30,021 research outputs found

    SparseGAN: Sparse Generative Adversarial Network for Text Generation

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    It is still a challenging task to learn a neural text generation model under the framework of generative adversarial networks (GANs) since the entire training process is not differentiable. The existing training strategies either suffer from unreliable gradient estimations or imprecise sentence representations. Inspired by the principle of sparse coding, we propose a SparseGAN that generates semantic-interpretable, but sparse sentence representations as inputs to the discriminator. The key idea is that we treat an embedding matrix as an over-complete dictionary, and use a linear combination of very few selected word embeddings to approximate the output feature representation of the generator at each time step. With such semantic-rich representations, we not only reduce unnecessary noises for efficient adversarial training, but also make the entire training process fully differentiable. Experiments on multiple text generation datasets yield performance improvements, especially in sequence-level metrics, such as BLEU

    Semantic bottleneck for computer vision tasks

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    This paper introduces a novel method for the representation of images that is semantic by nature, addressing the question of computation intelligibility in computer vision tasks. More specifically, our proposition is to introduce what we call a semantic bottleneck in the processing pipeline, which is a crossing point in which the representation of the image is entirely expressed with natural language , while retaining the efficiency of numerical representations. We show that our approach is able to generate semantic representations that give state-of-the-art results on semantic content-based image retrieval and also perform very well on image classification tasks. Intelligibility is evaluated through user centered experiments for failure detection

    Semantic Source Code Models Using Identifier Embeddings

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    The emergence of online open source repositories in the recent years has led to an explosion in the volume of openly available source code, coupled with metadata that relate to a variety of software development activities. As an effect, in line with recent advances in machine learning research, software maintenance activities are switching from symbolic formal methods to data-driven methods. In this context, the rich semantics hidden in source code identifiers provide opportunities for building semantic representations of code which can assist tasks of code search and reuse. To this end, we deliver in the form of pretrained vector space models, distributed code representations for six popular programming languages, namely, Java, Python, PHP, C, C++, and C#. The models are produced using fastText, a state-of-the-art library for learning word representations. Each model is trained on data from a single programming language; the code mined for producing all models amounts to over 13.000 repositories. We indicate dissimilarities between natural language and source code, as well as variations in coding conventions in between the different programming languages we processed. We describe how these heterogeneities guided the data preprocessing decisions we took and the selection of the training parameters in the released models. Finally, we propose potential applications of the models and discuss limitations of the models.Comment: 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2019): Data Showcase Trac

    Exploiting Rich Syntactic Information for Semantic Parsing with Graph-to-Sequence Model

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    Existing neural semantic parsers mainly utilize a sequence encoder, i.e., a sequential LSTM, to extract word order features while neglecting other valuable syntactic information such as dependency graph or constituent trees. In this paper, we first propose to use the \textit{syntactic graph} to represent three types of syntactic information, i.e., word order, dependency and constituency features. We further employ a graph-to-sequence model to encode the syntactic graph and decode a logical form. Experimental results on benchmark datasets show that our model is comparable to the state-of-the-art on Jobs640, ATIS and Geo880. Experimental results on adversarial examples demonstrate the robustness of the model is also improved by encoding more syntactic information.Comment: EMNLP'1