50,545 research outputs found

    Hardware Implementation of a Novel Image Compression Algorithm

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    Image-related communications are forming an increasingly large part of modern communications, bringing the need for efficient and effective compression. Image compression is important for effective storage and transmission of images. Many techniques have been developed in the past, including transform coding, vector quantization and neural networks. In this thesis, a novel adaptive compression technique is introduced based on adaptive rather than fixed transforms for image compression. The proposed technique is similar to Neural Network (NN)-based image compression and its superiority over other techniques is presented It is shown that the proposed algorithm results in higher image quality for a given compression ratio than existing Neural Network algorithms and that the training of this algorithm is significantly faster than the NN based algorithms. This is also compared to the JPEG in terms of Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) for a given compression ratio and computational complexity. Advantages of this idea over JPEG are also presented in this thesis


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    In digital communication bandwidth is essential parameter to be considered. Transmission and storage of images requires lot of memory in order to use bandwidth efficiently neural network and Discrete cosine transform together are used in this paper to compress images. Artificial neural network gives fixed compression ratio for any images results in fixed usage of memory and bandwidth. In this paper multi-layer feedforward neural network has been employed to achieve image compression. The proposed technique divides the original image in to several blocks and applies Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to these blocks as a pre-process technique. Quality of image is noticed with change in training algorithms, convergence time to attain desired mean square error. Compression ratio and PSNR in dB is calculated by varying hidden neurons. The proposed work is designed using MATLAB 7.10. and synthesized by mapping on Vertex 5 in Xilinx ISE for understanding hardware complexity. Keywords - backpropagation, Discret

    Hybrid neural network image processing testbed, 1996

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    The focus of this research was to establish a testbed for pattern recognition In this testbed, the wavelet transform is used as a preprocessor for various neural networks. The wavelet transform is used to perform image compression, and several wavelet filters and compression techniques are implemented The compressed data is later formatted and used as input to a neural network where pattern recognition is performed. The wavelet filters used in the wavelet transformation were the Daubechies 4 (DAUD4) and the Haar wavelet filters. After compression was performed, the root mean square error (RMS) was computed and compared with a 'common' compression technique called JPEG compression. After testing each compression technique, zone compression using the wavelet transform yielded the best results. At this point, the compressed data was used by various neural networks for pattern recognition. There were three neural nets in the testbed They were the neocognitron, a genetic algorithm driven neural network, and the Hopfield neural net. Each neural net was used to perform pattern recognition using the compressed data The results from each neural net were good, but the neocognitron gave the best results

    Wavelet-Neural Network Based Image Compression System for Colour Images

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    There are many images used by human being, such as medical, satellite, telescope, painting, and graphic or animation generated by computer images. In order to use these images practically, image compression method has an essential role for transmission and storage purposes. In this research, a wavelet based image compression technique is used. There are various wavelet filters available. The selection of filters has considerable impact on the compression performance. The filter which is suitable for one image may not be the best for another. The image characteristics are expected to be parameters that can be used to select the available wavelet filter. The main objective of this research is to develop an automatic wavelet-based colour image compression system using neural network. The system should select the appropriate wavelet for the image compression based on the image features. In order to reach the main goal, this study observes the cause-effect relation of image features on the wavelet codec (compression-decompression) performance. The images are compressed by applying different families of wavelets. Statistical hypothesis testing by non parametric test is used to establish the cause-effect relation between image features and the wavelet codec performance measurements. The image features used are image gradient, namely image activity measurement (IAM) and spatial frequency (SF) values of each colour component. This research is also carried out to select the most appropriate wavelet for colour image compression, based on certain image features using artificial neural network (ANN) as a tool. The IAM and SF values are used as the input; therefore, the wavelet filters are used as the output or target in the network training. This research has asserted that there are the cause-effect relations between image features and the wavelet codec performance measurements. Furthermore, the study reveals that the parameters in this investigation can be used for the selection of appropriate wavelet filters. An automatic wavelet-based colour image compression system using neural network is developed. The system can give considerably good results

    Investigation of Different Video Compression Schemes Using Neural Networks

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    Image/Video compression has great significance in the communication of motion pictures and still images. The need for compression has resulted in the development of various techniques including transform coding, vector quantization and neural networks. this thesis neural network based methods are investigated to achieve good compression ratios while maintaining the image quality. Parts of this investigation include motion detection, and weight retraining. An adaptive technique is employed to improve the video frame quality for a given compression ratio by frequently updating the weights obtained from training. More specifically, weight retraining is performed only when the error exceeds a given threshold value. Image quality is measured objectively, using the peak signal-to-noise ratio versus performance measure. Results show the improved performance of the proposed architecture compared to existing approaches. The proposed method is implemented in MATLAB and the results obtained such as compression ratio versus signalto- noise ratio are presented

    Image Compression System using ANN

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    The rapid growth of digital imaging applications, including desktop publishing, multimedia, teleconferencing, and high definition television (HDTV) has increased the need for effective and standardized image compression techniques. Among the emerging standards are JPEG, for compression of still images; MPEG, for compression of motion video; and CCITT H.261 (also known as Px64), for compression of video telephony and teleconferencing. All three of these standards employ a basic technique known as the discrete cosine transform (DCT), Developed by Ahmed, Natarajan, and Rao [1974]. Image compression using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is one of the simplest commonly used compression methods. The quality of compressed images, however, is marginally reduced at higher compression ratios due to the lossy nature of DCT compression, thus, the need for finding an optimum DCT compression ratio. An ideal image compression system must yield high quality compressed images with good compression ratio, while maintaining minimum time cost. The neural network associates the image intensity with its compression ratios in search for an optimum ratio