7 research outputs found

    Detection and Mitigation of Impairments for Real-Time Multimedia Applications

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    Measures of Quality of Service (QoS) for multimedia services should focus on phenomena that are observable to the end-user. Metrics such as delay and loss may have little direct meaning to the end-user because knowledge of specific coding and/or adaptive techniques is required to translate delay and loss to the user-perceived performance. Impairment events, as defined in this dissertation, are observable by the end-users independent of coding, adaptive playout or packet loss concealment techniques employed by their multimedia applications. Methods for detecting real-time multimedia (RTM) impairment events from end-to-end measurements are developed here and evaluated using 26 days of PlanetLab measurements collected over nine different Internet paths. Furthermore, methods for detecting impairment-causing network events like route changes and congestion are also developed. The advanced detection techniques developed in this work can be used by applications to detect and match response to network events. The heuristics-based techniques for detecting congestion and route changes were evaluated using PlanetLab measurements. It was found that Congestion events occurred for 6-8 hours during the days on weekdays on two paths. The heuristics-based route change detection algorithm detected 71\% of the visible layer 2 route changes and did not detect the events that occurred too close together in time or the events for which the minimum RTT change was small. A practical model-based route change detector named the parameter unaware detector (PUD) is also developed in this deissertation because it was expected that model-based detectors would perform better than the heuristics-based detector. Also, the optimal detector named the parameter aware detector (PAD) is developed and is useful because it provides the upper bound on the performance of any detector. The analysis for predicting the performance of PAD is another important contribution of this work. Simulation results prove that the model-based PUD algorithm has acceptable performance over a larger region of the parameter space than the heuristics-based algorithm and this difference in performance increases with an increase in the window size. Also, it is shown that both practical algorithms have a smaller acceptable performance region compared to the optimal algorithm. The model-based algorithms proposed in this dissertation are based on the assumption that RTTs have a Gamma density function. This Gamma distribution assumption may not hold when there are wireless links in the path. A study of CDMA 1xEVDO networks was initiated to understand the delay characteristics of these networks. During this study, it was found that the widely deployed proportional-fair (PF) scheduler can be corrupted accidentally or deliberately to cause RTM impairments. This is demonstrated using measurements conducted over both in-lab and deployed CDMA 1xEVDO networks. A new variant to PF that solves the impairment vulnerability of the PF algorithm is proposed and evaluated using ns-2 simulations. It is shown that this new scheduler solution together with a new adaptive-alpha initialization stratergy reduces the starvation problem of the PF algorithm

    Detection and Mitigation of Impairments for Real-Time Multimedia Applications

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    Measures of Quality of Service (QoS) for multimedia services should focus on phenomena that are observable to the end-user. Metrics such as delay and loss may have little direct meaning to the end-user because knowledge of specific coding and/or adaptive techniques is required to translate delay and loss to the user-perceived performance. Impairment events, as defined in this dissertation, are observable by the end-users independent of coding, adaptive playout or packet loss concealment techniques employed by their multimedia applications. Methods for detecting real-time multimedia (RTM) impairment events from end-to-end measurements are developed here and evaluated using 26 days of PlanetLab measurements collected over nine different Internet paths. Furthermore, methods for detecting impairment-causing network events like route changes and congestion are also developed. The advanced detection techniques developed in this work can be used by applications to detect and match response to network events. The heuristics-based techniques for detecting congestion and route changes were evaluated using PlanetLab measurements. It was found that Congestion events occurred for 6-8 hours during the days on weekdays on two paths. The heuristics-based route change detection algorithm detected 71\% of the visible layer 2 route changes and did not detect the events that occurred too close together in time or the events for which the minimum RTT change was small. A practical model-based route change detector named the parameter unaware detector (PUD) is also developed in this deissertation because it was expected that model-based detectors would perform better than the heuristics-based detector. Also, the optimal detector named the parameter aware detector (PAD) is developed and is useful because it provides the upper bound on the performance of any detector. The analysis for predicting the performance of PAD is another important contribution of this work. Simulation results prove that the model-based PUD algorithm has acceptable performance over a larger region of the parameter space than the heuristics-based algorithm and this difference in performance increases with an increase in the window size. Also, it is shown that both practical algorithms have a smaller acceptable performance region compared to the optimal algorithm. The model-based algorithms proposed in this dissertation are based on the assumption that RTTs have a Gamma density function. This Gamma distribution assumption may not hold when there are wireless links in the path. A study of CDMA 1xEVDO networks was initiated to understand the delay characteristics of these networks. During this study, it was found that the widely deployed proportional-fair (PF) scheduler can be corrupted accidentally or deliberately to cause RTM impairments. This is demonstrated using measurements conducted over both in-lab and deployed CDMA 1xEVDO networks. A new variant to PF that solves the impairment vulnerability of the PF algorithm is proposed and evaluated using ns-2 simulations. It is shown that this new scheduler solution together with a new adaptive-alpha initialization stratergy reduces the starvation problem of the PF algorithm

    An Information-Theoretic Framework for Consistency Maintenance in Distributed Interactive Applications

