146 research outputs found

    PPAA: Peer-to-Peer Anonymous Authentication (Extended Version)

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    In the pursuit of authentication schemes that balance user privacy and accountability, numerous anonymous credential systems have been constructed. However, existing systems assume a client-server architecture in which only the clients, but not the servers, care about their privacy. In peer-to-peer (P2P) systems where both clients and servers are peer users with privacy concerns, no existing system correctly strikes that balance between privacy and accountability. In this paper, we provide this missing piece: a credential system in which peers are {\em pseudonymous} to one another (that is, two who interact more than once can recognize each other via pseudonyms) but are otherwise anonymous and unlinkable across different peers. Such a credential system finds applications in, e.g., Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANets) and P2P networks. We formalize the security requirements of our proposed credential system, provide a construction for it, and prove the security of our construction. Our solution is efficient: its complexities are independent of the number of users in the system

    Affiliation-Hiding Authentication with Minimal Bandwidth Consumption

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    Part 3: Lightweight AuthenticationInternational audienceAffiliation-Hiding Authentication (AHA) protocols have the seemingly contradictory property of enabling users to authenticate each other as members of certain groups, without revealing their affiliation to group outsiders. Of particular interest in practice is the group-discovering variant, which handles multiple group memberships per user. Corresponding solutions were only recently introduced, and have two major drawbacks: high bandwidth consumption (typically several kilobits per user and affiliation), and only moderate performance in scenarios of practical application.While prior protocols have O(n2) time complexity, where n denotes the number of affiliations per user, we introduce a new AHA protocol running in O(nlogn) time. In addition, the bandwidth consumed is considerably reduced. We consider these advances a major step towards deployment of privacy-preserving methods in constraint devices, like mobile phones, to which the economization of these resources is priceless

    Match Me if You Can: Matchmaking Encryption and its Applications

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    We introduce a new form of encryption that we name matchmaking encryption (ME). Using ME, sender S and receiver R (each with its own attributes) can both specify policies the other party must satisfy in order for the message to be revealed. The main security guarantee is that of privacy-preserving policy matching: During decryption nothing is leaked beyond the fact that a match occurred/did not occur. ME opens up new ways of secretly communicating, and enables several new applications where both participants can specify fine-grained access policies to encrypted data. For instance, in social matchmaking, S can encrypt a file containing his/her personal details and specify a policy so that the file can be decrypted only by his/her ideal partner. On the other end, a receiver R will be able to decrypt the file only if S corresponds to his/her ideal partner defined through a policy. On the theoretical side, we define security for ME, as well as provide generic frameworks for constructing ME from functional encryption. These constructions need to face the technical challenge of simultaneously checking the policies chosen by S and R, to avoid any leakage. On the practical side, we construct an efficient identity-based scheme for equality policies, with provable security in the random oracle model under the standard BDH assumption. We implement and evaluate our scheme and provide experimental evidence that our construction is practical. We also apply identity-based ME to a concrete use case, in particular for creating an anonymous bulletin board over a Tor network

    Introducing Accountability to Anonymity Networks

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    Many anonymous communication (AC) networks rely on routing traffic through proxy nodes to obfuscate the originator of the traffic. Without an accountability mechanism, exit proxy nodes risk sanctions by law enforcement if users commit illegal actions through the AC network. We present BackRef, a generic mechanism for AC networks that provides practical repudiation for the proxy nodes by tracing back the selected outbound traffic to the predecessor node (but not in the forward direction) through a cryptographically verifiable chain. It also provides an option for full (or partial) traceability back to the entry node or even to the corresponding user when all intermediate nodes are cooperating. Moreover, to maintain a good balance between anonymity and accountability, the protocol incorporates whitelist directories at exit proxy nodes. BackRef offers improved deployability over the related work, and introduces a novel concept of pseudonymous signatures that may be of independent interest. We exemplify the utility of BackRef by integrating it into the onion routing (OR) protocol, and examine its deployability by considering several system-level aspects. We also present the security definitions for the BackRef system (namely, anonymity, backward traceability, no forward traceability, and no false accusation) and conduct a formal security analysis of the OR protocol with BackRef using ProVerif, an automated cryptographic protocol verifier, establishing the aforementioned security properties against a strong adversarial model

