306 research outputs found

    UAV swarm coordination and control for establishing wireless connectivity

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    Yodel: A Layer 3.5 Name-Based Multicast Network Architecture For The Future Internet

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    Multicasting refers to the ability of transmitting data to multiple recipients without data sources needing to provide more than one copy of the data to the network. The network takes responsibility to route and deliver a copy of each data to every intended recipient. Multicasting has the potential to improve the network efficiency and performance (e.g., throughput and latency) through transferring fewer bits in communicating the same data to multiple recipients compared with unicast transmissions, reduce the amount of networking resources needed for communication, lower the network energy footprint, and alleviate the occurrence of congestion in the network. Over the past few decades, providing multicast services has been a real challenge for ISPs, especially to support home users and multi-domain network applications, leading to the emergence of complex application-level solutions. These solutions like Content Delivery and Peer-to-Peer networks take advantage of complex caching, routing, transport, and topology management systems which put heavy strains on the underlying Internet infrastructures to offer multicasting services. In reality, the main motivation behind the design of these systems is rather sharing content than offering efficient multicast services. In this paper, we propound Yodel, a name-based multicast network architecture that can provide multi-domain multicast services for current and future Internet applications. Compared to the wider array of other name-based network architectures with clean-slate infrastructure requirements, Yodel is designed to provide multicast services over the current Internet infrastructure. Hence, Yodel puts forward several design goals that distinguish it from other name-based network architectures with inherent multicast capabilities. This paper is prepared to discuss the Yodel architecture, its design goals, and architectural functions.Comment: Contains animated figure

    Design Experiences on Single and Multi Radio Systems in Wireless Embedded Platforms

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    The progress of radio technology has made several flavors of radio available on the market.Wireless sensor network platform designers have used these radios to build a variety of platforms. Withnew applications and different types of radios on wireless sensing nodes, it is often hard to interconnectdifferent types of networks. Hence, often additional radios have to be integrated onto existingplatforms or new platforms have to be built. Additionally, the energy consumption of these nodes have to be optimized to meetlifetime requirements of years without recharging.In this thesis, we address two issues of single and multi radio platform designfor wireless sensor network applications - engineering issues and energy optimization.We present a set of guiding principles from our design experiences while building 3 real life applications,namely asset tracking, burglar tracking and finally in-situ psychophysiological stress monitoring of human subjects in behavioral studies.In the asset tracking application, we present our design of a tag node that can be hidden inside valuable personal assets such asprinters or sofas in a home. If these items are stolen, a city wide anchor node infrastructure networkwould track them throughout the city. We also present our design for the anchor node.In the burglar tracking application, we present the design of tag nodes and the issueswe faced while integrating it with a GSM radio. Finally, we discuss our experiencesin designing a bridge node, that connects body worn physiological sensorsto a Bluetooth enabled mobile smartphone. We present the software framework that acts as middleware toconnect to the bridge, parse the sensor data, and send it to higher layers of the softwareframework.We describe 2 energy optimization schemes that are used in the Asset Tracking and the Burglar Tracking applications, that enhance the lifetime of the individual applications manifold.In the asset tracking application,we design a grouping scheme that helps increase reliability of detection of the tag nodes at theanchor nodes while reducing the energy consumption of the group of tag nodes travelling together.We achieve an increase of 5 times improvement in lifetime of the entire group. In the Burglar Tracking application, weuse sensing to determine when to turn the GSM radio on and transmit data by differentiatingturns and lane changes. This helps us reduce the number of times the GSM radio is woken up, thereby increasing thelifetime of the tag node while it is being tracked. This adds 8 minutes of trackablelifetime to the burglar tracking tag node. We conclude this thesis by observing the futuretrends of platform design and radio evolution

