1,479 research outputs found

    How to project onto extended second order cones

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    The extended second order cones were introduced by S. Z. N\'emeth and G. Zhang in [S. Z. N\'emeth and G. Zhang. Extended Lorentz cones and variational inequalities on cylinders. J. Optim. Theory Appl., 168(3):756-768, 2016] for solving mixed complementarity problems and variational inequalities on cylinders. R. Sznajder in [R. Sznajder. The Lyapunov rank of extended second order cones. Journal of Global Optimization, 66(3):585-593, 2016] determined the automorphism groups and the Lyapunov or bilinearity ranks of these cones. S. Z. N\'emeth and G. Zhang in [S.Z. N\'emeth and G. Zhang. Positive operators of Extended Lorentz cones. arXiv:1608.07455v2, 2016] found both necessary conditions and sufficient conditions for a linear operator to be a positive operator of an extended second order cone. This note will give formulas for projecting onto the extended second order cones. In the most general case the formula will depend on a piecewise linear equation for one real variable which will be solved by using numerical methods

    Optimization with Sparsity-Inducing Penalties

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    Sparse estimation methods are aimed at using or obtaining parsimonious representations of data or models. They were first dedicated to linear variable selection but numerous extensions have now emerged such as structured sparsity or kernel selection. It turns out that many of the related estimation problems can be cast as convex optimization problems by regularizing the empirical risk with appropriate non-smooth norms. The goal of this paper is to present from a general perspective optimization tools and techniques dedicated to such sparsity-inducing penalties. We cover proximal methods, block-coordinate descent, reweighted â„“2\ell_2-penalized techniques, working-set and homotopy methods, as well as non-convex formulations and extensions, and provide an extensive set of experiments to compare various algorithms from a computational point of view
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