69 research outputs found

    Convolutional Dictionary Learning through Tensor Factorization

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    Tensor methods have emerged as a powerful paradigm for consistent learning of many latent variable models such as topic models, independent component analysis and dictionary learning. Model parameters are estimated via CP decomposition of the observed higher order input moments. However, in many domains, additional invariances such as shift invariances exist, enforced via models such as convolutional dictionary learning. In this paper, we develop novel tensor decomposition algorithms for parameter estimation of convolutional models. Our algorithm is based on the popular alternating least squares method, but with efficient projections onto the space of stacked circulant matrices. Our method is embarrassingly parallel and consists of simple operations such as fast Fourier transforms and matrix multiplications. Our algorithm converges to the dictionary much faster and more accurately compared to the alternating minimization over filters and activation maps

    1\ell_1-K-SVD: A Robust Dictionary Learning Algorithm With Simultaneous Update

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    We develop a dictionary learning algorithm by minimizing the 1\ell_1 distortion metric on the data term, which is known to be robust for non-Gaussian noise contamination. The proposed algorithm exploits the idea of iterative minimization of weighted 2\ell_2 error. We refer to this algorithm as 1\ell_1-K-SVD, where the dictionary atoms and the corresponding sparse coefficients are simultaneously updated to minimize the 1\ell_1 objective, resulting in noise-robustness. We demonstrate through experiments that the 1\ell_1-K-SVD algorithm results in higher atom recovery rate compared with the K-SVD and the robust dictionary learning (RDL) algorithm proposed by Lu et al., both in Gaussian and non-Gaussian noise conditions. We also show that, for fixed values of sparsity, number of dictionary atoms, and data-dimension, the 1\ell_1-K-SVD algorithm outperforms the K-SVD and RDL algorithms when the training set available is small. We apply the proposed algorithm for denoising natural images corrupted by additive Gaussian and Laplacian noise. The images denoised using 1\ell_1-K-SVD are observed to have slightly higher peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) over K-SVD for Laplacian noise, but the improvement in structural similarity index (SSIM) is significant (approximately 0.10.1) for lower values of input PSNR, indicating the efficacy of the 1\ell_1 metric

    New Guarantees for Blind Compressed Sensing

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    Blind Compressed Sensing (BCS) is an extension of Compressed Sensing (CS) where the optimal sparsifying dictionary is assumed to be unknown and subject to estimation (in addition to the CS sparse coefficients). Since the emergence of BCS, dictionary learning, a.k.a. sparse coding, has been studied as a matrix factorization problem where its sample complexity, uniqueness and identifiability have been addressed thoroughly. However, in spite of the strong connections between BCS and sparse coding, recent results from the sparse coding problem area have not been exploited within the context of BCS. In particular, prior BCS efforts have focused on learning constrained and complete dictionaries that limit the scope and utility of these efforts. In this paper, we develop new theoretical bounds for perfect recovery for the general unconstrained BCS problem. These unconstrained BCS bounds cover the case of overcomplete dictionaries, and hence, they go well beyond the existing BCS theory. Our perfect recovery results integrate the combinatorial theories of sparse coding with some of the recent results from low-rank matrix recovery. In particular, we propose an efficient CS measurement scheme that results in practical recovery bounds for BCS. Moreover, we discuss the performance of BCS under polynomial-time sparse coding algorithms.Comment: To appear in the 53rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, 201

    Sparse Matrix Factorization

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    We investigate the problem of factorizing a matrix into several sparse matrices and propose an algorithm for this under randomness and sparsity assumptions. This problem can be viewed as a simplification of the deep learning problem where finding a factorization corresponds to finding edges in different layers and values of hidden units. We prove that under certain assumptions for a sparse linear deep network with nn nodes in each layer, our algorithm is able to recover the structure of the network and values of top layer hidden units for depths up to O~(n1/6)\tilde O(n^{1/6}). We further discuss the relation among sparse matrix factorization, deep learning, sparse recovery and dictionary learning.Comment: 20 page

    Multi-modal dictionary learning for image separation with application in art investigation

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    In support of art investigation, we propose a new source separation method that unmixes a single X-ray scan acquired from double-sided paintings. In this problem, the X-ray signals to be separated have similar morphological characteristics, which brings previous source separation methods to their limits. Our solution is to use photographs taken from the front and back-side of the panel to drive the separation process. The crux of our approach relies on the coupling of the two imaging modalities (photographs and X-rays) using a novel coupled dictionary learning framework able to capture both common and disparate features across the modalities using parsimonious representations; the common component models features shared by the multi-modal images, whereas the innovation component captures modality-specific information. As such, our model enables the formulation of appropriately regularized convex optimization procedures that lead to the accurate separation of the X-rays. Our dictionary learning framework can be tailored both to a single- and a multi-scale framework, with the latter leading to a significant performance improvement. Moreover, to improve further on the visual quality of the separated images, we propose to train coupled dictionaries that ignore certain parts of the painting corresponding to craquelure. Experimentation on synthetic and real data - taken from digital acquisition of the Ghent Altarpiece (1432) - confirms the superiority of our method against the state-of-the-art morphological component analysis technique that uses either fixed or trained dictionaries to perform image separation.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Images Processin