4 research outputs found

    Including the diary method in the investigation of practices constituting social innovation networks

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    "Organizing the early stage of the innovation process, and hence the development of ideas, is of considerable importance for the success of an enterprise. During this stage, decision making is particularly difficult because of both high complexity and high uncertainty. At the same time, these decisions are far reaching because the outcome of the early stage has a substantial influence on the results of subsequent stages. Social network research shows that specific network constellations in particular favor the development of ideas. To promote the development of these constellations, the dynamics of networks have to be understood. However, the insights that have been gained so far are insufficient. To go beyond these insights in the article, initially a research question is developed from a practice-theoretical point of view. The research aim is to explore the constitutive conditions of the practices of initiating and conducting idea-related interactions in the early stage of the innovation process. Subsequently, the article critically examines the given methodological approaches of social network research. It is demonstrated here that the existing research gap is essentially the result of two central methodological shortcomings. To overcome these shortcomings, a mixed-method design that links the diary method with established methods of qualitative network research is proposed and discussed." (author's abstract

    Soziologie - Sociology in the German-Speaking World

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    This book provides the first systematic overview of German sociology today. Thirty-four chapters review current trends, relate them to international discussions and discuss perspectives for future research. The contributions span the whole range of sociological research topics, from social inequality to the sociology of body and space, addressing pressing questions in sociological theory and innovative research methods


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    Der Sammelband präsentiert Ergebnisse eines transdisziplinären Forschungsprojekts an der Universität Oldenburg, die in wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen sowie in Reflexionen aus Unternehmen, Politik und Verwaltung diskutiert werden. Im Projekt ""Zukunftsdiskurse: Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften zwischen Gesellschaft, Ökonomie und Bildung"" haben Vertreter:innen verschiedener wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen sowie Vertreter:innen aus Unternehmen, Politik und Verwaltung zentrale Fragen für die Etablierung und Stabilisierung einer nachhaltigen Wirtschaftsordnung diskutiert. Der Sammelband präsentiert das hieraus entstandene Zukunftsmodell für eine nachhaltige Wirtschaftsordnung und beschreibt die zentralen Akteure mit ihren Aufgaben sowie Wechselbeziehungen. In den Beiträgen wird das Modell aus wissenschaftlicher Perspektive und aus Sicht von Praktiker:innen reflektiert. Die Beiträge liefern Impulse für die weitere Auseinandersetzung mit dem Topos nachhaltige Transformation für die Wissenschaft. Akteure aus Politik und Wirtschaft finden Anregungen und Fundierungen für Entscheidungen auf kommunaler, nationaler und internationaler Ebene

    Soziologie - Sociology in the German-Speaking World

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    This book provides the first systematic overview of German sociology today. Thirty-four chapters review current trends, relate them to international discussions and discuss perspectives for future research. The contributions span the whole range of sociological research topics, from social inequality to the sociology of body and space, addressing pressing questions in sociological theory and innovative research methods