2 research outputs found

    Evolving connectionist systems: Characterisation, simplification, formalisation, explanation and optimisation

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    There are several well-known problems with conventional artificial neural networks (ANN), such as difficulties with selecting the structure of the network, and problems with forgetting previously-learned knowledge after further training. Constructive neural network algorithms attempt to solve these problems, but in turn have problems of their own. The Evolving Connectionist System (ECoS) is a class of open architecture artificial neural networks that are similar in the way in which neurons are added to their structures, and in the way in which their connection weights are modified. The ECoS algorithm is intended to address the problems with constructive neural networks. Several problems with ECoS are identified and discussed in this thesis. These problems are: the lack of comparison of ECoS with constructive neural networks; the excessive complexity of the Evolving Fuzzy Neural Network (EFuNN), which is the seminal ECoS network: the lack of a testable formalisation of ECoS; the dependence on fuzzy logic elements embedded within the network for fuzzy rule extraction; and the lack of methods for optimising ECoS networks. The research in this thesis addresses these problems. The overall theme of the research can be summarised as the characterisation, simplification, formalisation, explanation and optimisation of ECoS. Characterisation in this thesis means the comparison of ECoS with existing constructive ANN. Simplification means reducing the network to a minimalist implementation. Formalisation means the creation of a testable predictive model of ECoS training. Explanation means explaining ECoS networks via the extraction of fuzzy rules. Finally, optimisation means creating ECoS networks that have a minimum number of neurons with maximum accuracy. Each of these themes is approached in ways that build upon, and are complementary to, the basic ECoS network and ECoS training algorithm. The basic ECoS structure and algorithm is left unchanged, and the problems are addressed by extending that structure, rather than altering it as has been done in other work on EcoS. The principal contributions of this thesis are: a qualitative comparison of ECoS to constructive neural network algorithms; a proposed simplified version of EFuNN called SECoS; an experimentally tested formalisation of ECoS: novel algorithms for explicating SECoS via the extraction of fuzzy rules; and several novel algorithms for the optimisation of ECoS networks. The formalisation of ECoS and the proposed algorithms are evaluated on data from a set of standard benchmarking problems. Further experiments are performed with a data set with real-world applications, namely the recognition of isolated New Zealand English phonemes. The analyses of the experimental results show that the proposed algorithms are effective across both the benchmark data sets and the case study data set.UnpublishedAbraham, A. (2002). Optimization of evolutionary neural networks using hybrid learning algorithms. In Proceedings of IJCNN 2002, pages 2797-2802. Abreu, A. and Pinto-Ferreira, L. C. (1996). Fuzzy modeling: a rule based approach. In Proceedings of the fifth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 162-168. Aguiler, J. and Colmenares, A. (1997). Recognition algorithm using evolutionary learning on the random neural network. In Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, volume 2, pages 1023-1028. IEEE Press. Alander, J. T. (1993). On robot navigation using a genetic algorithm. In Albrecht, R., Reeves, C., and Steele, N., editors, Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms, pages 471-478. Alpaydin, E. (1994). GAL: Networks that grow when they learn and shrink when they forget. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 8(1):391-414. Anderson, E. (1935). The irises of the gaspe peninsula. Bulletin of the American Iris Society, 59. Anderson, S., Merrill, J., and Port, R. (1988). Dynamic speech categorization with recurrent networks. In Touretzky, D., Hinton, G., and Sejnowski, T., editors, Proceedings of the 1988 Connectionist Models Summer School, pages 398-396. Morgan Kaufmann. Andreassen, H., Bohr, H., Bohr, J., Brunak, S., Bugge, T., Cotterill, R., Jacobsen, C., Kusk, P., Lautrup, B., Petersen, S., Saermark, T., and Ulrich, K. (1990). Analysis of the secondary structure of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) proteins p17, gp120, and gp41 by computer modeling based on neural networks methods. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 3:615-622. Andrews, R., Diederich, J., and Tickle, A. B. (1995). Survey and critique of techniques for extracting rules from trained artificial neural networks. Knowledge-Based Systems, 8(6):373-389. Andrews, R. and Geva, S. (1997). Refining expert knowledge with an artificial neural network. In Kasabov, N., Kozma, R., Ko, K., S'Shea, R., Coghill, G., and Gedeon, T., editors, Progress in Connectionist-Based Information Systems, volume 2, pages 847-850. Springer. Angeline, P. K., Saunders, G. M., and Pollack, J. B. (1994). An evolutionary algorithm that constructs recurrent neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 5(1):54-65. Antonisse, J. (1989). A new interpretation of schema notation that overturns the binary encoding constraint. In Schaffer, J., editor, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, pages 86-91. Arena, P., Caponetto, R., Fortuna, L., and Xibilia, M. G. (1993). M.L.P. optimal topology via genetic algorithms. In Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms, pages 670-674. Springer-Verlag Wien New York. Ash, T. (1989). Dynamic node creation in backpropagation networks. Connection Science, 1(4):365-375. Baba, N., Marume, M., and Itoh, K. (1992). Utilization of stochastic automaton and genetic algorithm for neural network design. