3 research outputs found

    Open Multithreaded Transactions: A Transaction Model for Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming

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    Network Applications in Ada 95

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    This document describes an approach to support network applications, that is client-server applications with a dynamic number of short-lived clients, within the original Ada 95 distributed systems model. The conformance of this concept with the Ada Standard is verified. An implementation based on Glade, the implementation for the GNAT compiler of Annex E of the Ada Reference Manual, is presented, highlighting the necessary modifications to the configuration language and the run-time system

    Network Applications in Ada 95

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    This document describes an approach to support network applications, that is client-server applications with a dynamic number of short-lived clients, within the original Ada 95 distributed systems model. The conformance of this concept with the Ada Standard is verified. An implementation based on GLADE, the implementation for the GNAT compiler of Annex E of the Ada Reference Manual, is presented, highlighting the necessary modifications to the configuration language and the run-time system. Keywords: Ada 95, Distributed Systems, Client-Server Architectures, GNAT, GLADE, Replication 1 Introduction As distributed systems are getting more and more widespread, many programming languages provide libraries or precompilers to facilitate the creation of distributed applications. Ada 95 goes even a step further by incorporating a model for programming distributed systems into the language itself. A normal Ada program can easily be cut into pieces, distributed and executed on multiple machine..