5 research outputs found

    Negation-Limited Formulas

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    We give an efficient structural decomposition theorem for formulas that depends on their negation complexity and demonstrate its power with the following applications. We prove that every formula that contains t negation gates can be shrunk using a random restriction to a formula of size O(t) with the shrinkage exponent of monotone formulas. As a result, the shrinkage exponent of formulas that contain a constant number of negation gates is equal to the shrinkage exponent of monotone formulas. We give an efficient transformation of formulas with t negation gates to circuits with log(t) negation gates. This transformation provides a generic way to cast results for negation-limited circuits to the setting of negation-limited formulas. For example, using a result of Rossman (CCC\u2715), we obtain an average-case lower bound for formulas of polynomial-size on n variables with n^{1/2-epsilon} negations. In addition, we prove a lower bound on the number of negations required to compute one-way permutations by polynomial-size formulas

    Learning Circuits with few Negations

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    Monotone Boolean functions, and the monotone Boolean circuits that compute them, have been intensively studied in complexity theory. In this paper we study the structure of Boolean functions in terms of the minimum number of negations in any circuit computing them, a complexity measure that interpolates between monotone functions and the class of all functions. We study this generalization of monotonicity from the vantage point of learning theory, establishing nearly matching upper and lower bounds on the uniform-distribution learnability of circuits in terms of the number of negations they contain. Our upper bounds are based on a new structural characterization of negation-limited circuits that extends a classical result of A.A. Markov. Our lower bounds, which employ Fourier-analytic tools from hardness amplification, give new results even for circuits with no negations (i.e. monotone functions)

    Testing k-Monotonicity

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    A Boolean k-monotone function defined over a finite poset domain D alternates between the values 0 and 1 at most k times on any ascending chain in D. Therefore, k-monotone functions are natural generalizations of the classical monotone functions, which are the 1-monotone functions. Motivated by the recent interest in k-monotone functions in the context of circuit complexity and learning theory, and by the central role that monotonicity testing plays in the context of property testing, we initiate a systematic study of k-monotone functions, in the property testing model. In this model, the goal is to distinguish functions that are k-monotone (or are close to being k-monotone) from functions that are far from being k-monotone. Our results include the following: 1. We demonstrate a separation between testing k-monotonicity and testing monotonicity, on the hypercube domain {0,1}^d, for k >= 3; 2. We demonstrate a separation between testing and learning on {0,1}^d, for k=omega(log d): testing k-monotonicity can be performed with 2^{O(sqrt d . log d . log{1/eps})} queries, while learning k-monotone functions requires 2^{Omega(k . sqrt d .{1/eps})} queries (Blais et al. (RANDOM 2015)). 3. We present a tolerant test for functions fcolon[n]^dto {0,1}$with complexity independent of n, which makes progress on a problem left open by Berman et al. (STOC 2014). Our techniques exploit the testing-by-learning paradigm, use novel applications of Fourier analysis on the grid [n]^d, and draw connections to distribution testing techniques. Our techniques exploit the testing-by-learning paradigm, use novel applications of Fourier analysis on the grid [n]^d, and draw connections to distribution testing techniques