    Portunus: Re-imagining access control in distributed systems

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    TLS termination, which is essential to network and security infrastructure providers, is an extremely latency sensitive operation that benefits from access to sensitive key material close to the edge. However, increasing regulatory concerns prompt customers to demand sophisticated controls on where their keys may be accessed. While traditional access-control solutions rely on a highly available centralized process to enforce access, the round-trip latency and decreased fault tolerance make this approach unappealing. Furthermore, the desired level of customer control is at odds with customizing the distribution process for each key. To solve this dilemma, we have designed and implemented Portunus, a cryptographic storage and access control system built using a variant of public-key cryptography called attribute-based encryption (ABE). Using Portunus, TLS keys are protected using ABE under a policy chosen by the customer. Each server is issued unique ABE keys based on its attributes, allowing it to decrypt only the TLS keys for which it satisfies the policy. Thus, the encrypted keys can be stored at the edge, with access control enforced passively through ABE. If a server receives a TLS connection but is not authorized to decrypt the necessary TLS key, the request is forwarded directly to the nearest authorized server, further avoiding the need for a centralized coordinator. In comparison, a trivial instantiation of this system using standard public-key cryptography might wrap each TLS key with the key of every authorized data center. This strategy, however, multiplies the storage overhead by the number of data centers. We have deployed Portunus on Cloudflare\u27s global network of over 400 data centers. Our measurements indicate that we can handle millions of requests per second globally, making it one of the largest deployments of ABE

    GPU-based Parallel Computing Models and Implementations for Two-party Privacy-preserving Protocols

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    In (two-party) privacy-preserving-based applications, two users use encrypted inputs to compute a function without giving out plaintext of their input values. Privacy-preserving computing algorithms have to utilize a large amount of computing resources to handle the encryption-decryption operations. In this dissertation, we study optimal utilization of computing resources on the graphic processor unit (GPU) architecture for privacy-preserving protocols based on secure function evaluation (SFE) and the Elliptic Curve Cryptographic (ECC) and related algorithms. A number of privacy-preserving protocols are implemented, including private set intersection (PSI), secret handshaking (SH), secure Edit distance (ED) and Smith-Waterman (SW) problems. PSI is chosen to represent ECC point multiplication related computations, SH for bilinear pairing, and the last two for SFE-based dynamic programming (DP) problems. They represent different types of computations, so that in-depth understanding of the benefits and limitations of the GPU architecture for privacy preserving protocols is gained. For SFE-based ED and SW problems, a wavefront parallel computing model on the CPU-GPU architecture under the semi-honest security model is proposed. Low level parallelization techniques for GPU-based gate (de-)garbler, synchronized parallel memory access, pipelining, and general GPU resource mapping policies are developed. This dissertation shows that the GPU architecture can be fully utilized to speed up SFE-based ED and SW algorithms, which are constructed with billions of garbled gates, on a contemporary GPU card GTX-680, with very little waste of processing cycles or memory space. For PSI and SH protocols and underlying ECC algorithms, the analysis in this research shows that the conventional Montgomery-based number system is more friendly to the GPU architecture than the Residue Number System (RNS) is. Analysis on experiment results further shows that the lazy reduction in higher extension fields can have performance benefits only when the GPU architecture has enough fast memory. The resulting Elliptic curve Arithmetic GPU Library (EAGL) can run 3350.9 R-ate (bilinear) pairing/sec, and 47000 point multiplication/sec at the 128-bit security level, on one GTX-680 card. The primary performance bottleneck is found to be lacking of advanced memory management functions in the contemporary GPU architecture for bilinear pairing operations. Substantial performance gain can be expected when the on-chip memory size and/or more advanced memory prefetching mechanisms are supported in future generations of GPUs
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