15 research outputs found

    The Effect of Explicit Structure Encoding of Deep Neural Networks for Symbolic Music Generation

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    With recent breakthroughs in artificial neural networks, deep generative models have become one of the leading techniques for computational creativity. Despite very promising progress on image and short sequence generation, symbolic music generation remains a challenging problem since the structure of compositions are usually complicated. In this study, we attempt to solve the melody generation problem constrained by the given chord progression. This music meta-creation problem can also be incorporated into a plan recognition system with user inputs and predictive structural outputs. In particular, we explore the effect of explicit architectural encoding of musical structure via comparing two sequential generative models: LSTM (a type of RNN) and WaveNet (dilated temporal-CNN). As far as we know, this is the first study of applying WaveNet to symbolic music generation, as well as the first systematic comparison between temporal-CNN and RNN for music generation. We conduct a survey for evaluation in our generations and implemented Variable Markov Oracle in music pattern discovery. Experimental results show that to encode structure more explicitly using a stack of dilated convolution layers improved the performance significantly, and a global encoding of underlying chord progression into the generation procedure gains even more.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    TimbreTron: A WaveNet(CycleGAN(CQT(Audio))) Pipeline for Musical Timbre Transfer

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    In this work, we address the problem of musical timbre transfer, where the goal is to manipulate the timbre of a sound sample from one instrument to match another instrument while preserving other musical content, such as pitch, rhythm, and loudness. In principle, one could apply image-based style transfer techniques to a time-frequency representation of an audio signal, but this depends on having a representation that allows independent manipulation of timbre as well as high-quality waveform generation. We introduce TimbreTron, a method for musical timbre transfer which applies "image" domain style transfer to a time-frequency representation of the audio signal, and then produces a high-quality waveform using a conditional WaveNet synthesizer. We show that the Constant Q Transform (CQT) representation is particularly well-suited to convolutional architectures due to its approximate pitch equivariance. Based on human perceptual evaluations, we confirmed that TimbreTron recognizably transferred the timbre while otherwise preserving the musical content, for both monophonic and polyphonic samples.Comment: 17 pages, published as a conference paper at ICLR 201

    Audio Mixing using Image Neural Style Transfer Networks

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    Image style transfer networks are used to blend images, producing images that are a mix of source images. The process is based on controlled extraction of style and content aspects of images, using pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Our interest lies in adopting these image style transfer networks for the purpose of transforming sounds. Audio signals can be presented as grey-scale images of audio spectrograms. The purpose of our work is to investigate whether audio spectrogram inputs can be used with image neural transfer networks to produce new sounds. Using musical instrument sounds as source sounds, we apply and compare three existing image neural style transfer networks for the task of sound mixing. Our evaluation shows that all three networks are successful in producing consistent, new sounds based on the two source sounds. We use classification models to demonstrate that the new audio signals are consistent and distinguishable from the source instrument sounds. We further apply t-SNE cluster visualisation to visualise the feature maps of the new sounds and original source sounds, confirming that they form different sound groups from the source sounds. Our work paves the way to using CNNs for creative and targeted production of new sounds from source sounds, with specified source qualities, including pitch and timbre

    Sound Transformation: Applying Image Neural Style Transfer Networks to Audio Spectrograms

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    Image style transfer networks are used to blend images, producing images that are a mix of source images. The process is based on controlled extraction of style and content aspects of images, using pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Our interest lies in adopting these image style transfer networks for the purpose of transforming sounds. Audio signals can be presented as grey-scale images of audio spectrograms. The purpose of our work is to investigate whether audio spectrogram inputs can be used with image neural transfer networks to produce new sounds. Using musical instrument sounds as source sounds, we apply and compare three existing image neural style transfer networks for the task of sound mixing. Our evaluation shows that all three networks are successful in producing consistent, new sounds based on the two source sounds. We use classification models to demonstrate that the new audio signals are consistent and distinguishable from the source instrument sounds. We further apply t-SNE cluster visualisation to visualise the feature maps of the new sounds and original source sounds, confirming that they form different sound groups from the source sounds. Our work paves the way to using CNNs for creative and targeted production of new sounds from source sounds, with specified source qualities, including pitch and timbre

    Neural Architectures Learning Fourier Transforms, Signal Processing and Much More....

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    This report will explore and answer fundamental questions about taking Fourier Transforms and tying it with recent advances in AI and neural architecture. One interpretation of the Fourier Transform is decomposing a signal into its constituent components by projecting them onto complex exponentials. Variants exist, such as discrete cosine transform that does not operate on the complex domain and projects an input signal to only cosine functions oscillating at different frequencies. However, this is a fundamental limitation, and it needs to be more suboptimal. The first one is that all kernels are sinusoidal: What if we could have some kernels adapted or learned according to the problem? What if we can use neural architectures for this? We show how one can learn these kernels from scratch for audio signal processing applications. We find that the neural architecture not only learns sinusoidal kernel shapes but discovers all kinds of incredible signal-processing properties. E.g., windowing functions, onset detectors, high pass filters, low pass filters, modulations, etc. Further, upon analysis of the filters, we find that the neural architecture has a comb filter-like structure on top of the learned kernels. Comb filters that allow harmonic frequencies to pass through are one of the core building blocks/types of filters similar to high-pass, low-pass, and band-pass filters of various traditional signal processing algorithms. Further, we can also use the convolution operation with a signal to be learned from scratch, and we will explore papers in the literature that uses this with that robust Transformer architectures. Further, we would also explore making the learned kernel's content adaptive, i.e., learning different kernels for different inputs.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. Technical Report at Stanford University; Presented on 14th August 202