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    Distributed Interactive Applications (DIAs) enable geographically dispersed users to interact with each other in a virtual environment. A key factor to the success of a DIA is the maintenance of a consistent view of the shared virtual world for all the participants. However, maintaining consistent states in DIAs is difficult under real networks. State changes communicated by messages over such networks suffer latency leading to inconsistency across the application. Predictive Contract Mechanisms (PCMs) combat this problem through reducing the number of messages transmitted in return for perceptually tolerable inconsistency. This thesis examines the operation of PCMs using concepts and methods derived from information theory. This information theory perspective results in a novel information model of PCMs that quantifies and analyzes the efficiency of such methods in communicating the reduced state information, and a new adaptive multiple-model-based framework for improving consistency in DIAs. The first part of this thesis introduces information measurements of user behavior in DIAs and formalizes the information model for PCM operation. In presenting the information model, the statistical dependence in the entity state, which makes using extrapolation models to predict future user behavior possible, is evaluated. The efficiency of a PCM to exploit such predictability to reduce the amount of network resources required to maintain consistency is also investigated. It is demonstrated that from the information theory perspective, PCMs can be interpreted as a form of information reduction and compression. The second part of this thesis proposes an Information-Based Dynamic Extrapolation Model for dynamically selecting between extrapolation algorithms based on information evaluation and inferred network conditions. This model adapts PCM configurations to both user behavior and network conditions, and makes the most information-efficient use of the available network resources. In doing so, it improves PCM performance and consistency in DIAs

    Bedarfsgesteuerte Verteilung von Inhaltsobjekten in Rich Media Collaboration Applications

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    IP-basierte Konferenz- und Kollaborations-Systeme entwickeln sich mehr und mehr in Richtung Rich Media Collaboration, d.h. vereinigen Audio- und Videokonferenzfunktionalität mit Instant Messaging und kollaborativen Funktionen wie Presentation Sharing und Application Sharing. Dabei müssen neben den Live-Medienströmen auch Inhaltsobjekte wie Präsentationsfolien oder Dokumentseiten in Echtzeit innerhalb einer Session verteilt werden. Im Gegensatz zum klassischen 1:n-push-Schema wird dafür in der Arbeit ein Ansatz für wahlfreien Zugriff auf durch die Teilnehmer selbst gehostete Inhaltsobjekte - also n:m-pull-Verteilung - vorgestellt. Dieser Ansatz hat in Anwendungsszenarien mit gleichberechtigten Teilnehmern, wie zum Beispiel virtuellen Meetings von Projektteams, signifikante Performance-Vorteile gegenüber den traditionellen Ansätzen. Mit dem Content Sharing Protocol (CSP) wurde eine Protokoll-Engine bestehend aus neun Mikroprotokollen entwickelt, implementiert und evaluiert. Sie beinhaltet neben der Kernfunktionalität der Inhaltsauslieferung auch Unterstützung für Caching, Prefetching und Datenadaption, sowie dynamische Priorisierung von Datentransfers und Interaktionsunterstützung

    Estudio, análisis y desarrollo de una red de distribución de contenido y su algoritmo de redirección de usuarios para servicios web y streaming

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    Esta tesis se ha creado en el marco de la línea de investigación de Mecanismos de Distribución de Contenidos en Redes IP, que ha desarrollado su actividad en diferentes proyectos de investigación y en la asignatura ¿Mecanismos de Distribución de Contenidos en Redes IP¿ del programa de doctorado ¿Telecomunicaciones¿ impartido por el Departamento de Comunicaciones de la UPV y, actualmente en el Máster Universitario en Tecnologías, Sistemas y Redes de Comunicación. El crecimiento de Internet es ampliamente conocido, tanto en número de clientes como en tráfico generado. Esto permite acercar a los clientes una interfaz multimedia, donde pueden concurrir datos, voz, video, música, etc. Si bien esto representa una oportunidad de negocio desde múltiples dimensiones, se debe abordar seriamente el aspecto de la escalabilidad, que pretende que el rendimiento medio de un sistema no se vea afectado conforme aumenta el número de clientes o el volumen de información solicitada. El estudio y análisis de la distribución de contenido web y streaming empleando CDNs es el objeto de este proyecto. El enfoque se hará desde una perspectiva generalista, ignorando soluciones de capa de red como IP multicast, así como la reserva de recursos, al no estar disponibles de forma nativa en la infraestructura de Internet. Esto conduce a la introducción de la capa de aplicación como marco coordinador en la distribución de contenido. Entre estas redes, también denominadas overlay networks, se ha escogido el empleo de una Red de Distribución de Contenido (CDN, Content Delivery Network). Este tipo de redes de nivel de aplicación son altamente escalables y permiten un control total sobre los recursos y funcionalidad de todos los elementos de su arquitectura. Esto permite evaluar las prestaciones de una CDN que distribuya contenidos multimedia en términos de: ancho de banda necesario, tiempo de respuesta obtenido por los clientes, calidad percibida, mecanismos de distribución, tiempo de vida al utilizar caching, etc. Las CDNs nacieron a finales de la década de los noventa y tenían como objetivo principal la eliminación o atenuación del denominado efecto flash-crowd, originado por una afluencia masiva de clientes. Actualmente, este tipo de redes está orientando la mayor parte de sus esfuerzos a la capacidad de ofrecer streaming media sobre Internet. Para un análisis minucioso, esta tesis propone un modelo inicial de CDN simplificado, tanto a nivel teórico como práctico. En el aspecto teórico se expone un modelo matemático que permite evaluar analíticamente una CDN. Este modelo introduce una complejidad considerable conforme se introducen nuevas funcionalidades, por lo que se plantea y desarrolla un modelo de simulación que permite por un lado, comprobar la validez del entorno matemático y, por otro lado, establecer un marco comparativo para la implementación práctica de la CDN, tarea que se realiza en la fase final de la tesis. De esta forma, los resultados obtenidos abarcan el ámbito de la teoría, la simulación y la práctica.Molina Moreno, B. (2013). Estudio, análisis y desarrollo de una red de distribución de contenido y su algoritmo de redirección de usuarios para servicios web y streaming [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31637TESI

    Stinging the Predators: A collection of papers that should never have been published

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    This ebook collects academic papers and conference abstracts that were meant to be so terrible that nobody in their right mind would publish them. All were submitted to journals and conferences to expose weak or non-existent peer review and other exploitative practices. Each paper has a brief introduction. Short essays round out the collection