9 research outputs found


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    A multiplier is one of the key hardware blocks in most digital signal processing (DSP) systems. Typical DSP applications where a multiplier plays an important role include digital filtering, digital communications and spectral analysis (Ayman.A et al (2001)). Many current DSP applications are targeted at portable, battery-operated systems, so that power dissipation becomes one of the primary design constraints. Since multipliers are rather complex circuits and must typically operate at a high system clock rate, reducing the delay of a multiplier is an essential part of satisfying the overall design. In this project two different multipliers are designed which are array multiplier and modified dada multiplier along with the combination of truncated multiplier. The comparison is carried out using the EDA tool XILINX ISE 12.3i by developing the RTL (Register Transfer Level) using the VERILOG HDL


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    : A multiplier is one of the key hardware blocks in most digital signal processing (DSP) systems. Typical DSP applications where a multiplier plays an important role include digital filtering, digital communications and spectral analysis (Ayman.A et al (2001)). Many current DSP applications are targeted at portable, battery-operated systems, so that power dissipation becomes one of the primary design constraints. Since multipliers are rather complex circuits and must typically operate at a high system clock rate, reducing the delay of a multiplier is an essential part of satisfying the overall design. In this project a multiplier block has been designed through the algorithmic noise tolerance architectures (ANT) by using Wallace multiplier. A reliable low power multiplier design with the fixed width multiplier block through the reduced precision replica redundancy (RPR) and main block design with Wallace multiplier . The new architecture can meet the high accuracy, low power consumption and area efficiency when compared with previous multiplier circuit

    An HEVC fractional interpolation hardware using memory based constant multiplication

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    Fractional interpolation is one of the most computationally intensive parts of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) video encoder and decoder. In this paper, an HEVC fractional interpolation hardware using memory based constant multiplication is proposed. The proposed hardware uses memory based constant multiplication technique for implementing multiplication with constant coefficients. The proposed memory based constant multiplication hardware stores pre-computed products of an input pixel with multiple constant coefficients in memory. Several optimizations are proposed to reduce memory size. The proposed HEVC fractional interpolation hardware, in the worst case, can process 35 quad full HD (3840Ă—2160) video frames per second. It has up to 31% less energy consumption than original HEVC fractional interpolation hardware

    Optimization of band-limited DSP-aided 25 and 50 Gbps PON using 10G-class DML and APD

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    The increasing demand for network capacity is driving the development of next-generation high-speed Passive Optical Networks (PON) supporting 25 and 50 Gbps. One solution to reduce transceiver cost is reusing the 10G-class optical transmitter (including Directly Modulated Lasers, DML, in O-band) and receiver components in combination with Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques to compensate for bandwidth limitations. In this paper, by means of both a set of laboratory experiments and a metropolitan field demonstrator, we discuss practical PON solutions at 25 and 50 Gbps per wavelength and per direction. In terms of modulation formats, we compare 2-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM-2), 4-level PAM (PAM-4) and electrical duobinary (EDB) modulation formats, with feed-forward (FFE) and decision-feedback (DFE) adaptive equalizer at the receiver side. The novelty of our paper is manifold. First, we present an optimization in terms of optical receiver band requirements for the 50 Gbps transmission.We show, by means of experimental measurements and numerical simulations, the minimum required bandwidth for DML laser and APD receiver (with appropriate DSP techniques) to realize next generation 25 and 50 Gbps PON transceivers. Second, we discuss also the upstream point of view, with a specific focus on DSP, and in particular, we propose an experimental solution based on a burst mode receiver with memory-aided DSP technique, together with a novel DSP approach to overcome the typical AC coupling distortion due to the burst mode scenario. Finally, we show a coexistence experiment between XGS-PON and 25 Gbps PON on an installed metropolitan field trial

    High performance HEVC and FVC video compression hardware designs

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    High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is the current state-of-the-art video compression standard developed by Joint collaborative team on video coding (JCT-VC). HEVC has 50% better compression efficiency than H.264 which is the previous video compression standard. HEVC achieves this video compression efficiency by significantly increasing the computational complexity. Therefore, in this thesis, we proposed a low complexity HEVC sub-pixel motion estimation (SPME) technique for SPME in HEVC encoder. We designed and implemented a high performance HEVC SPME hardware implementing the proposed technique. We also designed and implemented an HEVC fractional interpolation hardware using memory based constant multiplication technique for both HEVC encoder and decoder. Future Video Coding (FVC) is a new international video compression standard which is currently being developed by JCT-VC. FVC offers much better compression efficiency than the state-of-the-art HEVC video compression standard at the expense of much higher computational complexity. In this thesis, we designed and implemented three different high performance FVC 2D transform hardware. The proposed hardware is verified to work correctly on an FPGA board

    Efficient FPGA Architectures for Separable Filters and Logarithmic Multipliers and Automation of Fish Feature Extraction Using Gabor Filters

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    Convolution and multiplication operations in the filtering process can be optimized by minimizing the resource utilization using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) and separable filter kernels. An FPGA architecture for separable convolution is proposed to achieve reduction of on-chip resource utilization and external memory bandwidth for a given processing rate of the convolution unit. Multiplication in integer number system can be optimized in terms of resources, operation time and power consumption by converting to logarithmic domain. To achieve this, a method altering the filter weights is proposed and implemented for error reduction. The results obtained depict significant error reduction when compared to existing methods, thereby optimizing the multiplication in terms of the above mentioned metrics. Underwater video and still images are used by many programs within National Oceanic Atmospheric and Administration (NOAA) fisheries with the objective of identifying, classifying and quantifying living marine resources. They use underwater cameras to get video recording data for manual analysis. This process of manual analysis is labour intensive, time consuming and error prone. An efficient solution for this problem is proposed which uses Gabor filters for feature extraction. The proposed method is implemented to identify two species of fish namely Epinephelus morio and Ocyurus chrysurus. The results show higher rate of detection with minimal rate of false alarms

    Towards Higher Speed Next Generation Passive Optical Networks

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    Project and development of hardware accelerators for fast computing in multimedia processing

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    2017 - 2018The main aim of the present research work is to project and develop very large scale electronic integrated circuits, with particular attention to the ones devoted to image processing applications and the related topics. In particular, the candidate has mainly investigated four topics, detailed in the following. First, the candidate has developed a novel multiplier circuit capable of obtaining floating point (FP32) results, given as inputs an integer value from a fixed integer range and a set of fixed point (FI) values. The result has been accomplished exploiting a series of theorems and results on a number theory problem, known as Bachet’s problem, which allows the development of a new Distributed Arithmetic (DA) based on 3’s partitions. This kind of application results very fit for filtering applications working on an integer fixed input range, such in image processing applications, in which the pixels are coded on 8 bits per channel. In fact, in these applications the main problem is related to the high area and power consumption due to the presence of many Multiply and Accumulate (MAC) units, also compromising real-time requirements due to the complexity of FP32 operations. For these reasons, FI implementations are usually preferred, at the cost of lower accuracies. The results for the single multiplier and for a filter of dimensions 3x3 show respectively delay of 2.456 ns and 4.7 ns on FPGA platform and 2.18 ns and 4.426 ns on 90nm std_cell TSMC 90 nm implementation. Comparisons with state-of-the-art FP32 multipliers show a speed increase of up to 94.7% and an area reduction of 69.3% on FPGA platform. ... [edited by Author]XXXI cicl