47 research outputs found

    Neuromechanical response of the upper body to unexpected perturbations during gait initiation in young and older adults

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    Background: Control of upper body motion deteriorates with ageing leading to impaired ability to preserve balance during gait, but little is known on the contribution of the upper body to preserve balance in response to unexpected perturbations during locomotor transitions, such as gait initiation. Aim: To investigate differences between young and older adults in the ability to modify the trunk kinematics and muscle activity following unexpected waist lateral perturbations during gait initiation. Methods: Ten young (25 ± 2 years) and ten older adults (73 ± 5 years) initiated locomotion from stance while a lateral pull was randomly applied to the pelvis. Two force plates were used to define the feet centre-of-pressure displacement. Angular displacement of the trunk in the frontal plane was obtained through motion analysis. Surface electromyography of cervical and thoracic erector spinae muscles was recorded bilaterally. Results: A lower trunk lateral bending towards the stance leg side in the preparatory phase of gait initiation was observed in older participants following perturbation. Right thoracic muscle activity was increased in response to the perturbation during the initial phase of gait initiation in young (+ 68%) but not in older participants (+ 7%). Conclusions: The age-related reduction in trunk movement could indicate a more rigid behaviour of the upper body employed by older compared to young individuals in response to unexpected perturbations preceding the initiation of stepping. Older adults’ delayed activation of thoracic muscles could suggest impaired reactive mechanisms that may potentially lead to a fall in the early stages of the gait initiation

    Development of a Neuromechanical Model for Investigating Sensorimotor Interactions During Locomotion

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    Recently it has been suggested that the use of neuromechanical simulations could be used to further our understanding of the neural control mechanisms involved in the control of animal locomotion. The models used to carry out these neuromechanical simulations typically consist of a representation of the neural control systems involved in walking and a representation of the mechanical locomotor apparatus. These separate models are then integrated to produce motion of the locomotor apparatus based on signals that are generated by the neural control models. Typically in past neuromechanical simulations of human walking the parameters of the neural control model have been specifically chosen to produce a walking pattern that resembles the normal human walking pattern as closely as possible. Relatively few of these studies have systematically tested the effect of manipulating the control parameters on the walking pattern that is produced by the locomotor apparatus. The goal of this thesis was to develop models of the locomotor control system and the human locomotor apparatus and systematically manipulate several parameters of the neural control system and determine what effects these parameters would have on the walking pattern of the mechanical model. Specifically neural control models were created of the Central Pattern Generator (CPG), feedback mechanisms from muscle spindles and contact sensors that detect when the foot was contact with the ground. Two models of the human locomotor apparatus were used to evaluate the outputs of the neural control systems; the first was a rod pendulum, which represented a swinging lower-limb, while the second was a 5-segment biped model, which included contact dynamics with the ground and a support system model to maintain balance. The first study of this thesis tested the ability of a CPG model to control the frequency and amplitude of the pendulum model of the lower-limb, with a strictly feedforward control mechanism. It was found that the frequency of the pendulum’s motion was directly linked (or entrained) to the frequency of the CPG’s output. It was also found that the amplitude of the pendulum’s motion was affected by the frequency of the CPG’s output, with the greatest amplitude of motion occurring when the frequency of the CPG matched the pendulum’s natural frequency. The effects of altering several other parameters of the pendulum model, such as the initial angle, the magnitude of the applied viscous damping or the moment arms of the muscles, were also analyzed. The second study again used the pendulum model, and added feedback to the neural control model, via output from simulated muscle spindles. The output from these spindle models was used to trigger a simulated stretch reflex. It was found that the addition of feedback led to sensory entrainment of the CPG output to the natural frequency of the pendulum. The effects of altering the muscle spindle’s sensitivity to length and velocity changes were also examined. The ability of this type of feedback system to respond to mechanical perturbations was also analyzed. The third and fourth studies used a biped model of the musculoskeletal system to assess the effects of altering the parameters of the neural control systems that were developed in the first two studies. In the third study, the neural control system consisted only of feedforward control from the CPG model. It was found that the walking speed of the biped model could be controlled by altering the frequency of the CPG’s output. It was also observed that variability of the walking pattern was decreased when there was a moderate level of inhibition between the CPGs of the left and right hip joints. The final study added feedback from muscle receptors and from contact sensors with the ground. It was found that the most important source of feedback was from the contact sensors to the extensor centres of the CPG. This feedback increased the level of extensor activity and produced significantly faster walking speeds when compared to other types of feedback. This thesis was successful in testing the effects of several control parameters of the neural control system on the movement of mechanical systems. Particularly important findings included the importance of connectivity between the CPGs of the left and right hip joints and positive feedback regarding the loading of the limb for establishing an appropriate forward walking speed. It is hoped that the models developed in this thesis can form the basis of future neuromechanical models and that the simulations carried out in this thesis help provide a better understanding of the interactions between neural and mechanical systems during the control of locomotion

