for stress diagnoses in plants. Due to their small proportion in the overall total pigment content and to the overlapping of spectral absorption features with chlorophylls (Chl) in the blue region of the spectrum, accurate estimation of Car content in plants, from remotely sensed data, is challenging. Previous studies made progress in Car content estimation at both the leaf and canopy level with remote sensing techniques. However, established spectral indices and methods for Car estimation in most studies that generally rely on specific and limited measured data might lack predictive accuracy for Car estimation and lack sensitivity to low or high Car content in various species and at different growth stages. In this chapter, a new carotenoid index (CARI) was proposed for foliar Car assessment with abundant simulated leaf data and various measured leaf reflectances. Detailed analysis on the mechanism, formation and performance of the new spectral index on Car retrieval was presented. Analysis results suggested that accurate nondestructive estimation of foliar Car content with CARI could be achieved at the leaf scale, through remote sensing techniques

    Application of UAV Remote Sensing in Monitoring Banana Fusarium Wilt

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    Fusarium wilt poses a current threat to worldwide banana plantation areas. To treat the Fusarium wilt disease and adjust banana planting methods accordingly, it is important to introduce timely monitoring processes. In this chapter, the multispectral images acquired by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was used to establish a method to identify which banana regions were infected or uninfected with Fusarium wilt disease. The vegetation indices (VIs), including the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI), normalised difference red edge index (NDRE), structural independent pigment index (SIPI), red-edge structural independent pigment index (SIPIRE), green chlorophyll index (CIgreen), red-edge chlorophyll index (CIRE), anthocyanin reflectance index (ARI), and carotenoid index (CARI), were selected for deciding the biophysical and biochemical characteristics of the banana plants. The relationships between the VIs and those plants infected or uninfected with Fusarium wilt were assessed using the binary logistic regression method. The results suggest that UAV-based multispectral imagery with a red-edge band is effective to identify banana Fusarium wilt disease, and that the CIRE had the best performance

    Quantitative identification of yellow rust in winter wheat with a new spectral index: Development and validation using simulated and experimental data

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    Yellow rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. Tritici, is a serious disease attacking wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) across the globe. The occurrence of yellow rust can result in severe yield reduction and economic loss. Hyperspectral remote sensing has demonstrated potential in detecting yellow rust, with the majority of studies distinguishing qualitatively between diseased and healthy individuals or performing simple grading of disease severity. However, research on the quantification of the severity of yellow rust is limited. To fill this gap in the literature, in the current study, we constructed a new spectral index, the yellow rust optimal index (YROI), using the hyperspectral data obtained by ASD field spectrometer to quantitatively estimate yellow rust severity. The index is based on the spectral response of spores, and vegetation biophysical and biochemical parameters (VPCPs); and integrated with the PROSPECT-D model. We evaluated the new index and compared it with 11 commonly used yellow rust detection indices using experimental leaf- and canopy-scale spectral datasets. Results demonstrated the superior accuracy of YROI for both the leaf (R2 = 0.822, RMSE = 0.070) and canopy (R2 = 0.542, RMSE = 0.085) scales. In this research, we quantitatively analyzed the spectral response mechanism of wheat yellow rust, which provided a new idea for the quantitative identification of crop diseases. Moreover, our results can be employed as a reference and theoretical basis for the accurate and timely quantitative identification of crop diseases over the large areas in the future

    New Optimized Spectral Indices for Identifying and Monitoring Winter Wheat Diseases

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