1 research outputs found

    Neurodid谩ctica e innovaci贸n curricular en contextos formativos del sistema de responsabilidad penal para adolescentes en Manizales

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    La presente investigaci贸n tuvo como prop贸sito general, plantear estrategias educativas fundamentadas en la neurodid谩ctica, que contribuyan a la innovaci贸n curricular y al fortalecimiento de los procesos de inclusi贸n y atenci贸n a la diversidad de los j贸venes del Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal para Adolescentes en la Fundaci贸n Semillas de Amor, del municipio de Manizales, tomando como fundamento teor铆as que propugnan por un cambio en el paradigma de ense帽anza, relacionan aprendizaje y pedagog铆a e introducen la metacognici贸n como una forma de comprender las habilidades y capacidades del educando, sus problemas y necesidades, apoyadas en la neurodid谩ctica, como alternativa que brinda m煤ltiples posibilidades de cambio y transformaci贸n en estrategias de ense帽anza, disciplinas, curr铆culo, preparaci贸n docente y organizaci贸n pedag贸gica complementada con la diversidad y la inclusi贸n educativa, como referentes para comprender todas las realidades de los estudiantes. Para conciliar lo te贸rico con la situaci贸n contextual se abord贸 una metodolog铆a cualitativa y un paradigma hermen茅utico descriptivo, que permiti贸 entender e interpretar las condiciones de educabilidad, a partir de la informaci贸n obtenida en el grupo focal, las t茅cnicas de observaci贸n y revisi贸n documental, recogiendo pensamientos, experiencias y vivencias de la poblaci贸n participante, mediante un procedimiento de tres etapas: diagn贸stica, de an谩lisis e interpretaci贸n y activa, con el fin de aplicar la entrevista y construir los resultados del proceso investigativo. Entre las conclusiones m谩s relevantes, identificaron dificultades de aprendizaje en los jovenes, falta de innovaci贸n did谩ctica y pedag贸gica, problemas personales, familiares y sociales, condiciones de marginalidad y vulnerabilidad, que requieren atenci贸n educativa integral mediante estrategias innovadoras que mejoren su aprendizaje y motivaci贸n hacia la formaci贸n. Palabras claveThe present research had the general purpose of proposing educational strategies based on neurodidactics, which contribute to curricular innovation and strengthening the processes of inclusion and attention to the diversity of young people and adolescents of the criminal responsibility system for adolescents in the Seeds of love Foundation, from the municipality of Manizales, based on theories that advocate a change in teaching paradigms, relate learning and pedagogy, and introduce metacognition as a way of understanding the skills and capacities of the learner, their problems and needs, supported by neurodidactics, which enables multiple possibilities for change and transformation in teaching strategies, disciplines, curriculum, teacher preparation, pedagogical and curricular organization, complemented with educational diversity and inclusion, as references to understand all the realities of students. To reconcile the theoretical with the contextual situation, a qualitative methodology and descriptive hermeneutical paradigm were approached, which allowed understanding and interpreting the educability conditions, from the focus group, observation and documentary review, collecting thoughts, experiences and experiences of the participating population, through a three-stage procedure: diagnostic, analysis and interpretation, and active, in order to apply the interview and construct the results of the investigative process. Among the most relevant conclusions, it was found that young people present learning difficulties, lack of didactic and pedagogical innovation, personal, family and social problems, marginality and vulnerability conditions, which require comprehensive educational attention through innovative strategies that improve their learning and motivation towards training.Maestr铆aMag铆ster en Ciencias de la Educaci贸