9 research outputs found

    An Online Unsupervised Structural Plasticity Algorithm for Spiking Neural Networks

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    In this article, we propose a novel Winner-Take-All (WTA) architecture employing neurons with nonlinear dendrites and an online unsupervised structural plasticity rule for training it. Further, to aid hardware implementations, our network employs only binary synapses. The proposed learning rule is inspired by spike time dependent plasticity (STDP) but differs for each dendrite based on its activation level. It trains the WTA network through formation and elimination of connections between inputs and synapses. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed network and learning rule, we employ it to solve two, four and six class classification of random Poisson spike time inputs. The results indicate that by proper tuning of the inhibitory time constant of the WTA, a trade-off between specificity and sensitivity of the network can be achieved. We use the inhibitory time constant to set the number of subpatterns per pattern we want to detect. We show that while the percentage of successful trials are 92%, 88% and 82% for two, four and six class classification when no pattern subdivisions are made, it increases to 100% when each pattern is subdivided into 5 or 10 subpatterns. However, the former scenario of no pattern subdivision is more jitter resilient than the later ones.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, journa

    Winner-take-all in a phase oscillator system with adaptation.

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    We consider a system of generalized phase oscillators with a central element and radial connections. In contrast to conventional phase oscillators of the Kuramoto type, the dynamic variables in our system include not only the phase of each oscillator but also the natural frequency of the central oscillator, and the connection strengths from the peripheral oscillators to the central oscillator. With appropriate parameter values the system demonstrates winner-take-all behavior in terms of the competition between peripheral oscillators for the synchronization with the central oscillator. Conditions for the winner-take-all regime are derived for stationary and non-stationary types of system dynamics. Bifurcation analysis of the transition from stationary to non-stationary winner-take-all dynamics is presented. A new bifurcation type called a Saddle Node on Invariant Torus (SNIT) bifurcation was observed and is described in detail. Computer simulations of the system allow an optimal choice of parameters for winner-take-all implementation

    Egocentric Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Simulated Prosthetic Vision

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    Las prótesis visuales actuales son capaces de proporcionar percepción visual a personas con cierta ceguera. Sin pasar por la parte dañada del camino visual, la estimulación eléctrica en la retina o en el sistema nervioso provoca percepciones puntuales conocidas como “fosfenos”. Debido a limitaciones fisiológicas y tecnológicas, la información que reciben los pacientes tiene una resolución muy baja y un campo de visión y rango dinámico reducido afectando seriamente la capacidad de la persona para reconocer y navegar en entornos desconocidos. En este contexto, la inclusión de nuevas técnicas de visión por computador es un tema clave activo y abierto. En esta tesis nos centramos especialmente en el problema de desarrollar técnicas para potenciar la información visual que recibe el paciente implantado y proponemos diferentes sistemas de visión protésica simulada para la experimentación.Primero, hemos combinado la salida de dos redes neuronales convolucionales para detectar bordes informativos estructurales y siluetas de objetos. Demostramos cómo se pueden reconocer rápidamente diferentes escenas y objetos incluso en las condiciones restringidas de la visión protésica. Nuestro método es muy adecuado para la comprensión de escenas de interiores comparado con los métodos tradicionales de procesamiento de imágenes utilizados en prótesis visuales.Segundo, presentamos un nuevo sistema de realidad virtual para entornos de visión protésica simulada más realistas usando escenas panorámicas, lo que nos permite estudiar sistemáticamente el rendimiento de la búsqueda y reconocimiento de objetos. Las escenas panorámicas permiten que los sujetos se sientan inmersos en la escena al percibir la escena completa (360 grados).En la tercera contribución demostramos cómo un sistema de navegación de realidad aumentada para visión protésica ayuda al rendimiento de la navegación al reducir el tiempo y la distancia para alcanzar los objetivos, incluso reduciendo significativamente el número de colisiones de obstáculos. Mediante el uso de un algoritmo de planificación de ruta, el sistema encamina al sujeto a través de una ruta más corta y sin obstáculos. Este trabajo está actualmente bajo revisión.En la cuarta contribución, evaluamos la agudeza visual midiendo la influencia del campo de visión con respecto a la resolución espacial en prótesis visuales a través de una pantalla montada en la cabeza. Para ello, usamos la visión protésica simulada en un entorno de realidad virtual para simular la experiencia de la vida real al usar una prótesis de retina. Este trabajo está actualmente bajo revisión.Finalmente, proponemos un modelo de Spiking Neural Network (SNN) que se basa en mecanismos biológicamente plausibles y utiliza un esquema de aprendizaje no supervisado para obtener mejores algoritmos computacionales y mejorar el rendimiento de las prótesis visuales actuales. El modelo SNN propuesto puede hacer uso de la señal de muestreo descendente de la unidad de procesamiento de información de las prótesis retinianas sin pasar por el análisis de imágenes retinianas, proporcionando información útil a los ciegos. Esté trabajo está actualmente en preparación.<br /

    Contraction and partial contraction : a study of synchronization in nonlinear networks

