283 research outputs found

    Naturalistic Emotional Speech Corpora with Large Scale Emotional Dimension Ratings

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    The investigation of the emotional dimensions of speech is dependent on large sets of reliable data. Existing work has been carried out on the creation of emotional speech corpora and the acoustic analysis of emotional speech and this research seeks to buildupon this work while suggesting new methods and areas of potential. A review of the literature determined that a two dimensional emotional model of activation and evaluation was the ideal method for representing the emotional states expressed inspeech. Two case studies were carried out to investigate methods of obtaining naturalunderlying emotional speech in a high quality audio environment, the results of which were used to design a final experimental procedure to elicit natural underlying emotional speech. The speech obtained in this experiment was used in the creation ofa speech corpus that was underpinned by a persistent backend database that incorporated a three-tiered annotation methodology. This methodology was used to comprehensively annotate the metadata, acoustic data and emotional data of the recorded speech. Structuring the three levels of annotation and the assets in a persistent backend database allowed interactive web-based tools to be developed; aweb-based listening tool was developed to obtain a large amount of ratings for the assets that were then written back to the database for analysis. Once a large amount of ratings had been obtained, statistical analysis was used to determine the dimensionalrating for each asset. Acoustic analysis of the underlying emotional speech was then carried out and determined that certain acoustic parameters were correlated with the activation dimension of the dimensional model. This substantiated some of thefindings in the literature review and further determined that spectral energy was strongly correlated with the activation dimension in relation to underlying emotional speech. The lack of a correlation for certain acoustic parameters in relation to the evaluation dimension was also determined, again substantiating some of the findings in the literature.The work contained in this thesis makes a number of contributions to the field: the development of an experimental design to elicit natural underlying emotional speech in a high quality audio environment; the development and implementation of acomprehensive three-tiered corpus annotation methodology; the development and implementation of large scale web based listening tests to rate the emotional dimensions of emotional speech; the determination that certain acoustic parameters are correlated with the activation dimension of a dimensional emotional model inrelation to natural underlying emotional speech and the determination that certain acoustic parameters are not correlated with the evaluation dimension of a twodimensional emotional model in relation to natural underlying emotional speech

    Hateful Contraries: Studies in Literature and Criticism

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    These ten essays, written over a period from 1950 to 1962, are bound together by their common concern with questions of the meaning of criticism and the larger meaning of literature itself. These difficult questions W.K. Wimsatt treats with characteristic wit and penetration, ranging easily from a broad consideration of principles to incisive comment on individual writers and works. The first part of the book is devoted to a discussion of literary theory. Wimsatt reviews the development of critical dialectic from the German romanticism of Schelling and the Schlegels to the mythopeic bravura of Northrop Frye. Himself a classical ironist, he nevertheless exposes here some of the extravagances of the ironic principle as flourished by the systematic Prometheans. The second and third parts contain essays on more particular topics: the meaning of “symbolism,” Aristotle’s doctrines of the tragic plot and catharsis, the theory of comic laughter, and the objective reading of English meters. Here too are extended comment on particular writers—a study of the imagination of James Boswell, an analysis of the comedy of T. S. Eliot in The Cocktail Party, and a contrast in the handling of similar themes by Tennyson and Eliot. The fourth part is a comprehensive statement of the demands and opportunities confronting the critic in his or her role as teacher. W. K. Wimsatt (1907–1975) was professor of English at Yale University and author of several literary critcisms, including Verbal Icon: Studies in the Meaning of Poetry. A monumental work. —Literary Half-Yearly A rich storehouse of judgment, analysis, and demonstration. —Renascence A first-rate book of criticism. —Times Literary Supplementhttps://uknowledge.uky.edu/upk_comparative_literature/1008/thumbnail.jp

    Emotion recognition is impaired across modalities in manifest Huntington’s disease