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks, volume 2, pages 837-840, Iizuka, Japan. Back, T., Hoffmeister, F., and Schwefel, H.-P. (1991). A survey of evolution strategies. In Belew, R. K. and Booker, L. B., editors, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, pages 2-9. Balakrishnan, K. and Honavar, V. (1996). Analysis of neurocontrollers designed by simulated evolution. In International Conference on Neural Networks 1996: Plenary, Panel and Special Sessions, pages 130-135. Baldi, P. and Brunak, S. (1998). Bioinformatics: The Machine Learning Approach. MIT Press. Bebis, G., Georgiopoulos, and Kasparis, T. (1996). Coupling weight elimination and genetic algorithms. In Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, pages 1115-1120. Belew, R. K., McInerney, J., and Schraudolph, N. N. (1990). Evolving networks: Using the genetic algorithm with connectionist learning. In Langton, C. G., Taylor, C., Farmer, J. D., and Rasmussen, S., editors, Artificial Life II, pages 511-547, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Bengio, Y. and De Mori, R. (1988). Speaker normalization and automatic speech recognition using spectral lines and neural networks. In Touretzky, D., Hinton, G., and Sejnowski, T., editors, Proceedings of the 1988 Connectionist Models Summer School, pages 388-397. Morgan Kaufmann. Billings, S. A. and Zheng, G. L. (1995). Radial basis function network configuration using genetic algorithms. Neural Networks, 8(6):877-890. Bisant, D. and Maizel, J. (1995). Identification of ribosome binding sites in Escherichia coli using neural network models. Nucleic Acids Research, 23(9):1632-1639. Bohr, H., Bohr, J., Brunak, S., Cotterill, R. M., Lautrup, B., Norskov, L., Olsen, 0. H., and Petersen, S. B. (1988). Protein secondary structure and homology by neural networks. The a-helices in rhodopsin. FEBS Letters, 241(1,2):223-228. Bornholdt, S. and Graudenz, D. (1992). General asymmetric neural networks and structure design by genetic algorithms. Neural Networks, 5:327-334. Bose, N. and Garga, A. K. (1993). Neural network design using voronoi diagrams. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 4(5):778-787. Bourland, H. and Wellekens, C. (1987). Multiplayer perceptrons and automatic speech recognition. In IEEE First Annual Conference on Neural Networks, volume IV, pages 407-416, San Diego. Box, G. E. and Jenkins, G. M. (1970). Time Series Analysis forecasting and control. Holden-Day. Brasil, L. M., de Azevedo, F. M., and Barreto, J. M. (2000). A hybrid expert system for the diagnosis of epileptic crisis. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 585:1-7. Brown, A. and Card, H. (1997). Evolutionary artificial neural networks for competitive learning. In Proceedings of /CNN, pages 1558-1562. Brunak, S., Engelbrecht, J., and Knudsen, S. (1991). Prediction of human mRNA donor and acceptor sites from the DNA sequence. Journal of Molecular Biology, 220:49-65. Bruske, J. and Sommer, G. (1995a). Dynamic cell structure learns perfectly topology preserving map. Neural Computation, 7 :845-865. Bruske, J. and Sommer, G. (1995b). Dynamic cell structures. In Tesauro, G., Touretzky, D., and Leen, T., editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7, pages 497-504. The MIT Press. Bud, A. and Nocholson, A. (1997). Scheduling trains with genetic algorithms. 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    Evolving connectionist systems: Characterisation, simplification, formalisation, explanation and optimisation

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    There are several well-known problems with conventional artificial neural networks (ANN), such as difficulties with selecting the structure of the network, and problems with forgetting previously-learned knowledge after further training. Constructive neural network algorithms attempt to solve these problems, but in turn have problems of their own. The Evolving Connectionist System (ECoS) is a class of open architecture artificial neural networks that are similar in the way in which neurons are added to their structures, and in the way in which their connection weights are modified. The ECoS algorithm is intended to address the problems with constructive neural networks. Several problems with ECoS are identified and discussed in this thesis. These problems are: the lack of comparison of ECoS with constructive neural networks; the excessive complexity of the Evolving Fuzzy Neural Network (EFuNN), which is the seminal ECoS network: the lack of a testable formalisation of ECoS; the dependence on fuzzy logic elements embedded within the network for fuzzy rule extraction; and the lack of methods for optimising ECoS networks. The research in this thesis addresses these problems. The overall theme of the research can be summarised as the characterisation, simplification, formalisation, explanation and optimisation of ECoS. Characterisation in this thesis means the comparison of ECoS with existing constructive ANN. Simplification means reducing the network to a minimalist implementation. Formalisation means the creation of a testable predictive model of ECoS training. Explanation means explaining ECoS networks via the extraction of fuzzy rules. Finally, optimisation means creating ECoS