63,056 research outputs found

    Negation as failure. II

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    AbstractThe use of the negation as failure rule in logic programming is often considered to be tantamount to reasoning from Clark's “completed data base” [2]. Continuing the investigations of Clark and Shepherdson [2,7], we show that this is not fully equivalent to negation as failure either using classical logic or the more appropriate intuitionistic logic. We doubt whether there is any simple and useful logical meaning of negation as failure in the general case, and study in detail some special kinds of data base where the relationship of the completed data base to negation as failure is closer, e.g. where the data base is definite Horn or hierarchic

    A principled framework for modular web rule bases and its semantics

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    We present a principled framework for modular web rule bases, called MWeb. According to this framework, each predicate defined in a rule base is characterized by its defining reasoning mode, scope, and exporting rule base list. Each predicate used in a rule base is characterized by its requesting reasoning mode and importing rule base list. For valid MWeb modular rule bases S, theMWebAS andMWebWFS semantics of each rule base s ∈ S w.r.t. S are defined, model-theoretically. These semantics extend the answer set semantics (AS) and the well-founded semantics with explicit negation (WFSX) on ELPs, respectively, keeping all of their semantical and computational characteristics. Our framework supports: (i) local semantics and different points of view, (ii) local closed-world and open-world assumptions, (iii) scoped negation-as-failure, and (iv) restricted propagation of local inconsistencies. Additionally, it guarantees monotonicity of reasoning, in the case that new rule bases are added to the modular rule base, while the importing rule base list of the predicates of the old rule bases remains the same

    Logic Programming with Default, Weak and Strict Negations

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    This paper treats logic programming with three kinds of negation: default, weak and strict negations. A 3-valued logic model theory is discussed for logic programs with three kinds of negation. The procedure is constructed for negations so that a soundness of the procedure is guaranteed in terms of 3-valued logic model theory.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Tight Logic Programs

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    This note is about the relationship between two theories of negation as failure -- one based on program completion, the other based on stable models, or answer sets. Francois Fages showed that if a logic program satisfies a certain syntactic condition, which is now called ``tightness,'' then its stable models can be characterized as the models of its completion. We extend the definition of tightness and Fages' theorem to programs with nested expressions in the bodies of rules, and study tight logic programs containing the definition of the transitive closure of a predicate.Comment: To appear in Special Issue of the Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Journal on Answer Set Programming, 200

    AGM-Like Paraconsistent Belief Change

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    Two systems of belief change based on paraconsistent logics are introduced in this article by means of AGM-like postulates. The first one, AGMp, is defined over any paraconsistent logic which extends classical logic such that the law of excluded middle holds w.r.t. the paraconsistent negation. The second one, AGMo , is specifically designed for paraconsistent logics known as Logics of Formal Inconsistency (LFIs), which have a formal consistency operator that allows to recover all the classical inferences. Besides the three usual operations over belief sets, namely expansion, contraction and revision (which is obtained from contraction by the Levi identity), the underlying paraconsistent logic allows us to define additional operations involving (non-explosive) contradictions. Thus, it is defined external revision (which is obtained from contraction by the reverse Levi identity), consolidation and semi-revision, all of them over belief sets. It is worth noting that the latter operations, introduced by S. Hansson, involve the temporary acceptance of contradictory beliefs, and so they were originally defined only for belief bases. Unlike to previous proposals in the literature, only defined for specific paraconsistent logics, the present approach can be applied to a general class of paraconsistent logics which are supraclassical, thus preserving the spirit of AGM. Moreover, representation theorems w.r.t. constructions based on selection functions are obtained for all the operations

    Negation, 'presupposition' and the semantics/pragmatics distinction

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    A cognitive pragmatic approach is taken to some long-standing problem cases of negation, the so-called presupposition denial cases. It is argued that a full account of the processes and levels of representation involved in their interpretation typically requires the sequential pragmatic derivation of two different propositions expressed. The first is one in which the presupposition is preserved and, following the rejection of this, the second involves the echoic (metalinguistic) use of material falling in the scope of the negation. The semantic base for these processes is the standard anti-presuppositionalist wide-scope negation. A different view, developed by Burton-Roberts (1989a, b), takes presupposition to be a semantic relation encoded in natural language and so argues for a negation operator that does not cancel presuppositions. This view is shown to be flawed, in that it makes the false prediction that presupposition denial cases are semantic contradictions and it is based on too narrow a view of the role of pragmatic inferencing

    Fages' Theorem and Answer Set Programming

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    We generalize a theorem by Francois Fages that describes the relationship between the completion semantics and the answer set semantics for logic programs with negation as failure. The study of this relationship is important in connection with the emergence of answer set programming. Whenever the two semantics are equivalent, answer sets can be computed by a satisfiability solver, and the use of answer set solvers such as smodels and dlv is unnecessary. A logic programming representation of the blocks world due to Ilkka Niemelae is discussed as an example