8 research outputs found

    Algebraic Theory of Promise Constraint Satisfaction Problems, First Steps

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    What makes a computational problem easy (e.g., in P, that is, solvable in polynomial time) or hard (e.g., NP-hard)? This fundamental question now has a satisfactory answer for a quite broad class of computational problems, so called fixed-template constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) -- it has turned out that their complexity is captured by a certain specific form of symmetry. This paper explains an extension of this theory to a much broader class of computational problems, the promise CSPs, which includes relaxed versions of CSPs such as the problem of finding a 137-coloring of a 3-colorable graph

    Promises Make Finite (Constraint Satisfaction) Problems Infinitary

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    The fixed template Promise Constraint Satisfaction Problem (PCSP) is a recently proposed significant generalization of the fixed template CSP, which includes approximation variants of satisfiability and graph coloring problems. All the currently known tractable (i.e., solvable in polynomial time) PCSPs over finite templates can be reduced, in a certain natural way, to tractable CSPs. However, such CSPs are often over infinite domains. We show that the infinity is in fact necessary by proving that a specific finite-domain PCSP, namely (1-in-3-SAT, Not-All-Equal-3-SAT), cannot be naturally reduced to a tractable finite-domain CSP, unless P=NP

    Improved hardness for H-colourings of G-colourable graphs

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    We present new results on approximate colourings of graphs and, more generally, approximate H-colourings and promise constraint satisfaction problems. First, we show NP-hardness of colouring kk-colourable graphs with (k⌊k/2⌋)−1\binom{k}{\lfloor k/2\rfloor}-1 colours for every k≥4k\geq 4. This improves the result of Bul\'in, Krokhin, and Opr\v{s}al [STOC'19], who gave NP-hardness of colouring kk-colourable graphs with 2k−12k-1 colours for k≥3k\geq 3, and the result of Huang [APPROX-RANDOM'13], who gave NP-hardness of colouring kk-colourable graphs with 2k1/32^{k^{1/3}} colours for sufficiently large kk. Thus, for k≥4k\geq 4, we improve from known linear/sub-exponential gaps to exponential gaps. Second, we show that the topology of the box complex of H alone determines whether H-colouring of G-colourable graphs is NP-hard for all (non-bipartite, H-colourable) G. This formalises the topological intuition behind the result of Krokhin and Opr\v{s}al [FOCS'19] that 3-colouring of G-colourable graphs is NP-hard for all (3-colourable, non-bipartite) G. We use this technique to establish NP-hardness of H-colouring of G-colourable graphs for H that include but go beyond K3K_3, including square-free graphs and circular cliques (leaving K4K_4 and larger cliques open). Underlying all of our proofs is a very general observation that adjoint functors give reductions between promise constraint satisfaction problems.Comment: Mention improvement in Proposition 2.5. SODA 202

    New Hardness Results for Graph and Hypergraph Colorings

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    Finding a proper coloring of a t-colorable graph G with t colors is a classic NP-hard problem when t >= 3. In this work, we investigate the approximate coloring problem in which the objective is to find a proper c-coloring of G where c >= t. We show that for all t >= 3, it is NP-hard to find a c-coloring when c <= 2t-2. In the regime where t is small, this improves, via a unified approach, the previously best known hardness result of c <= max{2t- 5, t + 2*floor(t/3) - 1} (Garey and Johnson 1976; Khanna, Linial, Safra, 1993; Guruswami, Khanna, 2000). For example, we show that 6-coloring a 4-colorable graph is NP-hard, improving on the NP-hardness of 5-coloring a 4-colorable graph. We also generalize this to related problems on the strong coloring of hypergraphs. A k-uniform hypergraph H is t-strong colorable (where t >= k) if there is a t-coloring of the vertices such that no two vertices in each hyperedge of H have the same color. We show that if t = ceiling(3k/2), then it is NP-hard to find a 2-coloring of the vertices of H such that no hyperedge is monochromatic. We conjecture that a similar hardness holds for t=k+1. We establish the NP-hardness of these problems by reducing from the hardness of the Label Cover problem, via a "dictatorship test" gadget graph. By combinatorially classifying all possible colorings of this graph, we can infer labels to provide to the label cover problem. This approach generalizes the "weak polymorphism" framework of (Austrin, Guruswami, Hastad, 2014), though interestingly our results are "PCP-free" in that they do not require any approximation gap in the starting Label Cover instance