    Distributed consensus in multi-robot systems with visual perception

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    La idea de equipos de robots actuando con autonomía y de manera cooperativa está cada día más cerca de convertirse en realidad. Los sistemas multi robot pueden ejecutar tareas de gran complejidad con mayor robustez y en menos tiempo que un robot trabajando solo. Por otra parte, la coordinación de un equipo de robots introduce complicaciones que los ingenieros encargados de diseñar estos sistemas deben afrontar. Conseguir que la percepción del entorno sea consistente en todos los robots es uno de los aspectos más importantes requeridos en cualquier tarea cooperativa, lo que implica que las observaciones de cada robot del equipo deben ser transmitidas a todos los otros miembros. Cuando dos o más robots poseen información común del entorno, el equipo debe alcanzar un consenso usando toda la información disponible. Esto se debe hacer considerando las limitaciones de cada robot, teniendo en cuenta que no todos los robots se pueden comunicar unos con otros. Con este objetivo, se aborda la tarea de diseñar algoritmos distribuidos que consigan que un equipo de robots llegue a un consenso acerca de la información percibida por todos los miembros. Específicamente, nos centramos en resolver este problema cuando los robots usan la visión como sensor para percibir el entorno. Las cámaras convencionales son muy útiles a la hora de ejecutar tareas como la navegación y la construcción de mapas, esenciales en el ámbito de la robótica, gracias a la gran cantidad de información que contiene cada imagen. Sin embargo, el uso de estos sensores en un marco distribuido introduce una gran cantidad de complicaciones adicionales que deben ser abordadas si se quiere cumplir el objetivo propuesto. En esta Tesis presentamos un estudio profundo de los algoritmos distribuidos de consenso y cómo estos pueden ser usados por un equipo de robots equipados con cámaras convencionales, resolviendo los aspectos más importantes relacionados con el uso de estos sensores. En la primera parte de la Tesis nos centramos en encontrar correspondencias globales entre las observaciones de todos los robots. De esta manera, los robots son capaces de detectar que observaciones deben ser combinadas para el cálculo del consenso. También lidiamos con el problema de la robustez y la detección distribuida de espurios durante el cálculo del consenso. Para contrarrestar el incremento del tamaño de los mensajes intercambiados por los robots en las etapas anteriores, usamos las propiedades de los polinomios de Chebyshev, reduciendo el número de iteraciones que se requieren para alcanzar el consenso. En la segunda parte de la Tesis, centramos nuestra atención en los problemas de crear un mapa y controlar el movimiento del equipo de robots. Presentamos soluciones para alcanzar un consenso en estos escenarios mediante el uso de técnicas de visión por computador ampliamente conocidas. El uso de algoritmos de estructura y movimiento nos permite obviar restricciones tales como que los robots tengan que observarse unos a otros directamente durante el control o la necesidad de especificar un marco de referencia común. Adicionalmente, nuestros algoritmos tienen un comportamiento robusto cuando la calibración de las cámaras no se conoce. Finalmente, la evaluación de las propuestas se realiza utilizando un data set de un entorno urbano y robots reales con restricciones de movimiento no holónomas. Todos los algoritmos que se presentan en esta Tesis han sido diseñados para ser ejecutados de manera distribuida. En la Tesis demostramos de manera teórica las principales propiedades de los algoritmos que se proponen y evaluamos la calidad de los mismos con datos simulados e imágenes reales. En resumen, las principales contribuciones de esta Tesis son: • Un conjunto de algoritmos distribuidos que permiten a un equipo de robots equipados con cámaras convencionales alcanzar un consenso acerca de la información que perciben. En particular, proponemos tres algoritmos distribuidos con el objetivo de resolver los problemas de encontrar correspondencias globales entre la información de todos los robots, detectar y descartar información espuria, y reducir el número de veces que los robots tienen que comunicarse entre ellos antes de alcanzar el consenso. • La combinación de técnicas de consenso distribuido y estructura y movimiento en tareas de control y percepción. Se ha diseñado un algoritmo para construir un mapa topológico de manera cooperativa usando planos como características del mapa y restricciones de homografía como elementos para relacionar las observaciones de los robots. También se ha propuesto una ley de control distribuida utilizando la geometría epipolar con el objetivo de hacer que el equipo de robots alcance una orientación común sin la necesidad de observarse directamente unos a otros


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    According to the American National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2010, there were an estimated 5,419,000 police-reported traffic crashes, in which 32,885 people were killed and 2,239,000 people were injured in the US alone. Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) is an emerging technology which promises to decrease car accidents by providing several safety related services such as blind spot, forward collision and sudden braking ahead warnings. Unfortunately, research of VANET is hindered by the extremely high cost and complexity of field testing. Hence it becomes important to simulate VANET protocols and applications thoroughly before attempting to implement them. This thesis studies the feasibility of common mobility and wireless channel models in VANET simulation and provides a general overview of the currently available VANET simulators and their features. Six different simulation scenarios are performed to evaluate the performance of AODV, DSDV, DSR and OLSR Ad-Hoc routing protocols with UDP and TCP packets. Simulation results indicate that reactive protocols are more robust and suitable for the highly dynamic VANET networks. Furthermore, TCP is found to be more suitable for VANET safety applications due to the high delay and packet drop of UDP packets.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    다중 로봇 SLAM을 위한 상관관계 기반 지도병합 기술

