2,319 research outputs found

    From Finite Automata to Regular Expressions and Back--A Summary on Descriptional Complexity

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    The equivalence of finite automata and regular expressions dates back to the seminal paper of Kleene on events in nerve nets and finite automata from 1956. In the present paper we tour a fragment of the literature and summarize results on upper and lower bounds on the conversion of finite automata to regular expressions and vice versa. We also briefly recall the known bounds for the removal of spontaneous transitions (epsilon-transitions) on non-epsilon-free nondeterministic devices. Moreover, we report on recent results on the average case descriptional complexity bounds for the conversion of regular expressions to finite automata and brand new developments on the state elimination algorithm that converts finite automata to regular expressions.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2014, arXiv:1405.527

    Small Strong Epsilon Nets

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    Let P be a set of n points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d. A point x is said to be a centerpoint of P if x is contained in every convex object that contains more than dnd+1dn\over d+1 points of P. We call a point x a strong centerpoint for a family of objects C\mathcal{C} if xPx \in P is contained in every object CCC \in \mathcal{C} that contains more than a constant fraction of points of P. A strong centerpoint does not exist even for halfspaces in R2\mathbb{R}^2. We prove that a strong centerpoint exists for axis-parallel boxes in Rd\mathbb{R}^d and give exact bounds. We then extend this to small strong ϵ\epsilon-nets in the plane and prove upper and lower bounds for ϵiS\epsilon_i^\mathcal{S} where S\mathcal{S} is the family of axis-parallel rectangles, halfspaces and disks. Here ϵiS\epsilon_i^\mathcal{S} represents the smallest real number in [0,1][0,1] such that there exists an ϵiS\epsilon_i^\mathcal{S}-net of size i with respect to S\mathcal{S}.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    On interference among moving sensors and related problems

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    We show that for any set of nn points moving along "simple" trajectories (i.e., each coordinate is described with a polynomial of bounded degree) in d\Re^d and any parameter 2kn2 \le k \le n, one can select a fixed non-empty subset of the points of size O(klogk)O(k \log k), such that the Voronoi diagram of this subset is "balanced" at any given time (i.e., it contains O(n/k)O(n/k) points per cell). We also show that the bound O(klogk)O(k \log k) is near optimal even for the one dimensional case in which points move linearly in time. As applications, we show that one can assign communication radii to the sensors of a network of nn moving sensors so that at any given time their interference is O(nlogn)O(\sqrt{n\log n}). We also show some results in kinetic approximate range counting and kinetic discrepancy. In order to obtain these results, we extend well-known results from ε\varepsilon-net theory to kinetic environments

    Polychromatic Coloring for Half-Planes

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    We prove that for every integer kk, every finite set of points in the plane can be kk-colored so that every half-plane that contains at least 2k12k-1 points, also contains at least one point from every color class. We also show that the bound 2k12k-1 is best possible. This improves the best previously known lower and upper bounds of 43k\frac{4}{3}k and 4k14k-1 respectively. We also show that every finite set of half-planes can be kk colored so that if a point pp belongs to a subset HpH_p of at least 3k23k-2 of the half-planes then HpH_p contains a half-plane from every color class. This improves the best previously known upper bound of 8k38k-3. Another corollary of our first result is a new proof of the existence of small size \eps-nets for points in the plane with respect to half-planes.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure