8,465 research outputs found

    Necessary and sufficient conditions for consistent root reconstruction in Markov models on trees

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    We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for consistent root reconstruction in continuous-time Markov models with countable state space on bounded-height trees. Here a root state estimator is said to be consistent if the probability that it returns to the true root state converges to 1 as the number of leaves tends to infinity. We also derive quantitative bounds on the error of reconstruction. Our results answer a question of Gascuel and Steel and have implications for ancestral sequence reconstruction in a classical evolutionary model of nucleotide insertion and deletion.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures, title of reference [FR] is update

    Inferring ancestral sequences in taxon-rich phylogenies

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    Statistical consistency in phylogenetics has traditionally referred to the accuracy of estimating phylogenetic parameters for a fixed number of species as we increase the number of characters. However, as sequences are often of fixed length (e.g. for a gene) although we are often able to sample more taxa, it is useful to consider a dual type of statistical consistency where we increase the number of species, rather than characters. This raises some basic questions: what can we learn about the evolutionary process as we increase the number of species? In particular, does having more species allow us to infer the ancestral state of characters accurately? This question is particularly relevant when sequence site evolution varies in a complex way from character to character, as well as for reconstructing ancestral sequences. In this paper, we assemble a collection of results to analyse various approaches for inferring ancestral information with increasing accuracy as the number of taxa increases.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures, 1 table

    Latent tree models

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    Latent tree models are graphical models defined on trees, in which only a subset of variables is observed. They were first discussed by Judea Pearl as tree-decomposable distributions to generalise star-decomposable distributions such as the latent class model. Latent tree models, or their submodels, are widely used in: phylogenetic analysis, network tomography, computer vision, causal modeling, and data clustering. They also contain other well-known classes of models like hidden Markov models, Brownian motion tree model, the Ising model on a tree, and many popular models used in phylogenetics. This article offers a concise introduction to the theory of latent tree models. We emphasise the role of tree metrics in the structural description of this model class, in designing learning algorithms, and in understanding fundamental limits of what and when can be learned

    Learning loopy graphical models with latent variables: Efficient methods and guarantees

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    The problem of structure estimation in graphical models with latent variables is considered. We characterize conditions for tractable graph estimation and develop efficient methods with provable guarantees. We consider models where the underlying Markov graph is locally tree-like, and the model is in the regime of correlation decay. For the special case of the Ising model, the number of samples nn required for structural consistency of our method scales as n=Ω(θminδη(η+1)2logp)n=\Omega(\theta_{\min}^{-\delta\eta(\eta+1)-2}\log p), where p is the number of variables, θmin\theta_{\min} is the minimum edge potential, δ\delta is the depth (i.e., distance from a hidden node to the nearest observed nodes), and η\eta is a parameter which depends on the bounds on node and edge potentials in the Ising model. Necessary conditions for structural consistency under any algorithm are derived and our method nearly matches the lower bound on sample requirements. Further, the proposed method is practical to implement and provides flexibility to control the number of latent variables and the cycle lengths in the output graph.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AOS1070 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    On the convergence of the maximum likelihood estimator for the transition rate under a 2-state symmetric model

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    Maximum likelihood estimators are used extensively to estimate unknown parameters of stochastic trait evolution models on phylogenetic trees. Although the MLE has been proven to converge to the true value in the independent-sample case, we cannot appeal to this result because trait values of different species are correlated due to shared evolutionary history. In this paper, we consider a 22-state symmetric model for a single binary trait and investigate the theoretical properties of the MLE for the transition rate in the large-tree limit. Here, the large-tree limit is a theoretical scenario where the number of taxa increases to infinity and we can observe the trait values for all species. Specifically, we prove that the MLE converges to the true value under some regularity conditions. These conditions ensure that the tree shape is not too irregular, and holds for many practical scenarios such as trees with bounded edges, trees generated from the Yule (pure birth) process, and trees generated from the coalescent point process. Our result also provides an upper bound for the distance between the MLE and the true value