8 research outputs found

    Selfish Network Creation with Non-Uniform Edge Cost

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    Network creation games investigate complex networks from a game-theoretic point of view. Based on the original model by Fabrikant et al. [PODC'03] many variants have been introduced. However, almost all versions have the drawback that edges are treated uniformly, i.e. every edge has the same cost and that this common parameter heavily influences the outcomes and the analysis of these games. We propose and analyze simple and natural parameter-free network creation games with non-uniform edge cost. Our models are inspired by social networks where the cost of forming a link is proportional to the popularity of the targeted node. Besides results on the complexity of computing a best response and on various properties of the sequential versions, we show that the most general version of our model has constant Price of Anarchy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first proof of a constant Price of Anarchy for any network creation game.Comment: To appear at SAGT'1

    Network Creation Games: Think Global - Act Local

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    We investigate a non-cooperative game-theoretic model for the formation of communication networks by selfish agents. Each agent aims for a central position at minimum cost for creating edges. In particular, the general model (Fabrikant et al., PODC'03) became popular for studying the structure of the Internet or social networks. Despite its significance, locality in this game was first studied only recently (Bil\`o et al., SPAA'14), where a worst case locality model was presented, which came with a high efficiency loss in terms of quality of equilibria. Our main contribution is a new and more optimistic view on locality: agents are limited in their knowledge and actions to their local view ranges, but can probe different strategies and finally choose the best. We study the influence of our locality notion on the hardness of computing best responses, convergence to equilibria, and quality of equilibria. Moreover, we compare the strength of local versus non-local strategy-changes. Our results address the gap between the original model and the worst case locality variant. On the bright side, our efficiency results are in line with observations from the original model, yet we have a non-constant lower bound on the price of anarchy.Comment: An extended abstract of this paper has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Mathematical Foundations on Computer Scienc

    Network Creation Games with Traceroute-Based Strategies

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    Network creation games have been extensively used as mathematical models to capture the key aspects of the decentralized process that leads to the formation of interconnected communication networks by selfish agents. In these games, each user of the network is identified by a node and selects which link to activate by strategically balancing his/her building cost with his/her usage cost (which is a function of the distances towards the other player in the network to be built). In these games, a widespread assumption is that players have a common and complete information about the evolving network topology. This is only realistic for small-scale networks as, when the network size grows, it quickly becomes impractical for the single users to gather such a global and fine-grained knowledge of the network in which they are embedded. In this work, we weaken this assumption, by only allowing players to have a partial view of the network. To this aim, we borrow three popular traceroute-based knowledge models used in network discovery: (i) distance vector, (ii) shortest-path tree view, and (iii) layered view. We settle many of the classical game theoretic questions in all of the above models. More precisely, we introduce a suitable (and unifying) equilibrium concept which we then use to study the convergence of improving and best response dynamics, the computational complexity of computing a best response, and to provide matching upper and lower bounds to the price of anarchy

    35th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2018, February 28-March 3, 2018, Caen, France

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    Network Creation Games with Traceroute-Based Strategies

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    Network creation games model the autonomous formation of an interconnected system of selfish users. In particular, when the network will serve as a digital communication infrastructure, each user is identified by a node of the network, and contributes to the build-up process by strategically balancing between her building cost (i.e., the number of links she personally activates in the network) and her usage cost (i.e., some function of the distance in the sought network to the other players). When the corresponding game is analyzed, the generally adopted assumption is that players have a common and complete information about the evolving network topology, which is quite unrealistic though, due to the massive size this may have in practice. In this paper, we thus relax this assumption, by instead letting the players have only a partial knowledge of the network. To this respect, we make use of three popular traceroute-based knowledge models used in network discovering (i.e., the activity of reconstructing the topology of an unknown network through queries at its nodes), namely: (i) distance vector, (ii) shortest-path tree view, and (iii) layered view. For all these models, we provide exhaustive answers to the canonical algorithmic game theoretic questions: convergence, computational complexity for a player of selecting a best response, and tight bounds to the price of anarchy, all of them computed w.r.t. a suitable (and unifying) equilibrium concept

    Network creation games with traceroute-based strategies

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    Network creation games have been extensively used as mathematical models to capture the key aspects of the decentralized process that leads to the formation of interconnected communication networks by selfish agents. In these games, each user of the network is identified by a node and selects which link to activate by strategically balancing his/her building cost with his/her usage cost (which is a function of the distances towards the other player in the network to be built). In these games, a widespread assumption is that players have a common and complete information about the evolving network topology. This is only realistic for small-scale networks as, when the network size grows, it quickly becomes impractical for the single users to gather such a global and fine-grained knowledge of the network in which they are embedded. In this work, we weaken this assumption, by only allowing players to have a partial view of the network. To this aim, we borrow three popular traceroute-based knowledge models used in network discovery: (i) distance vector, (ii) shortest-path tree view, and (iii) layered view. We settle many of the classical game theoretic questions in all of the above models. More precisely, we introduce a suitable (and unifying) equilibrium concept which we then use to study the convergence of improving and best response dynamics, the computational complexity of computing a best response, and to provide matching upper and lower bounds to the price of anarchy