104,099 research outputs found

    Autonomous Model Update Scheme for Deep Learning-Based Network Traffic Classifiers

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    Network traffic classification is essential in network management and measurement in access networks, e.g., network intrusion detection, network resource allocation, etc. State-of-the-art Deep Learning based classifiers achieve high classification accuracy even when dealing with encrypted data packets. Such classifiers would need to be updated when a new application appears in the network traffic. However, it is challenging to build and label a dataset of the unknown application so that the current network traffic classifier can be updated. In this paper, we propose an autonomous model update scheme to (i) build a dataset of new application packets from active network traffic; and (ii) update the current network traffic classifier. In particular, the core of the proposed scheme is a discriminator includes a statistical filter and a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based binary classifier to filter and build a dataset of new application packets from active network traffic. Evaluation is conducted based on an open dataset (ISCX VPN-nonVPN dataset). The results demonstrated that our proposed autonomous classifier update scheme can successfully filter packets of a new application from network traffic and build a new training dataset. Moreover, the packet classifier can be effectively updated through transfer learning. The success of the proposed update scheme can be adopted in the access network for efficient and adaptive network measurement and management.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/stander_posters/2844/thumbnail.jp

    Enhanced classification of network traffic data captured by intrusion prevention systems

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    A common practice in modern computer networks is the deployment of Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs) for the purpose of identifying security threats. Such systems provide alerts on suspicious activities based on a predefined set of rules. These alerts almost always contain high percentages of false positives and false negatives, which may impede the efficacy of their use. Therefore, with the presence of high numbers of false positives and false negatives, the analysis of network traffic data can be ineffective for decision makers which normally require concise, and preferably, visual forms to base their decisions upon. Machine learning techniques can help extract useful information from large datasets. Combined with visualisation, classification could provide a solution to false alerts and text-based outputs of IPSs. This research developed two new classification techniques that outperformed the traditional classification methods in accurate classification of computer network traffic captured by an IPS framework. They are also highly effective. The main purpose of these techniques was the effective identification of malicious network traffic and this was demonstrated via extensive experimental evaluation (where many experiments were conducted and results are reported in this thesis). In addition, an enhancement of the principal component analysis (PCA) was presented as part of this study. This enhancement proved to outperform the classical PCA on classification of IPS data. Details of the evaluation and experiments are provided in this thesis. One of the classification methods described in this thesis achieved accuracy values of 98.51% and 99.76% on two computer network traffic dataset settings, whereas the Class-balanced Similarity Based Instance Transfer Learning (CB-SBIT) algorithm achieves accuracy values of 93.56% and 96.25% respectively on the same dataset settings. This means the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithm. As for the PCA enhancement mentioned above, using its resulting principal components as inputs to classifiers leads to improved accuracy when compared to the classical PCA

    Deep Convolutional Neural Network based Ship Images Classification

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    Ships are an integral part of maritime traffic where they play both militaries as well as non-combatant roles. This vast maritime traffic needs to be managed and monitored by identifying and recognising vessels to ensure the maritime safety and security. As an approach to find an automated and efficient solution, a deep learning model exploiting convolutional neural network (CNN) as a basic building block, has been proposed in this paper. CNN has been predominantly used in image recognition due to its automatic high-level features extraction capabilities and exceptional performance. We have used transfer learning approach using pre-trained CNNs based on VGG16 architecture to develop an algorithm that performs the different ship types classification. This paper adopts data augmentation and fine-tuning to further improve and optimize the baseline VGG16 model. The proposed model attains an average classification accuracy of 97.08% compared to the average classification accuracy of 88.54% obtained from the baseline model

    A LightGBM-Based EEG Analysis Method for Driver Mental States Classification

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    Fatigue driving can easily lead to road traffic accidents and bring great harm to individuals and families. Recently, electroencephalography- (EEG-) based physiological and brain activities for fatigue detection have been increasingly investigated. However, how to find an effective method or model to timely and efficiently detect the mental states of drivers still remains a challenge. In this paper, we combine common spatial pattern (CSP) and propose a light-weighted classifier, LightFD, which is based on gradient boosting framework for EEG mental states identification. ,e comparable results with traditional classifiers, such as support vector machine (SVM), convolutional neural network (CNN), gated recurrent unit (GRU), and large margin nearest neighbor (LMNN), show that the proposed model could achieve better classification performance, as well as the decision efficiency. Furthermore, we also test and validate that LightFD has better transfer learning performance in EEG classification of driver mental states. In summary, our proposed LightFD classifier has better performance in real-time EEG mental state prediction, and it is expected to have broad application prospects in practical brain-computer interaction (BCI)

    Multitask Learning for Network Traffic Classification

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    Traffic classification has various applications in today's Internet, from resource allocation, billing and QoS purposes in ISPs to firewall and malware detection in clients. Classical machine learning algorithms and deep learning models have been widely used to solve the traffic classification task. However, training such models requires a large amount of labeled data. Labeling data is often the most difficult and time-consuming process in building a classifier. To solve this challenge, we reformulate the traffic classification into a multi-task learning framework where bandwidth requirement and duration of a flow are predicted along with the traffic class. The motivation of this approach is twofold: First, bandwidth requirement and duration are useful in many applications, including routing, resource allocation, and QoS provisioning. Second, these two values can be obtained from each flow easily without the need for human labeling or capturing flows in a controlled and isolated environment. We show that with a large amount of easily obtainable data samples for bandwidth and duration prediction tasks, and only a few data samples for the traffic classification task, one can achieve high accuracy. We conduct two experiment with ISCX and QUIC public datasets and show the efficacy of our approach