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2013. 8. 이범희.Multi-robot simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is an advanced technique used by multiple robots and autonomous vehicles to build up a collective map within an unknown environment, or to update a collective map within a known environment, while at the same time keeping track of their current location. The collective map is obtained by merging individual maps built by different multiple robots exploring the environment. When robots do not know their initial poses one another, the problem of map merging becomes challenging because the robots have different coordinate systems. If robot-to-robot measurements are not available, the problem of map merging becomes more challenging because the map transformation matrix (MTM) among robots cannot be computed directly. This dissertation presents novel map merging techniques based on the analysis of the correlation among the individual maps, which do not need the knowledge of the relative initial poses of robots and the robot-to-robot measurements. After the cross-correlation function among the spectrometric or tomographic information extracted from the individual maps is generated, the MTM is computed by taking the rotation angle and the translation amounts corresponding to the maximum cross-correlation values. The correlation-based map merging techniques with spectral information presented in this dissertation are the extensions of a conventional map merging technique. One extension is spectrum-based feature map merging (SFMM), which extracts the spectral information of feature maps from virtual supporting lines and computes the MTM by matching the extracted spectral information. The other extension is enhanced-spectrum-based map merging (ESMM), which enhances grid maps using the locations of visual objects and computes the MTM by matching the spectral information extracted from the enhanced grid maps. The two extensions overcome successfully the limitation of the conventional map merging technique. The correlation-based map merging technique with tomographic information is a new map merging technique, which is named tomographic map merging (TMM). Since tomographic analysis can provide more detailed information on grid maps according to rotation and translation than spectral analysis, the more accurate MTM can be computed by matching the tomographic information. The TMM was tested on various pairs of partial maps from real experiments in indoor and outdoor environments. The improved accuracy was verified by showing smaller map merging errors than the conventional map merging technique and several existing map merging techniques.Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background and motivation 1.2 Related works 1.3 Contributions 1.4 Organization Chapter 2 Multi-Robot SLAM and Map Merging 2.1 SLAM using Particle Filters 2.2 Multi-Robot SLAM (MR-SLAM) 2.2.1 MR-SLAM with Known Initial Correspondences 2.2.2 MR-SLAM with Unknown Initial Correspondences 2.3 Map Merging Chapter 3 Map Merging based on Spectral Correlation 3.1 Spectrum-based Map Merging (SMM) 3.2 Spectrum-based Feature Map Merging (SFMM) 3.2.1 Overview of the SFMM 3.2.2 Problem Formulation for the SFMM 3.2.3 Virtual Supporting Lines (VSLs) 3.2.4 Estimation of Map Rotation with Hough Spectra 3.2.5 Rasterization of Updated Feature Maps with VSLs 3.2.6 Estimation of Map Displacements 3.3 Enhanced-Spectrum-based Map Merging (ESMM) 3.3.1 Overview of the ESMM 3.3.2 Problem Formulation for the ESMM 3.3.3 Preprocessing – Map Thinning 3.3.4 Map Enhancement 3.3.5 Estimation of Map Rotation 3.3.6 Estimation of Map Translations Chapter 4 Map Merging based on Tomographic Correlation 4.1 Overview of the TMM 4.2 Problem Formulation for the TMM 4.3 Extraction of Sinograms by the Radon Transform 4.4 Estimation of a Rotation Angle 4.5 Estimation of X-Y Translations Chapter 5 Experiments 5.1 Experimental Results of the SFMM 5.2 Experimental Results of the ESMM 5.2.1 Results in a Parking Area 5.2.2 Results in a Building Roof 5.3 Experimental Results of the TMM 5.3.1 Results in Indoor Environments 5.3.2 Results in Outdoor Environments 5.3.3 Results with a Public Dataset 5.3.4 Results of Merging More Maps 5.4 Comparison among the Proposed Techniques 5.5 Discussion Chapter 6 Conclusions BibliographyDocto


