5 research outputs found

    Protocol Layering and Internet Policy

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    An architectural principle known as protocol layering is widely recognized as one of the foundations of the Internet’s success. In addition, some scholars and industry participants have urged using the layers model as a central organizing principle for regulatory policy. Despite its importance as a concept, a comprehensive analysis of protocol layering and its implications for Internet policy has yet to appear in the literature. This Article attempts to correct this omission. It begins with a detailed description of the way the five-layer model developed, introducing protocol layering’s central features, such as the division of functions across layers, information hiding, peer communication, and encapsulation. It then discusses the model’s implications for whether particular functions are performed at the edge or in the core of the network, contrasts the model with the way that layering has been depicted in the legal commentary, and analyzes attempts to use layering as a basis for competition policy. Next the Article identifies certain emerging features of the Internet that are placing pressure on the layered model, including WiFi routers, network-based security, modern routing protocols, and wireless broadband. These developments illustrate how every architecture inevitably limits functionality as well as the architecture’s ability to evolve over time in response to changes in the technological and economic environment. Together these considerations support adopting a more dynamic perspective on layering and caution against using layers as a basis for a regulatory mandate for fear of cementing the existing technology into place in a way that prevents the network from innovating and evolving in response to shifts in the underlying technology and consumer demand

    Protocol Layering and Internet Policy

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    An architectural principle known as protocol layering is widely recognized as one of the foundations of the Internet’s success. In addition, some scholars and industry participants have urged using the layers model as a central organizing principle for regulatory policy. Despite its importance as a concept, a comprehensive analysis of protocol layering and its implications for Internet policy has yet to appear in the literature. This Article attempts to correct this omission. It begins with a detailed description of the way the five-layer model developed, introducing protocol layering’s central features, such as the division of functions across layers, information hiding, peer communication, and encapsulation. It then discusses the model’s implications for whether particular functions are performed at the edge or in the core of the network, contrasts the model with the way that layering has been depicted in the legal commentary, and analyzes attempts to use layering as a basis for competition policy. Next the Article identifies certain emerging features of the Internet that are placing pressure on the layered model, including WiFi routers, network-based security, modern routing protocols, and wireless broadband. These developments illustrate how every architecture inevitably limits functionality as well as the architecture’s ability to evolve over time in response to changes in the technological and economic environment. Together these considerations support adopting a more dynamic perspective on layering and caution against using layers as a basis for a regulatory mandate for fear of cementing the existing technology into place in a way that prevents the network from innovating and evolving in response to shifts in the underlying technology and consumer demand

    Protocol Layering and Internet Policy

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    EmerGen(e)tic:Exploring the use of genetic algorithms in emergent distributed systems

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    Adaptive and emergent systems exist to attempt to answer the deficiencies inherent to distributed systems, and the necessarily finite ability of any programmer to predict all possible eventualities in which his software may one day find itself. This paper argues that these systems fail to go far enough, and then proposes a further development—genetic systems—which utilises genetic programming to extend the versatility of a given system massively, if not infinitely. This paper then proceeds to detail the EmerGen(e)tic framework for rapidly testing genetic algorithm modules within emergent systems, as well as an example module pertaining to the cache updating behaviour of a web server. This paper concludes by proposing further avenues of potentially-fruitful research based upon these programs and its findings

    Distributed discovery and management of alternate paths with enhanced quality of service in the internet

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    La convergence de récentes avancées technologiques permet l'émergence de nouveaux environnements informatiques pervasifs, dans lesquels des terminaux en réseaux coopèrent et communiquent de manière transparente pour les utilisateurs. Ces utilisateurs demandent des fonctionalités de plus en plus avancées de la part de ces terminaux. Etant données les limites intrinsèques des terminaux mobiles, ces fonctionalités, au lieu d'être directement implémentées dans les terminaux, sont appelées à être fournies par des fournisseurs de services situés à la périphérie du réseau. Ce derniers devient alors une source illimitée de services, et non plus seulement un medium de communication. Ces services, ou applications d'overlays, sont formés de plusieurs éléments applicatifs distribués qui coopèrent et communiquent entre eux via un réseau de recouvrement dynamique particulier, une association d'overlay. La Qualité de Service (QdS) perçue par les utilisateurs d'une application d'overlay dépend de la QdS existant au niveau des chemins de communications qui forment l'association d'overlay correspondante. Cette thèse montre qu'il est possible de fournir de la QdS à une application d'overlay en utilisant des chemins Internet alternatifs, résultant de la composition de chemins distincts. De plus, cette thèse montre également qu'il est possible de découvrir, sélectionner, et composer d'une manière distribuée ces chemins élémentaires, au sein d'une communauté comprenant un nombre important d'entités paires (telles que les précédents fournisseurs de services). Les principales contributions de cette thèse sont : i) une description et une analyse des caractéristiques de QdS de ces chemins alternatifs composés, ii) une architecture originale appelée SPAD (Super-Peer based Alternate path Discovery), qui permet la découverte et la sélection de manière distribuée de ces chemins alternatifs. SPAD est un système complètement décentralisé, qui peut être facilement et incrémentalement déployé sur l'Internet actuel. Il permet aux utilisateurs situés à la périphérie du réseau de découvrir et d'utiliser directement des chemins alternatifs. ABSTRACT : The convergence of recent technology advances opens the way to new ubiquitous environments, where network-enabled devices collectively form invisible pervasive computing and networking environments around the users. These users increasingly require extensive applications and capabilities from these devices. Recent approaches propose that cooperating service providers, at the edge of the network, offer these required capabilities (i.e services), instead of having them directly provided by the devices. Thus, the network evolves from a plain communication medium into an endless source of services. Such a service, namely an overlay application, is composed of multiple distributed application elements, which cooperate via a dynamic communication mesh, namely an overlay association. The Quality of Service (QoS) perceived by the users of an overlay application greatly depends on the QoS on the communication paths of the corresponding overlay association. This thesis asserts and shows that it is possible to provide QoS to an overlay application by using alternate Internet paths resulting from the compositions of independent consecutive paths. Moreover, this thesis also demonstrates that it is possible to discover, select and compose these independent paths in a distributed manner within an community comprising a limited large number of autonomous cooperating peers, such as the fore-mentioned service providers. Thus, the main contributions of this thesis are i) a comprehensive description and QoS characteristic analysis of these composite alternate paths, and ii) an original architecture, termed SPAD (Super-Peer based Alternate path Discovery), which allows the discovery and selection of these alternate paths in a distributed manner. SPAD is a fully distributed system with no single point of failure, which can be easily and incrementally deployed on the current Internet. It empowers the end-users at the edge of the network, allowing them to directly discover and utilize alternate paths