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    Aims There is increasing interest in the nature of the emotion recognition deficit in Huntington’s disease (HD) with conflicting reports of disproportionate impairments for some emotions in some modalities. This review aimed to clarify the pattern of emotion recognition deficits in HD. Methods A systematic review and narrative synthesis was conducted for studies investigating emotion recognition in Huntington’s disease. Embase, MEDLINE, PsychINFO and PubMed were searched from 1993 to 2010, and citation and reference list searches were also conducted. 1724 citations were identified. Results Sixteen studies met inclusion criteria. In manifest HD recognition of facial anger was found most consistently, although recognition of all negative emotions (facial and vocal) tended to be impaired. In premanifest HD impairments were inconsistent, but are seen in all facial expressions of negative emotion. Inconsistency may represent the variability inherent in HD although may also be due to between-study differences in methodology. Conclusions Current evidence supports the conclusion that recognition of all negative emotions tends to be impaired in HD, particularly in the facial domain. Future work should focus on using more ecologically-valid tests, and testing inter-modality differences

    Proceedings of the VIIth GSCP International Conference

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    The 7th International Conference of the Gruppo di Studi sulla Comunicazione Parlata, dedicated to the memory of Claire Blanche-Benveniste, chose as its main theme Speech and Corpora. The wide international origin of the 235 authors from 21 countries and 95 institutions led to papers on many different languages. The 89 papers of this volume reflect the themes of the conference: spoken corpora compilation and annotation, with the technological connected fields; the relation between prosody and pragmatics; speech pathologies; and different papers on phonetics, speech and linguistic analysis, pragmatics and sociolinguistics. Many papers are also dedicated to speech and second language studies. The online publication with FUP allows direct access to sound and video linked to papers (when downloaded)

    Automatic Recognition and Generation of Affective Movements

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    Body movements are an important non-verbal communication medium through which affective states of the demonstrator can be discerned. For machines, the capability to recognize affective expressions of their users and generate appropriate actuated responses with recognizable affective content has the potential to improve their life-like attributes and to create an engaging, entertaining, and empathic human-machine interaction. This thesis develops approaches to systematically identify movement features most salient to affective expressions and to exploit these features to design computational models for automatic recognition and generation of affective movements. The proposed approaches enable 1) identifying which features of movement convey affective expressions, 2) the automatic recognition of affective expressions from movements, 3) understanding the impact of kinematic embodiment on the perception of affective movements, and 4) adapting pre-defined motion paths in order to "overlay" specific affective content. Statistical learning and stochastic modeling approaches are leveraged, extended, and adapted to derive a concise representation of the movements that isolates movement features salient to affective expressions and enables efficient and accurate affective movement recognition and generation. In particular, the thesis presents two new approaches to fixed-length affective movement representation based on 1) functional feature transformation, and 2) stochastic feature transformation (Fisher scores). The resulting representations are then exploited for recognition of affective expressions in movements and for salient movement feature identification. For functional representation, the thesis adapts dimensionality reduction techniques (namely, principal component analysis (PCA), Fisher discriminant analysis, Isomap) for functional datasets and applies the resulting reduction techniques to extract a minimal set of features along which affect-specific movements are best separable. Furthermore, the centroids of affect-specific clusters of movements in the resulting functional PCA subspace along with the inverse mapping of functional PCA are used to generate prototypical movements for each affective expression. The functional discriminative modeling is however limited to cases where affect-specific movements also have similar kinematic trajectories and does not address the interpersonal and stochastic variations inherent to bodily expression of affect. To account for these variations, the thesis presents a novel affective movement representation in terms of stochastically-transformed features referred to as Fisher scores. The Fisher scores are derived from affect-specific hidden Markov model encoding of the movements and exploited to discriminate between different affective expressions using a support vector machine (SVM) classification. Furthermore, the thesis presents a new approach for systematic identification of a minimal set of movement features most salient to discriminating between different affective expressions. The salient features are identified by mapping Fisher scores to a low-dimensional subspace where dependencies between the movements and their affective labels are maximized. This is done by maximizing Hilbert Schmidt independence criterion between the Fisher score representation of movements and their affective labels. The resulting subspace forms a suitable basis for affective movement recognition using nearest neighbour classification and retains the high recognition rates achieved by SVM classification in the Fisher score space. The dimensions of the subspace form a minimal set of salient features and are used to explore the movement kinematic and dynamic cues that connote affective expressions. Furthermore, the thesis proposes the use of movement notation systems from the dance community (specifically, the Laban system) for abstract coding and computational analysis of movement. A quantification approach for Laban Effort and Shape is proposed and used to develop a new computational model for affective movement generation. Using the Laban Effort and Shape components, the proposed generation approach searches a labeled dataset for movements that are kinematically similar to a desired motion path and convey a target emotion. A hidden Markov model of the identified movements is obtained and used with the desired motion path in the Viterbi state estimation. The estimated state sequence is then used to generate a novel movement that is a version of the desired motion path, modulated to convey the target emotion. Various affective human movement corpora are used to evaluate and demonstrate the efficacy of the developed approaches for the automatic recognition and generation of affective expressions in movements. Finally, the thesis assesses the human perception of affective movements and the impact of display embodiment and the observer's gender on the affective movement perception via user studies in which participants rate the expressivity of synthetically-generated and human-generated affective movements animated on anthropomorphic and non-anthropomorphic embodiments. The user studies show that the human perception of affective movements is mainly shaped by intended emotions, and that the display embodiment and the observer's gender can significantly impact the perception of affective movements