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    This thesis it survey study for VANET (Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks) and it performance in city and urban residential areas, when the the number of vehicles on roads is increasing annually, due to the higher amount of traffic, there are more accidents associated with road traffic complexity. VANET can be used to detect dangerous situations which are forwarded to the driver assistant system by monitoring the traffic status.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Distributed navigation of multi-robot systems for sensing coverage

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    A team of coordinating mobile robots equipped with operation specific sensors can perform different coverage tasks. If the required number of robots in the team is very large then a centralized control system becomes a complex strategy. There are also some areas where centralized communication turns into an issue. So, a team of mobile robots for coverage tasks should have the ability of decentralized or distributed decision making. This thesis investigates decentralized control of mobile robots specifically for coverage problems. A decentralized control strategy is ideally based on local information and it can offer flexibility in case there is an increment or decrement in the number of mobile robots. We perform a broad survey of the existing literature for coverage control problems. There are different approaches associated with decentralized control strategy for coverage control problems. We perform a comparative review of these approaches and use the approach based on simple local coordination rules. These locally computed nearest neighbour rules are used to develop decentralized control algorithms for coverage control problems. We investigate this extensively used nearest neighbour rule-based approach for developing coverage control algorithms. In this approach, a mobile robot gives an equal importance to every neighbour robot coming under its communication range. We develop our control approach by making some of the mobile robots playing a more influential role than other members of the team. We develop the control algorithm based on nearest neighbour rules with weighted average functions. The approach based on this control strategy becomes efficient in terms of achieving a consensus on control inputs, say heading angle, velocity, etc. The decentralized control of mobile robots can also exhibit a cyclic behaviour under some physical constraints like a quantized orientation of the mobile robot. We further investigate the cyclic behaviour appearing due to the quantized control of mobile robots under some conditions. Our nearest neighbour rule-based approach offers a biased strategy in case of cyclic behaviour appearing in the team of mobile robots. We consider a clustering technique inside the team of mobile robots. Our decentralized control strategy calculates the similarity measure among the neighbours of a mobile robot. The team of mobile robots with the similarity measure based approach becomes efficient in achieving a fast consensus like on heading angle or velocity. We perform a rigorous mathematical analysis of our developed approach. We also develop a condition based on relaxed criteria for achieving consensus on velocity or heading angle of the mobile robots. Our validation approach is based on mathematical arguments and extensive computer simulations

    Cooperative control for multi-vehicle swarms

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    The cooperative control of large-scale multi-agent systems has gained a significant interest in recent years from the robotics and control communities for multi-vehicle control. One motivator for the growing interest is the application of spatially and temporally distributed multiple unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems for distributed sensing and collaborative operations. In this research, the multi-vehicle control problem is addressed using a decentralised control system. The work aims to provide a decentralised control framework that synthesises the self-organised and coordinated behaviour of natural swarming systems into cooperative UAV systems. The control system design framework is generalised for application into various other multi-agent systems including cellular robotics, ad-hoc communication networks, and modular smart-structures. The approach involves identifying su itable relationships that describe the behaviour of the UAVs within the swarm and the interactions of these behaviours to produce purposeful high-level actions for system operators. A major focus concerning the research involves the development of suitable analytical tools that decomposes the general swarm behaviours to the local vehicle level. The control problem is approached using two-levels of abstraction; the supervisory level, and the local vehicle level. Geometric control techniques based on differential geometry are used at the supervisory level to reduce the control problem to a small set of permutation and size invariant abstract descriptors. The abstract descriptors provide an open-loop optimal state and control trajectory for the collective swarm and are used to describe the intentions of the vehicles. Decentralised optimal control is implemented at the local vehicle level to synthesise self-organised and cooperative behaviour. A deliberative control scheme is implemented at the local vehicle le vel that demonstrates autonomous, cooperative and optimal behaviour whilst the preserving precision and reliability at the local vehicle level

