181,382 research outputs found

    Mantis: Enabling Energy-Efficient Autonomous Mobile Agents with Spiking Neural Networks

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    Autonomous mobile agents such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and mobile robots have shown huge potential for improving human productivity. These mobile agents require low power/energy consumption to have a long lifespan since they are usually powered by batteries. These agents also need to adapt to changing/dynamic environments, especially when deployed in far or dangerous locations, thus requiring efficient online learning capabilities. These requirements can be fulfilled by employing Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) since SNNs offer low power/energy consumption due to sparse computations and efficient online learning due to bio-inspired learning mechanisms. However, a methodology is still required to employ appropriate SNN models on autonomous mobile agents. Towards this, we propose a Mantis methodology to systematically employ SNNs on autonomous mobile agents to enable energy-efficient processing and adaptive capabilities in dynamic environments. The key ideas of our Mantis include the optimization of SNN operations, the employment of a bio-plausible online learning mechanism, and the SNN model selection. The experimental results demonstrate that our methodology maintains high accuracy with a significantly smaller memory footprint and energy consumption (i.e., 3.32x memory reduction and 2.9x energy saving for an SNN model with 8-bit weights) compared to the baseline network with 32-bit weights. In this manner, our Mantis enables the employment of SNNs for resource- and energy-constrained mobile agents.Comment: To appear at the 2023 International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA), February 2023, Abu Dhabi, UAE. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2206.0865

    An approach driven by mobile agents for data management in vehicular networks

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    In the last years, and thanks to improvements on computing and communications technologies, wireless networks formed by vehicles (called vehicular networks) have emerged as a key topic of interest. In these networks, the vehicles can exchange data by using short-range radio signals in order to get useful information related to traffic conditions, road safety, and other aspects. The availability of different types of sensors can be exploited by the vehicles to measure many parameters from their surroundings. These data can then be shared with other drivers who, on the other side, could also explicitly submit queries to retrieve information available in the network. This can be a challenging task, since the data is scattered among the vehicles belonging to the network and the communication links among them have usually a short life due to their constant movement. In this paper, we use mobile agent technology to help to accomplish these tasks, since mobile agents have a number of features that are very well suited for mobile environments, such as autonomy, mobility, and intelligence. Specifically, we analyze the benefits that mobile agents can bring to vehicular networks and the potential difficulties for their adoption. Moreover, we describe a query processing approach based on the use of mobile agents. We focus on range queries that retrieve interesting information from the vehicles located within a geographic area, and perform an extensive experimental evaluation that shows the feasibility and the interest of the proposal

    Evolution of network computing paradigms: applications of mobile agents in wired and wireless networks

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    The World Wide Web (or Web for short) is the largest client-server computing system commonly available, which is used through its widely accepted universal client (the Web browser) that uses a standard communication protocol known as the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to display information described in the HyperText Markup Language (HTML). The current Web computing model allows the execution of server-side applications such as Servlets and client-side applications such as Applets. However, it offers limited support for another model of network computing where users would be able to use remote, and perhaps more powerful, machines for their computing needs. The client-server model enables anyone with a Web-enabled device ranging from desktop computers to cellular telephones, to retrieve information from the Web. In today's information society, however, users are overwhelmed by the information with which they are confronted on a daily basis. For subscribers of mobile wireless data services, this may present a problem. Wireless handheld devices, such as cellular telephones are connected via wireless networks that suffer from low bandwidth and have a greater tendency for network errors. In addition, wireless connections can be lost or degraded by mobility. Therefore, there a need for entities that act on behalf of users to simplify the tasks of discovering and managing network computing resources. It has been said that software agents are a solution in search of a problem. Mobile agents, however, are inherently distributed in nature, and therefore they represent a natural view of a distributed system. They provide an ideal mechanism for implementing complex systems, and they are well suited for applications that are communicationscentric such as Web-based network computing. Another attractive area of mobile agents is processing data over unreliable networks (such as wireless networks). In such an environment, the low reliability network can be used to transfer agents rather than a chunk. of data. The agent can travel to the nodes of the network, collect or process information without the risk of network disconnection, then return home. The publications of this doctorate by published works report on research undertaken in the area of distributed systems with emphasis on network computing paradigms, Web-based distributed computing, and the applications of mobile agents in Web-based distributed computing and wireless computing. The contributions of this collection of related papers can be summarized in four points. First, I have shown how to extend the Web to include computing resources; to illustrate the feasibility of my approach I have constructed a proof of concept implementation. Second, a mobile agent-based approach to Web-based distributed computing, that harness the power of the Web as a computing resource, has been proposed and a system has been prototyped. This, however, means that users will be able to use remote machines to execute their code, but this introduces a security risk. I need to make sure that malicious users cannot harm the remote system. For this, a security policy design pattern for mobile Java code has been developed. Third, a mediator-based approach to wireless client/server computing has been proposed and guidelines for implementing it have been published. This approach allows access to Internet services and distributed object systems from resource-constraint handheld wireless devices such as cellular telephones. Fourth and finally, a mobile agent-based approach to the Wireless Internet has been designed and implemented. In this approach, remote mobile agents can be accessed and used from wireless handheld devices. Handheld wireless devices will benefit greatly from this approach since it overcomes wireless network limitations such as low bandwidth and disconnection, and enhances the functionality of services by being able to operate without constant user input

    An adaptive distributed Intrusion detection system architecture using multi agents

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    Intrusion detection systems are used for monitoring the network data, analyze them and find the intrusions if any. The major issues with these systems are the time taken for analysis, transfer of bulk data from one part of the network to another, high false positives and adaptability to the future threats. These issues are addressed here by devising a framework for intrusion detection. Here, various types of co-operating agents are distributed in the network for monitoring, analyzing, detecting and reporting. Analysis and detection agents are the mobile agents which are the primary detection modules for detecting intrusions. Their mobility eliminates the transfer of bulk data for processing. An algorithm named territory is proposed to avoid interference of one analysis agent with another one. A communication layout of the analysis and detection module with other modules is depicted. The inter-agent communication reduces the false positives significantly. It also facilitates the identification of distributed types of attacks. The co-ordinator agents log various events and summarize the activities in its network. It also communicates with co-ordinator agents of other networks. The system is highly scalable by increasing the number of various agents if needed. Centralized processing is avoided here to evade single point of failure. We created a prototype and the experiments done gave very promising results showing the effectiveness of the system

    Development of mobile agent framework in wireless sensor networks for multi-sensor collaborative processing

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    Recent advances in processor, memory and radio technology have enabled production of tiny, low-power, low-cost sensor nodes capable of sensing, communication and computation. Although a single node is resource constrained with limited power, limited computation and limited communication bandwidth, these nodes deployed in large number form a new type of network called the wireless sensor network (WSN). One of the challenges brought by WSNs is an efficient computing paradigm to support the distributed nature of the applications built on these networks considering the resource limitations of the sensor nodes. Collaborative processing between multiple sensor nodes is essential to generate fault-tolerant, reliable information from the densely-spatial sensing phenomenon. The typical model used in distributed computing is the client/server model. However, this computing model is not appropriate in the context of sensor networks. This thesis develops an energy-efficient, scalable and real-time computing model for collaborative processing in sensor networks called the mobile agent computing paradigm. In this paradigm, instead of each sensor node sending data or result to a central server which is typical in the client/server model, the information processing code is moved to the nodes using mobile agents. These agents carry the execution code and migrate from one node to another integrating result at each node. This thesis develops the mobile agent framework on top of an energy-efficient routing protocol called directed diffusion. The mobile agent framework described has been mapped to collaborative target classification application. This application has been tested in three field demos conducted at Twentynine palms, CA; BAE Austin, TX; and BBN Waltham, MA

