1,389 research outputs found

    Farthest-Polygon Voronoi Diagrams

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    Given a family of k disjoint connected polygonal sites in general position and of total complexity n, we consider the farthest-site Voronoi diagram of these sites, where the distance to a site is the distance to a closest point on it. We show that the complexity of this diagram is O(n), and give an O(n log^3 n) time algorithm to compute it. We also prove a number of structural properties of this diagram. In particular, a Voronoi region may consist of k-1 connected components, but if one component is bounded, then it is equal to the entire region

    Covering the Boundary of a Simple Polygon with Geodesic Unit Disks

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    We consider the problem of covering the boundary of a simple polygon on n vertices using the minimum number of geodesic unit disks. We present an O(n \log^2 n+k) time 2-approximation algorithm for finding the centers of the disks, with k denoting the number centers found by the algorithm

    Subset Warping: Rubber Sheeting with Cuts

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    Image warping, often referred to as "rubber sheeting" represents the deformation of a domain image space into a range image space. In this paper, a technique is described which extends the definition of a rubber-sheet transformation to allow a polygonal region to be warped into one or more subsets of itself, where the subsets may be multiply connected. To do this, it constructs a set of "slits" in the domain image, which correspond to discontinuities in the range image, using a technique based on generalized Voronoi diagrams. The concept of medial axis is extended to describe inner and outer medial contours of a polygon. Polygonal regions are decomposed into annular subregions, and path homotopies are introduced to describe the annular subregions. These constructions motivate the definition of a ladder, which guides the construction of grid point pairs necessary to effect the warp itself
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