1 research outputs found

    Lattice Representations with Set Partitions Induced by Pairings

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    We call a quadruple W:=⟨F,U,Ω,Λ⟩\mathcal{W}:=\langle F,U,\Omega,\Lambda \rangle, where UU and Ω\Omega are two given non-empty finite sets, Λ\Lambda is a non-empty set and FF is a map having domain U×ΩU\times \Omega and codomain Λ\Lambda, a pairing on Ω\Omega. With this structure we associate a set operator MWM_{\mathcal{W}} by means of which it is possible to define a preorder ≥W\ge_{\mathcal{W}} on the power set P(Ω)\mathcal{P}(\Omega) preserving set-theoretical union. The main results of our paper are two representation theorems. In the first theorem we show that for any finite lattice L\mathbb{L} there exist a finite set ΩL\Omega_{\mathbb{L}} and a pairing W\mathcal{W} on ΩL\Omega_\mathbb{L} such that the quotient of the preordered set (P(ΩL),≥W)(\mathcal{P}(\Omega_\mathbb{L}), \ge_\mathcal{W}) with respect to its symmetrization is a lattice that is order-isomorphic to L\mathbb{L}. In the second result, we prove that when the lattice L\mathbb{L} is endowed with an order-reversing involutory map ψ:L→L\psi: L \to L such that ψ(0^L)=1^L\psi(\hat 0_{\mathbb{L}})=\hat 1_{\mathbb{L}}, ψ(1^L)=0^L\psi(\hat 1_{\mathbb{L}})=\hat 0_{\mathbb{L}}, ψ(α)∧α=0^L\psi(\alpha) \wedge \alpha=\hat 0_{\mathbb{L}} and ψ(α)∨α=1^L\psi(\alpha) \vee \alpha=\hat 1_{\mathbb{L}}, there exist a finite set ΩL,ψ\Omega_{\mathbb{L},\psi} and a pairing on it inducing a specific poset which is order-isomorphic to L\mathbb{L}