70,893 research outputs found

    Where do bright ideas occur in our brain? Meta-analytic evidence from neuroimaging studies of domain-specific creativity

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    Many studies have assessed the neural underpinnings of creativity, failing to find a clear anatomical localization. We aimed to provide evidence for a multi-componential neural system for creativity. We applied a general activation likelihood estimation (ALE) meta-analysis to 45 fMRI studies. Three individual ALE analyses were performed to assess creativity in different cognitive domains (Musical, Verbal, and Visuo-spatial). The general ALE revealed that creativity relies on clusters of activations in the bilateral occipital, parietal, frontal, and temporal lobes. The individual ALE revealed different maximal activation in different domains. Musical creativity yields activations in the bilateral medial frontal gyrus, in the left cingulate gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, and inferior parietal lobule and in the right postcentral and fusiform gyri. Verbal creativity yields activations mainly located in the left hemisphere, in the prefrontal cortex, middle and superior temporal gyri, inferior parietal lobule, postcentral and supramarginal gyri, middle occipital gyrus, and insula. The right inferior frontal gyrus and the lingual gyrus were also activated. Visuo-spatial creativity activates the right middle and inferior frontal gyri, the bilateral thalamus and the left precentral gyrus. This evidence suggests that creativity relies on multi-componential neural networks and that different creativity domains depend on different brain regions

    Meta-path Augmented Response Generation

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    We propose a chatbot, namely Mocha to make good use of relevant entities when generating responses. Augmented with meta-path information, Mocha is able to mention proper entities following the conversation flow.Comment: AAAI 201

    Learning Discourse-level Diversity for Neural Dialog Models using Conditional Variational Autoencoders

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    While recent neural encoder-decoder models have shown great promise in modeling open-domain conversations, they often generate dull and generic responses. Unlike past work that has focused on diversifying the output of the decoder at word-level to alleviate this problem, we present a novel framework based on conditional variational autoencoders that captures the discourse-level diversity in the encoder. Our model uses latent variables to learn a distribution over potential conversational intents and generates diverse responses using only greedy decoders. We have further developed a novel variant that is integrated with linguistic prior knowledge for better performance. Finally, the training procedure is improved by introducing a bag-of-word loss. Our proposed models have been validated to generate significantly more diverse responses than baseline approaches and exhibit competence in discourse-level decision-making.Comment: Appeared in ACL2017 proceedings as a long paper. Correct a calculation mistake in Table 1 E-bow & A-bow and results into higher score

    Meta-Potentiation: Neuro-Astroglial Interactions Supporting Perceptual Consciousness

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    Conscious perceptual processing involves the sequential activation of cortical networks at several brain locations, and the onset of oscillatory synchrony affecting the same neuronal population. How do the earlier activated circuits sustain their excitation to synchronize with the later ones? We call such a sustaining process "meta-potentiation", and propose that it depends on neuro-astroglial interactions. In our proposed model, attentional cholinergic and stimulus-related glutamatergic inputs to astroglia elicit the release of astroglial glutamate to bind with neuronal NMDA receptors containing the NR2B subunit. Once calcium channels are open, slow inward currents activate the CaM/CaMKII complex to phosphorylate AMPA receptors in a population of neurons connected with the astrocyte, thus amplifying the local excitatory pattern to participate in a larger synchronized assembly that supports consciousness

    Controlling Linguistic Style Aspects in Neural Language Generation

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    Most work on neural natural language generation (NNLG) focus on controlling the content of the generated text. We experiment with controlling several stylistic aspects of the generated text, in addition to its content. The method is based on conditioned RNN language model, where the desired content as well as the stylistic parameters serve as conditioning contexts. We demonstrate the approach on the movie reviews domain and show that it is successful in generating coherent sentences corresponding to the required linguistic style and content
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