    Age related changes in the mechanisms contributing to head stabilisation, and whole body stability during steady state gait and gait initiation

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    Head stabilisation during gait related tasks is thought to be fundamental to whole body stability, but this has received little attention in the older population. There is a need to examine any age related changes in neuromechanical mechanisms underpinning head stabilisation that may challenge the control of head stability, and consequently whole body stability. The present Thesis examined the mechanisms contributing to head stabilisation, and whole body stability during two gait tasks, steady state gait and gait initiation in young and older females, with the overall aim of contributing to negating fall risk. Four studies were designed to examine a) head position and walking speed on gait stability during steady state gait; b) neuromechanical mechanisms underpinning head stabilisation during gait initiation; c) head position on whole body stability during gait initiation; and d) head stabilisation during gait initiation at different speeds. Results showed that a) gait stability, was unaffected by head position and different walking speeds during steady state gait, b) decreased head stability in older individuals during gait initiation can be attributed to a deterioration of the neuromechanical mechanisms relating to head stability, c) free head movement during gait initiation does not affect head stabilisation or whole body stability but it does affect gait parameters, while d) initiating gait at faster than comfortable speeds compromises head stabilisation and reduces whole body stability in older individuals. Collectively, these results demonstrate that older individuals adopt an increased head flexion position when walking, while impaired head stability can be attributed to deterioration of the function of their neuromechanical mechanisms compared to their younger counterparts during gait tasks at comfortable speeds. These findings provide an understanding of the effect head stabilisation can have on older adults’ gait and on their fall risk during gait and gait initiation


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    Visual perturbations can be used to study balance control and balance deficits due to their ability to elicit corrective motor responses. Advanced age increases the reliance on visual feedback for motor planning and execution. Because older adults are more susceptible to these perturbations than young adults, they may represent a promising diagnostic tool for age-associated falls risk. In both studies summarized in this thesis, I used a custom virtual reality environment to apply visual perturbations during treadmill walking. The purpose of my first study was to investigate the propensity for visuomotor adaptation in walking balance control using prolonged exposure to visual perturbations. My second study aimed investigated the effects of age and falls history on leg muscle activity during walking with and without visual perturbations. Ultimately, this research will lead to the development of more effective approaches to diagnosing and mitigating the high risk of falls in our aging population.Master of Scienc

    Changes in movement control and coordination with increasing skill in females and males

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    In comparisons between the sexes on movement tasks, performance outcome is emphasised with little focus upon the coordination process that underpins this. Motor skills develop through practice; differences between the sexes may therefore reflect differences in the volume of experience with a task. The first study compared groups with increasing surfing experience performing a drop-landing. Sex differences in joint angle measures were accounted for at least in part by experience. Study two investigated whether females and males achieve similar improvement from an equal volume of practice using a slalom-skiing simulator task. Over five days of practice there were no differences in rate of learning for any measure. Performance differences in some cases were attributable to anthropometric differences between the sexes that interacted with the task apparatus. Most importantly, frequency for both sexes moved towards their calculated optimal, given the task constraint meaning performance was comparable. Overall males and females showed similar initial and final performance outcomes and achieved similar gains from an equal volume of practice. The basis of coordinative structure is the coupling and correlation between elements in the motor system. Principal component analysis (PCA) can quantify these relations. A recently developed technique in PCA incorporating overall coherence was applied to kinematic and EMG signals to provide further insight into the changes in coordination that occurred with practice. There were no differences between the male and female performers again supporting the idea that with equal practice, performance is similar despite any differences in anthropometrics. Whole body movement on the skiing-simulator could be defined in a low dimensional space that was further reduced over the course of practice. Previous studies had failed to show this; hidden structure was best revealed when PCA incorporating correlation in the frequency domain was employed

    Towards understanding of climbing, tip-over prevention and self-righting behaviors in Hexapoda

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    Die vorliegende Dissertation mit dem Titel “Towards understanding of climbing, tip-over prevention and self-righting behaviors in Hexapoda” untersucht in drei Studien exemplarisch, wie (i) Wüstenameisen ihre Beine einsetzen um An- und Abstiege zu überwinden, wie (ii) Wüsten- und Waldameisen ein Umkippen an steilen Anstiegen vermeiden, und wie sich (iii) Madagaskar-Fauchschaben, Amerikanische Großschaben und Blaberus discoidalis Audinet-Servill, 1839 aus Rückenlagen drehen und aufrichten. Neuartige biomechanischen Beschreibungen umfassen unter anderem: Impuls- und Kraftwirkungen einzelner Ameisenbeine auf den Untergrund beim Bergauf- und Bergabklettern, Kippmomente bei kletternden Ameisen, Energiegebirge-Modelle (energy landscapes) zur Quantifizierung der Körperform für die funktionelle Beschreibung des Umdrehens aus der Rückenlage