networks that have a minimum number of neurons with maximum accuracy. Each of these themes is approached in ways that build upon, and are complementary to, the basic ECoS network and ECoS training algorithm. The basic ECoS structure and algorithm is left unchanged, and the problems are addressed by extending that structure, rather than altering it as has been done in other work on EcoS. The principal contributions of this thesis are: a qualitative comparison of ECoS to constructive neural network algorithms; a proposed simplified version of EFuNN called SECoS; an experimentally tested formalisation of ECoS: novel algorithms for explicating SECoS via the extraction of fuzzy rules; and several novel algorithms for the optimisation of ECoS networks. The formalisation of ECoS and the proposed algorithms are evaluated on data from a set of standard benchmarking problems. Further experiments are performed with a data set with real-world applications, namely the recognition of isolated New Zealand English phonemes. The analyses of the experimental results show that the proposed algorithms are effective across both the benchmark data sets and the case study data set.UnpublishedAbraham, A. (2002). Optimization of evolutionary neural networks using hybrid learning algorithms. In Proceedings of IJCNN 2002, pages 2797-2802. Abreu, A. and Pinto-Ferreira, L. C. (1996). Fuzzy modeling: a rule based approach. In Proceedings of the fifth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 162-168. Aguiler, J. and Colmenares, A. (1997). Recognition algorithm using evolutionary learning on the random neural network. In Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, volume 2, pages 1023-1028. IEEE Press. Alander, J. T. (1993). On robot navigation using a genetic algorithm. In Albrecht, R., Reeves, C., and Steele, N., editors, Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms, pages 471-478. Alpaydin, E. (1994). GAL: Networks that grow when they learn and shrink when they forget. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 8(1):391-414. Anderson, E. (1935). The irises of the gaspe peninsula. Bulletin of the American Iris Society, 59. Anderson, S., Merrill, J., and Port, R. (1988). Dynamic speech categorization with recurrent networks. In Touretzky, D., Hinton, G., and Sejnowski, T., editors, Proceedings of the 1988 Connectionist Models Summer School, pages 398-396. Morgan Kaufmann. Andreassen, H., Bohr, H., Bohr, J., Brunak, S., Bugge, T., Cotterill, R., Jacobsen, C., Kusk, P., Lautrup, B., Petersen, S., Saermark, T., and Ulrich, K. (1990). Analysis of the secondary structure of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) proteins p17, gp120, and gp41 by computer modeling based on neural networks methods. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 3:615-622. Andrews, R., Diederich, J., and Tickle, A. B. (1995). Survey and critique of techniques for extracting rules from trained artificial neural networks. Knowledge-Based Systems, 8(6):373-389. Andrews, R. and Geva, S. (1997). Refining expert knowledge with an artificial neural network. In Kasabov, N., Kozma, R., Ko, K., S'Shea, R., Coghill, G., and Gedeon, T., editors, Progress in Connectionist-Based Information Systems, volume 2, pages 847-850. Springer. Angeline, P. K., Saunders, G. M., and Pollack, J. B. (1994). An evolutionary algorithm that constructs recurrent neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 5(1):54-65. Antonisse, J. (1989). A new interpretation of schema notation that overturns the binary encoding constraint. In Schaffer, J., editor, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, pages 86-91. Arena, P., Caponetto, R., Fortuna, L., and Xibilia, M. G. (1993). M.L.P. optimal topology via genetic algorithms. In Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms, pages 670-674. Springer-Verlag Wien New York. Ash, T. (1989). Dynamic node creation in backpropagation networks. Connection Science, 1(4):365-375. Baba, N., Marume, M., and Itoh, K. (1992). Utilization of stochastic automaton and genetic algorithm for neural network design. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks, volume 2, pages 837-840, Iizuka, Japan. Back, T., Hoffmeister, F., and Schwefel, H.-P. (1991). A survey of evolution strategies. In Belew, R. K. and Booker, L. B., editors, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, pages 2-9. Balakrishnan, K. and Honavar, V. (1996). Analysis of neurocontrollers designed by simulated evolution. In International Conference on Neural Networks 1996: Plenary, Panel and Special Sessions, pages 130-135. Baldi, P. and Brunak, S. (1998). Bioinformatics: The Machine Learning Approach. MIT Press. Bebis, G., Georgiopoulos, and Kasparis, T. (1996). Coupling weight elimination and genetic algorithms. In Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, pages 1115-1120. Belew, R. K., McInerney, J., and Schraudolph, N. N. (1990). Evolving networks: Using the genetic algorithm with connectionist learning. In Langton, C. G., Taylor, C., Farmer, J. D., and Rasmussen, S., editors, Artificial Life II, pages 511-547, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Bengio, Y. and De Mori, R. (1988). Speaker normalization and automatic speech recognition using spectral lines and neural networks. In Touretzky, D., Hinton, G., and Sejnowski, T., editors, Proceedings of the 1988 Connectionist Models Summer School, pages 388-397. Morgan Kaufmann. Billings, S. A. and Zheng, G. L. (1995). Radial basis function network configuration using genetic algorithms. Neural Networks, 8(6):877-890. 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