4 research outputs found

    On the Use of Hybrid Heuristics for Providing Service to Select the Return Channel in an Interactive Digital TV Environment

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    The technologies used to link the end-user to a telecommunication infrastructure, has been changing over time due to the consolidation of new access technologies. Moreover, the emergence of new tools for information dissemination, such as interactive digital TV, makes the selection of access technology, factor of fundamental importance. One of the greatest advantages of using digital TV as means to disseminate information is the installation of applications. In this chapter, a load characterization of a typical application embedded in a digital TV is performed to determine its behavior. However, it is important to note that applications send information through an access technology. Therefore, this chapter, based on the study on load characterization, developed a methodology combining Bayesian networks and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) analytical approach to provide support to service providers to opt for a technology (power line communication, PLC, wireless, wired, etc.) for the return channel

    Handover Architectures for Heterogeneous Networks Using the Media Independent Information Handover (MIH)

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    In heterogeneous networks, network selection by nature is a multi-dimensional problem. Many parameters need to be considered for handover decision making. Apart from handover accuracy and efficiency, an important consideration is the scalability and signaling overhead of such handover algorithms. In this article we propose to break down a Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) based heterogeneous handover algorithm in two parts. The execution of the first part is carried out in an independent and proactive manner prior to the actual handover, assuming three different handover architectures. The handover architectures are differentiated based upon the level of the distribution of the handover algorithm among multiple network components. The Media Independent Handover (MIH) and its different services are used to retrieve and share information among MIH enabled nodes and for conformity among heterogeneous network standards. The proposed algorithm is evaluated with respect to handover accuracy, handover delay efficiency and signaling overhead. The evaluation is carried out for all three handover architectures using simulations. Only handovers between Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11) and WiMAX (IEEE 802.16) networks are considered. But the handover framework is general and can be extended to consider other wireless and mobile communication networks

    Mobility management in 5G heterogeneous networks

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    In recent years, mobile data traffic has increased exponentially as a result of widespread popularity and uptake of portable devices, such as smartphones, tablets and laptops. This growth has placed enormous stress on network service providers who are committed to offering the best quality of service to consumer groups. Consequently, telecommunication engineers are investigating innovative solutions to accommodate the additional load offered by growing numbers of mobile users. The fifth generation (5G) of wireless communication standard is expected to provide numerous innovative solutions to meet the growing demand of consumer groups. Accordingly the ultimate goal is to achieve several key technological milestones including up to 1000 times higher wireless area capacity and a significant cut in power consumption. Massive deployment of small cells is likely to be a key innovation in 5G, which enables frequent frequency reuse and higher data rates. Small cells, however, present a major challenge for nodes moving at vehicular speeds. This is because the smaller coverage areas of small cells result in frequent handover, which leads to lower throughput and longer delay. In this thesis, a new mobility management technique is introduced that reduces the number of handovers in a 5G heterogeneous network. This research also investigates techniques to accommodate low latency applications in nodes moving at vehicular speeds

    Optimisation et évaluation des performances des communications mobiles dans un environnement réseaux multi-accÚs

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    The next generation of networks represents a heterogeneous wireless environement,characterized by the coexistence of multiple technologies. In this environement, the users havethe privilege to stay connected to the Internet by using mobile terminals equiped with multipleinterfaces. Additionaly, the users have the ability to use different services at any time andany where. In this context, the most important aim is to manage the terminal mobility whileensuring the best continuity of services. In order to acheive this task, the design and the de-veloppement of architecture for the vertical handover management becomes an indispensable.This is focusing on vertical handover management and mainly on network selection decisionstep within heterogeneous wireless networks. In this context, our first contribution proposes anew architecture for network selection, based on multi attribut decision making (MADM). Thissolution is based on the IEEE 802.21 standard, contains two modules : the first one is usedto weigh the criteria. While the second is applied to rank the networks. Then, we consider theproblem of optimizing the weighiting algorithms of our architecture. Specifically, we first developpe a new validation approach which can take into account different weighting methods. Our approach is based on group MADM and it allows to determine a suitable weighting algorithmwhich can be used for the network selection. We then improve our architecture by introducingcomponent based on differentiated weight which can be integrated into wieghting module ofour architecture. This component allows to find the differentiate weights of available networksby considering each criterion. Finally, due to the variety of vertical handoff algorithms, we pro-vide a new evaluation model to reach an optimal network selection algorithm and to validateour architecture. This new model is based on multi attribut decision making and criticalityanalysis.Les rĂ©seaux de la future gĂ©nĂ©ration reprĂ©sentent un environnement hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne sans fil,dans lequel de nombreuses technologies d’accĂšs peuvent cohabiter. Au sein de cet environne-ment, les utilisateurs ont le privilĂšge de rester connectĂ©s Ă  l’Internet Ă  travers des terminauxmulti-interfaces. De plus, ils ont la possibilitĂ© de se doter de diffĂ©rents services, peu importele lieu et le temps. Afin de gĂ©rer la mobilitĂ© du terminal tout en assurant une meilleure conti-nuitĂ© de service, la mise en oeuvre d’une architecture pour la gestion du handover vertical estdevenue indispensable. Cette thĂšse se focalise sur le handover vertical, plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment sur laphase de la sĂ©lection du rĂ©seau dans un environnement de rĂ©seaux hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes sans fil. Dansce contexte, notre premiĂšre contribution propose une nouvelle architecture pour la sĂ©lectiondu rĂ©seau reposant sur les mĂ©thodes d’aide Ă  la dĂ©cision multi-attributs (MADM). Cette solu-tion, simple Ă  intĂ©grer dans la norme IEEE 802.21, comporte deux modules : le premier pourpondĂ©rer les critĂšres et le deuxiĂšme pour classer les rĂ©seaux. Ensuite, nous nous intĂ©ressonsĂ  la rĂ©solution de diffĂ©rents problĂšmes relatifs Ă  la pondĂ©ration des critĂšres afin d’amĂ©liorerdavantage notre architecture. Pour ce faire, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© dans un premier temps, unenouvelle approche de la validation des algorithmes du handover en utilisant la thĂ©orie de laprise de dĂ©cision collective. Cette nouvelle approche nous a permis d’identifier l’algorithme depondĂ©ration qu’il faut intĂ©grer dans notre architecture. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, nous avonsintĂ©grĂ© une nouvelle unitĂ© de diffĂ©renciation de poids au niveau du module de pondĂ©rationde notre architecture. Le rĂŽle de cette unitĂ© est de calculer le degrĂ© d’importance relatif Ă chaque critĂšre en fonction de l’interface rĂ©seau. Finalement, nous proposons un nouveau mo-dĂšle d’évaluation de performances qui repose sur l’approche MADM et l’analyse de criticitĂ©.L’efficacitĂ© de ce modĂšle se manifeste dans sa capacitĂ© de valider notre architecture en termesde performances par rapport aux autres algorithmes existants. De plus, son second avantageest le fait de pallier le problĂšme du choix de critĂšres qu’il faut utiliser dans le contexte de lasĂ©lection du rĂ©seau