29 research outputs found

    Deformations of symmetric CMC surfaces in the 3-sphere

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    In this paper we numerically construct CMC deformations of the Lawson minimal surfaces ξg,1\xi_{g,1} using a spectral curve and a DPW approach to CMC surfaces in spaceforms.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Unitarization of monodromy representations and constant mean curvature trinoids in 3-dimensional space forms

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    We present a theorem on the unitarizability of loop group valued monodromy representations and apply this to show the existence of new families of constant mean curvature surfaces homeomorphic to a thrice-punctured sphere in the simply-connected 3-dimensional space forms R3\R^3, \bbS^3 and \bbH^3. Additionally, we compute the extended frame for any associated family of Delaunay surfaces.Comment: 18 pages, revised versio

    Bifurcating extremal domains for the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian

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    We prove the existence of a smooth family of non-compact domains OmegasRn+1Omega_s \subset R^{n+1} bifurcating from the straight cylinder Bn×RB^n \times R for which the first eigenfunction of the Laplacian with 0 Dirichlet boundary condition also has constant Neumann data at the boundary. The domains OmegasOmega_s are rotationally symmetric and periodic with respect to the R-axis of the cylinder; they are of the form Omegas=(x,t)Rn×Rx<1+scos((2π)/Tst)+O(s2)Omega_s = {(x,t) \in R^n \times R \mid |x| < 1+s \cos((2\pi)/T_s t) + O(s^2)} where Ts=T0+O(s)T_s = T_0 + O(s) and T_0 is a positive real number depending on n. For n2n \ge 2 these domains provide a smooth family of counter-examples to a conjecture of Berestycki, Caffarelli and Nirenberg. We also give rather precise upper and lower bounds for the bifurcation period T_0. This work improves a recent result of the second author.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figure