    A secure mobile agent system

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    Hareketli etmen mimarisi istemci-sunucu çalışma modeline karşın dağıtık işlemeye farklı bir yaklaşım sunmaktadır. Kodun hareketliliğine dayanan hareketli etmen sistemlerinde, güvenlik düşünülmesi gereken önemli bir unsurdur; çünkü artık durağan bir yazılım parçası değil, kodunu ve verisini uzak düğümlere taşıyabilen yazılımlar, yani etmenler söz konusudur. Bu türden hareketli yazılımların hem kodunun hem de verisinin izlenme veya değiştirilmesi gibi yeni güvenlik risklerinin ortaya çıkması kaçınılmazdır. Birbirleri ile haberleşebilen etmenlerin mesajlaşmaları sırasında da aynı tehlikeler söz konusudur. Daha da önemlisi, güvenlik riskleri ile karşı karşıya olan sadece etmenler değildir, etmenleri üzerlerinde çalıştıran düğümler de aynı ölçüde risk altındadırlar. Bu yazıda, hareketli etmen sistemlerindeki mevcut güvenlik tehlikelerini ortadan kaldıracak yeni bir mimarinin tasarım ve gerçeklenme ayrıntıları incelenmiştir. Geliştirilen güvenli etmen sistemi, hem etmenlerin güvenlik gereksinimlerine yanıt vermek, hem de kolay kullanımlı ve esnek bir çalışma ortamı sunmak üzere tasarlanmış ve gerçeklenmiştir. Gelişmiş güvenlik özellikleri yanında sistem, değişen güvenlik ihtiyaçlarına kolay ve anında uyum sağlayabilmek için güvenlik politikalarını kullanmaktadır. Güvenlik politikaları, değişen güvenlik ihtiyaçlarına, hızlı ve etmenin yeniden programlanmasını gerektirmeden cevap verebilmeyi sağlar. Sistem ayrıca sadece etmenlerin değil, etmenlere çalışma ortamı sunan düğümlerin güvenliği için de gerekli mekanizmaları sunmaktadır. Geliştirilmiş olan hareketli etmen sistemi, güçlü bir mesajlaşma altyapısı sunmasının yanında, izlenilebilirlik, yönetilebilirlik ve süreklilik için de esnek arayüzler barındırmaktadır. Sistem katmanlı bir mimariye sahiptir ve geliştirilmeye açıktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Etmen, hareketli etmen sistemleri, hareketli etmen sistemlerinde güvenlik.According to the accepted definition, an agent is a small application with some special features. Being autonomous, capable of adapting itself to its environment, communicating with other agents for coordination or cooperation, intelligence, ability to clone itself and ability to make decisions are the features that can distinguish an agent from ordinary software. Even though mobility, ability to migrate from one host to another host, is not a required feature, agents with this ability have advantages especially in terms of distributed data processing. A mobile agent is not restricted to the node where it is running and can migrate to anywhere on the network of its own accord. While moving from one host to another, not only the agent's executable code is transferred, but also data that the agent has collected or constructed are transferred as well. Thus, the agent can preserve its state even when it is mobile. The execution framework necessary for a mobile agent is provided by a mobile agent system. This framework simply provides the basic agent related tasks and functions such as agent creation, activation, migration, communication, cloning and destruction. The competence and power of a mobile agent system depends on the flexibility of these functions. Even though using mobile agent technologies provides potential benefits to applications, an agent's ability to move introduces significant security risks. Mobile agents are under security threats during their life times. Since the code is mobile, it can be stolen or altered by a third party. The same danger is present for the messages agents send to each other and for the data that determines the agent's state. Furthermore, not only the agents but also hosts are also under many security risks in mobile agent systems. Several mobile agent systems have been proposed and developed up to now. They all have their software agent specific features. Although most of them have enough features for mobile agents to communicate with each other and migrate to remote hosts, agent security related tasks are not available in most of them. Some provide limited security for agents, but do not provide any features to protect hosts. Most of these mobile agent systems leave the security to agent programmer or to the traditional net work security solutions which may be very difficult and inefficient to implement or integrate. The mobile agent system is expected to include all necessary security mechanisms for both agents and computers hosting mobile agents. The scope of this paper is the design and implementation of a new, secure, flexible, highly available and fast mobile agent system (SECMAP). The architecture of the system is especially designed for security purposes, and requirements not only for agent security but also for host security are also provided. Besides ensuring security of both agents and hosts, SECMAP also presents a very flexible agent programming interface. Naturally, these features play an important role on the usability and popularity of the system. SECMAP also presents a policy based management framework to protect system-level resources and agents against unauthorized access, as well. The policy architecture allows for dynamic manipulation of policy content, which results in an adaptive and flexible framework that eliminates the reprogramming of the agents on changing conditions. Logging and monitoring of the basic agent activities are also possible. Availability is very important for the collaborating agents. For this reason, a mobile agent system should be up and running even only one host in the system is active. When necessary the system should be able to transfer the duties of a dead host to another one in the system. SECMAP includes very powerful algorithms to ensure the availability of the overall system. It accomplishes this by assigning special working modes to different agent servers in the system. Another important feature is that the system and agents can be managed and monitored from a browser in the network. All agents present in the system can be monitored from a single window. Any module of the system can also be managed by a browser from remote hosts. SECMAP is worth being used not only for the security features it presents for agents and hosts, but also for its flexibility and powerful agent programming interface. The system has a layered architecture and is open to be improved with more powerful features. Keywords: Agents, Mobile agent systems, Security in mobile agent systems

    Annotated Typology of Distributed Network Management Paradigms

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    Over the past few years, network management has steadily evolved from a centralized model, where all the management processing takes place on a single network management station, to distributed models, where management is distributed over a number, potentially large, of nodes. Among distributed models, one, the weakly distributed hierarchical model, has been around for several years, whereas a flurry of new ones, based on mobile code, distributed objects or cooperative agents, have only recently emerged. Which of these techniques will eventually win ? Will several ones have to coexist ? How do they compare to each other ? In order to provide a framework to analyze these issues, this paper presents a comprehensive typology of all network management paradigms known to date, whether they have been successfully implemented already or whether they are still confined to the research community. By comparing these models with those used in another research field, enterprise management, we delineate a common trend of evolution, and attempt to predict what the future holds for network management. Keywords : Distributed Network Management, Organizational Models, Mobile Code, Management by Delegation, Distributed Objects, Intelligent Agents