3 research outputs found

    Flip Graph Connectivity for Arrangements of Pseudolines and Pseudocircles

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    Flip graphs of combinatorial and geometric objects are at the heart of many deep structural insights and connections between different branches of discrete mathematics and computer science. They also provide a natural framework for the study of reconfiguration problems. We study flip graphs of arrangements of pseudolines and of arrangements of pseudocircles, which are combinatorial generalizations of lines and circles, respectively. In both cases we consider triangle flips as local transformation and prove conjectures regarding their connectivity. In the case of nn pseudolines we show that the connectivity of the flip graph equals its minimum degree, which is exactly nβˆ’2n-2. For the proof we introduce the class of shellable line arrangements, which serve as reference objects for the construction of disjoint paths. In fact, shellable arrangements are elements of a flip graph of line arrangements which are vertices of a polytope (Felsner and Ziegler; DM 241 (2001), 301--312). This polytope forms a cluster of good connectivity in the flip graph of pseudolines. In the case of pseudocircles we show that triangle flips induce a connected flip graph on \emph{intersecting} arrangements and also on cylindrical intersecting arrangements. The result for cylindrical arrangements is used in the proof for intersecting arrangements. We also show that in both settings the diameter of the flip graph is in Θ(n3)\Theta(n^3). Our constructions make essential use of variants of the sweeping lemma for pseudocircle arrangements (Snoeyink and Hershberger; Proc.\ SoCG 1989: 354--363). We finally study cylindrical arrangements in their own right and provide new combinatorial characterizations of this class

    New lower bounds for the number of pseudoline arrangements

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    Arrangements of lines and pseudolines are fundamental objects in discrete and computational geometry. They also appear in other areas of computer science, such as the study of sorting networks. Let BnB_n be the number of nonisomorphic arrangements of nn pseudolines and let bn=log⁑2Bnb_n=\log_2{B_n}. The problem of estimating BnB_n was posed by Knuth in 1992. Knuth conjectured that bn≀(n2)+o(n2)b_n \leq {n \choose 2} + o(n^2) and also derived the first upper and lower bounds: bn≀0.7924(n2+n)b_n \leq 0.7924 (n^2 +n) and bnβ‰₯n2/6βˆ’O(n)b_n \geq n^2/6 -O(n). The upper bound underwent several improvements, bn≀0.6988 n2b_n \leq 0.6988\, n^2 (Felsner, 1997), and bn≀0.6571 n2b_n \leq 0.6571\, n^2 (Felsner and Valtr, 2011), for large nn. Here we show that bnβ‰₯cn2βˆ’O(nlog⁑n)b_n \geq cn^2 -O(n \log{n}) for some constant c>0.2083c>0.2083. In particular, bnβ‰₯0.2083 n2b_n \geq 0.2083\, n^2 for large nn. This improves the previous best lower bound, bnβ‰₯0.1887 n2b_n \geq 0.1887\, n^2, due to Felsner and Valtr (2011). Our arguments are elementary and geometric in nature. Further, our constructions are likely to spur new developments and improved lower bounds for related problems, such as in topological graph drawings