17 research outputs found

    K-core decomposition of Internet graphs: hierarchies, self-similarity and measurement biases

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    We consider the kk-core decomposition of network models and Internet graphs at the autonomous system (AS) level. The kk-core analysis allows to characterize networks beyond the degree distribution and uncover structural properties and hierarchies due to the specific architecture of the system. We compare the kk-core structure obtained for AS graphs with those of several network models and discuss the differences and similarities with the real Internet architecture. The presence of biases and the incompleteness of the real maps are discussed and their effect on the kk-core analysis is assessed with numerical experiments simulating biased exploration on a wide range of network models. We find that the kk-core analysis provides an interesting characterization of the fluctuations and incompleteness of maps as well as information helping to discriminate the original underlying structure

    Scale-Free Phenomena in Communication Networks: A Cross-Atlantic Comparison

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    ?Small-world networks? have a high degree of local clustering or cliqueness, like a regular lattice and a relatively short average minimum path, like a completely random network. The huge appeal of ?small-world networks? lies in the impact they are said to have on dynamical systems. In a transportation network, ?small-world? topology could improve the flow of people or goods through the network, which has important implications for the design of such networks. Preliminary research has shown that ?small-world network? phenomenon can arise in traffic networks possessing ?small-world? network topology (i.e., in a network that has a structure somewhere in between a regular lattice and random graph) and that, at least under certain circumstances, traffic appears to flow more efficiently through a network with such topology (Schintler and Kulkarni, 2000). This paper will explore this further through simulation under varying assumptions regarding the size of the network (i.e., in terms of number of nodes and edges), the level of traffic in the network, the uniformity of nodes and edges and the information levels of travelers in the network. The simulations will be done using the random rewiring process introduced by Watts and Strogatz (1998), where each time the network is rewired, the distribution of traffic and congestion through the network, and the ?small-world? network parameters, shortest average minimum path and clustering coefficient, will be examined. Traffic flow will be estimated using a gravity model framework and a route choice optimization program. The simulations will also be used to reveal whether or not there are certain nodes or links that suffer at the expense of the entire network becoming more efficient. In addition, the possibility of a self-organised criticality (SOC) structure will be examined. The concept, introduced by Bak et al.,(1987), gained a great deal of attention in past decades for its capability to explore the significant and structural transformation of a dynamic system. SOC sets out how prominent exogenous forces together with strong localized interactions at the micro level lead a system to a critical state at the macro-level. A further step in our analysis is the investigation of whether a power-law distribution, characteristic of the SOC state, evolves in the traffic network. While ?small-world? network topology may be shown to improve the efficiency of traffic flow through a network, it should be recognized that ?small-world? networks are sparse by nature. The shut down or major disruption of any link in such a network, particularly one with heavy congestion, could provoke significant disorder. This paper will also explore the effect that disruptions of this nature have on networks designed with a high degree of local clustering and a short average minimum path. The fact that a ?small-world? network is sparse also raises other issues for the transportation planner. If ?small-world? topology is in fact a desirable property for transportation networks, how do we transform existing networks to produce these results? Unlike other networks, such as those for telecommunications or socialization, a transportation network cannot be rewired to achieve a more efficient network structure. This issue will also be addressed in the paper. REFERENCES Bak, P., C. Tang, and K. Wiesenfeld (1987), ?Self-Organised Criticality?, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 59 (4), pp. 381-384. Watts, D.J. and S.H. Strogatz (1998). ?Collective Dynamics of ?Small-World? Networks? Nature, Vol 393, 4, pp. 440-442. Schintler, L.A. and R. Kulkarni (2000). ?The Emergence of Small-World Phenonmenon in Urban Transportation Networks? in Reggiani, A. (ed.), Spatial Economic Science: New Frontiers in Theory and Methodology, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-NewYork, pp. 419-434.

    QoS-VNS-CS: QoS constraints Core Selection Algorithm based on Variable Neighborhood Search Algorithm

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    Within the development of network multimedia technology, more and more real-time multimedia applications arrive with the need to transmit information using multicast communication. Multicast IP routing is an important topic, covering both theoretical and practical interest in different networks layers. In network layer, there are several multicast routing protocols using multicast routing trees different in the literature. However PIM-SM and CBT protocols remains the most used multicast routing protocols; they propose using a shared Core-based Tree CBT. This kind of tree provides efficient management of multicast path in changing group memberships, scalability and performance. The prime problem concerning construction of a shared tree is to determine the best position of the core. QoS-CS’s problem (QoS constraints core Selection) consists in choosing an optimal multicast router in the network as core of the Shared multicast Tree (CBT) within specified QoS constraints associated. The choice of this specific router, called RP in PIM-SM protocol and core in CBT protocol, affects the structure of multicast routing tree, and therefore influences performances of both multicast session and routing scheme. QoS-CS is an NP complete problem need to be solved through a heuristic algorithm, in this paper, we propose a new core Selection algorithm based on Variable Neighborhood Search algorithm and new CMP fitness function. Simulation results show that good performance is achieved in multicast cost, end-to-end delay, tree construction delay and others metrics

    Topology dependence of PPM-based Internet Protocol traceback schemes

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    Multiple schemes that utilize probabilistic packet marking (PPM) have been proposed to deal with Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks by reconstructing their attack graphs and identifying the attack sources. In the first part of this dissertation, we present our contribution to the family of PPM-based schemes for Internet Protocol (IP) traceback. Our proposed approach, Prediction-Based Scheme (PBS), consists of marking and traceback algorithms that reduce scheme convergence times by dealing with the problems of data loss and incomplete attack graphs exhibited by previous PPM-based schemes. Compared to previous PPM-based schemes, the PBS marking algorithm ensures that traceback is possible with about 54% as many total network packets, while the traceback algorithm takes about 33% as many marked packets for complete attack path construction. In the second part of this dissertation, we tackle the problem of scheme evaluation and comparison across discrepant network topologies. Previous research in this area has overlooked the influence of network topology on scheme performance and often utilized disparate and simplistic network abstractions to evaluate and compare these schemes. Our approach to this problem involves the evaluation of selected PPM-based schemes across a set of 60 Internet-like topologies and the adaptation of the network motif approach to provide a common ground for comparing the schemes\u27 performances in different network topologies. This approach allows us to determine the level of structural similarity between network topologies and consequently enables the comparison of scheme performance even when the schemes are implemented on different topologies. Furthermore, we identify three network-dependent factors that affect different PPM-based schemes uniquely causing a variation in, and discrepancy between, scheme performance from one network to another. Results indicate that scheme performance is dependent on the network upon which it is implemented, i.e. the value of the PPM-based schemes\u27 convergence times and their rankings vary depending on the underlying network topology. We show how the identified network factors contribute, individually and collectively, to the scheme performance in large-scale networks. Additionally, we identify five superfamilies from the 60 considered networks and find that networks within a superfamily also exhibit similar PPM-based scheme performance. To complement our results, we present an analytical model showing a link between scheme performance in any superfamily, and the motifs exhibited by the networks in that superfamily. Our work highlights a need for multiple network evaluation of network protocols. To this end, we demonstrate a method of identifying structurally similar network topologies among which protocol performance is potentially comparable. Our work also presents an effective way of comparing general network protocol performance in which the protocol is evaluated on specific representative networks instead of an entire set of networks