    Writing Emotions: Theoretical Concepts and Selected Case Studies in Literature

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    After a long period of neglect, emotions have become an important topic within literary studies. This collection of essays stresses the complex link between aesthetic and non-aesthetic emotional components and discusses emotional patterns by focusing on the practice of writing as well as on the impact of such patterns on receptive processes. Readers interested in the topic will be presented with a concept of aesthetic emotions as formative both within the writing and the reading process. Essays, ranging in focus from the beginning of modern drama to digital formats and theoretical questions, examine examples from English, German, French, Russian and American literature

    Computer-Mediated Communication in Malaysia

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    Master'sMASTER OF ART

    Writing Emotions

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    After a long period of neglect, emotions have become an important topic within literary studies. This collection of essays stresses the complex link between aesthetic and non-aesthetic emotional components. Against this background, emotional patterns are discussed by focusing on the practice of writing as well as on the impact of emotional patterns on receptive processes. Readers will be confronted with a concept of aesthetic emotions as formative both within the writing and the reading process. Essays, ranging in matter from the beginning of modern drama to digital formats and theoretical questions, discuss examples from English, German, French, Russian and American literature

    Semantic Prosody: A Critical Evaluation

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    Semantic Prosody is the first full-length treatment of semantic prosody, a concept akin to connotation but which connects crucially with typical lexical environment. For example, it has been claimed that the adverb 'utterly' is characterised by an unfavourable semantic prosody on account of its habitual co-occurrence with words denoting unfavourable states of affairs such as 'ridiculous', 'disgraceful' and 'miserable'. Primarily for this reason, semantic prosody has emerged almost exclusively within the field of corpus linguistics. However, the overall picture is complex, and this book offers a much-needed review of how semantic prosody has been described and approached in contributions on the subject, as well as a critical analysis of those contributions and a number of case studies. It discusses the relevance of the theory of priming in this area, and whether semantic prosody has cogency as a theoretical concept. Lastly, it points the way for future research. Since work on semantic prosody so far has been occasional, brief, and distributed across a range of monographs, articles and conference papers, this book, which does not assume previous knowledge of the subject, will constitute a fundamental work of reference for scholars, teachers and students alike. At the same time, Semantic Prosodygoes beyond the central topic of the work, with wide-reaching implications for both corpus linguistics and linguistics overall. In this sense the concept of semantic prosody is used as a springboard for investigations into issues of vital importance for corpus studies such as the structuring and presentation of text in a corpus, the varying methodologies adopted by analysts to approach and interpret corpus data, as well as broader issues such as the role of intuition, introspection and elicitation in empirical language studies