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 121-128).This thesis focuses on the study of collective dynamic behaviors, especially the spontaneous synchronization behavior, of nonlinear networked systems. We derives a body of new results, based on contraction and partial contraction analysis. Contraction is a property regarding the convergence between two arbitrary system trajectories. A nonlinear dynamic system is called contracting if initial conditions or temporary disturbances are forgotten exponentially fast. Partial contraction, introduced in this thesis, is a straightforward but more general application of contraction. It extends contraction analysis to include convergence to behaviors or to specific properties (such as equality of state components, or convergence to a manifold). Contraction and partial contraction provide powerful analysis tools to investigate the stability of large-scale complex systems. For diffusively coupled nonlinear systems, for instance, a general synchronization condition can be derived which connects synchronization rate to net- work structure explicitly. The results are applied to construct flocking or schooling models by extending to coupled networks with switching topology. We further study the networked systems with different kinds of group leaders, one specifying global orientation (power leader), another holding target dynamics (knowledge leader). In a knowledge-based leader-followers network, the followers obtain dynamics information from the leader through adaptive learning. We also study distributed networks with non-negligible time-delays by using simplified wave variables and other contraction-oriented analysis. Conditions for contraction to be preserved regardless of the explicit values of the time-delays are derived.(cont.) Synchronization behavior is shown to be robust if the protocol is linear. Finally, we study the construction of spike-based neural network models, and the development of simple mechanisms for fast inhibition and de-synchronization.by Wei Wang.Ph.D

    Modellierung primärer multisensorischer Mechanismen der räumlichen Wahrnehmung

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    Abstract The presented work concerns visual, aural, and multimodal aspects of spatial perception as well as their relevance to the design of artificial systems. The scientific approach chosen here, has an interdisciplinary character combining the perspectives of neurobiology, psychology, and computer science. As a result, new insights and interpretations of neurological findings are achieved and deficits of known models and applications are named and negotiated. In chapter one, the discussion starts with a review on established models of attention, which largely disregard early neural mechanisms. In the following investigations and experiments, the basic idea can be expressed as a conceptual differentiation between early spatial attention and higher cognitive functions. All neural mechanisms that are modelled within the scope of this work, can be regarded as primary and object-independent sensory processing. In chapter two and three the visual and binaural spatial representations of the brain and the specific concept of the computational topography in the central auditory system are discussed. Given the restriction of early neural processes, the aim of the actual multisensory integration, as it is described in chapter four, is not object classification or tracking but primary spatial attention. Without task- or object-related requirements all specifications of the model are derived from findings about certain multisensory structures of the midbrain. In chapter five emphasis is placed on a novel method of evaluation and parameter optimization based on biologically inspired specifications and real-world experiments. The importance of early perceptional processes to orienting behaviour and the consequences to technical applications are discussed.In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden visuelle, auditive und multimodale Formen der räumlichen Wahrnehmung und deren Relevanz für den Entwurf technischer Systeme erörtert. Der dabei vertretene wissenschaftliche Ansatz hat interdisziplinären Charakter und berücksichtigt im Umfeld der Neuroinformatik und Robotik methodische Aspekte der Neurobiologie, Wahrnehmungspsychologie und Informatik gleichermaßen. Im Ergebnis sind einerseits neue und weitergehende Interpretationen der Befunde über die natürliche Wahrnehmung möglich. Andererseits werden Defizite bestehender Simulationsmodelle und technischer Anwendungen benannt und überwunden. Den Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchungen bildet in Kapitel 1 die Diskussion und kritische Wertung etablierter Aufmerksamkeitsmodelle der Wahrnehmung, in denen frühe multisensorische Hirnfunktionen weitgehend unbeachtet bleiben. Als Grundgedanke der folgenden Untersuchungen wird die These formuliert, dass eine konzeptionelle Trennung zwischen primärer Aufmerksamkeit und höheren kognitiven Leistungen sowohl die Einordnung von sensorischen Merkmalen und neurologischen Mechanismen als auch die Modellierung und Simulation erleichtert. In den Kapiteln 2 und 3 werden zunächst die primären räumlichen Kodierungen der zentralen Hörbahn und des visuellen Systems vorgestellt und die Spezifika von projizierten und berechneten sensorischen Topographien beschrieben. Die anschließende Modellierung von auditorisch-visuellen Integrationsmechanismen in Kapitel 4 dient ausdrücklich nicht der Klassifikation oder dem Tracking von Objekten sondern einer frühen räumlichen Steuerung der Aufmerksamkeit, die im biologischen Vorbild unbewusst und auf subkortikalem Niveau stattfindet. Nach einer Erörterung der wenigen bekannten Modellkonzepte werden zwei eigene multisensorische Simulationssysteme auf Basis künstlicher neuronaler Netze und probabilistischer Methoden entwickelt. Kapitel 5 widmet sich der systematischen experimentellen Untersuchung und Optimierung der Modelle und zeigt, wie unbewusste Wahrnehmungsleistungen und deren Simulation unter Bezugnahme auf qualitative und quantitative Befunde über multisensorische Effekte im Mittelhirn evaluiert werden können. Die Diskussion des Modellverhaltens in realen audio-visuellen Szenarien soll unterstreichen, dass die frühe Steuerung der Aufmerksamkeit noch vor der Objekterkennung einen wichtigen Beitrag zur räumlichen Orientierung leistet