    Opportunistic data collection and routing in segmented wireless sensor networks

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    La surveillance régulière des opérations dans les aires de manoeuvre (voies de circulation et pistes) et aires de stationnement d'un aéroport est une tâche cruciale pour son fonctionnement. Les stratégies utilisées à cette fin visent à permettre la mesure des variables environnementales, l'identification des débris (FOD) et l'enregistrement des statistiques d'utilisation de diverses sections de la surface. Selon un groupe de gestionnaires et contrôleurs d'aéroport interrogés, cette surveillance est un privilège des grands aéroports en raison des coûts élevés d'acquisition, d'installation et de maintenance des technologies existantes. Les moyens et petits aéroports se limitent généralement à la surveillance de quelques variables environnementales et des FOD effectuée visuellement par l'homme. Cette dernière activité impose l'arrêt du fonctionnement des pistes pendant l'inspection. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une solution alternative basée sur les réseaux de capteurs sans fil (WSN) qui, contrairement aux autres méthodes, combinent les propriétés de faible coût d'installation et maintenance, de déploiement rapide, d'évolutivité tout en permettant d'effectuer des mesures sans interférer avec le fonctionnement de l'aéroport. En raison de la superficie d'un aéroport et de la difficulté de placer des capteurs sur des zones de transit, le WSN se composerait d'une collection de sous-réseaux isolés les uns des autres et du puits. Pour gérer cette segmentation, notre proposition s'appuie sur l'utilisation opportuniste des véhicules circulants dans l'aéroport considérés alors comme un type spécial de nœud appelé Mobile Ubiquitous LAN Extension (MULE) chargé de collecter les données des sous-réseaux le long de son trajet et de les transférer vers le puits. L'une des exigences pour le déploiement d'un nouveau système dans un aéroport est qu'il cause peu ou pas d'interruption des opérations régulières. C'est pourquoi l'utilisation d'une approche opportuniste basé sur des MULE est privilégiée dans cette thèse. Par opportuniste, nous nous référons au fait que le rôle de MULE est joué par certains des véhicules déjà existants dans un aéroport et effectuant leurs déplacements normaux. Et certains nœuds des sous- réseaux exploiteront tout moment de contact avec eux pour leur transmettre les données à transférer ensuite au puits. Une caractéristique des MULEs dans notre application est qu'elles ont des trajectoires structurées (suivant les voies de circulation dans l'aéroport), en ayant éventuellement un contact avec l'ensemble des nœuds situés le long de leur trajet (appelés sous-puits). Ceci implique la nécessité de définir une stratégie de routage dans chaque sous-réseau, capable d'acheminer les données collectées des nœuds vers les sous-puits et de répartir les paquets de données entre eux afin que le temps en contact avec la MULE soit utilisé le plus efficacement possible. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un protocole de routage remplissant ces fonctions. Le protocole proposé est nommé ACME (ACO-based routing protocol for MULE-assisted WSNs). Il est basé sur la technique d'Optimisation par Colonies de Fourmis. ACME permet d'assigner des nœuds à des sous-puits puis de définir les chemins entre eux, en tenant compte de la minimisation de la somme des longueurs de ces chemins, de l'équilibrage de la quantité de paquets stockés par les sous-puits et du nombre total de retransmissions. Le problème est défini comme une tâche d'optimisation multi-objectif qui est résolue de manière distribuée sur la base des actions des nœuds dans un schéma collaboratif. Nous avons développé un environnement de simulation et effectué des campagnes de calculs dans OMNeT++ qui montrent les avantages de notre protocole en termes de performances et sa capacité à s'adapter à une grande variété de topologies de réseaux.The regular monitoring of operations in both movement areas (taxiways and runways) and non-movement areas (aprons and aircraft parking spots) of an airport, is a critical task for its functioning. The set of strategies used for this purpose include the measurement of environmental variables, the identification of foreign object debris (FOD), and the record of statistics of usage for diverse sections of the surface. According to a group of airport managers and controllers interviewed by us, the wide monitoring of most of these variables is a privilege of big airports due to the high acquisition, installation and maintenance costs of most common technologies. Due to this limitation, smaller airports often limit themselves to the monitoring of environmental variables at some few spatial points and the tracking of FOD performed by humans. This last activity requires stopping the functioning of the runways while the inspection is conducted. In this thesis, we propose an alternative solution based on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) which, unlike the other methods/technologies, combines the desirable properties of low installation and maintenance cost, scalability and ability to perform measurements without interfering with the regular functioning of the airport. Due to the large extension of an airport and the difficulty of placing sensors over transit areas, the WSN might result segmented into a collection of subnetworks isolated from each other and from the sink. To overcome this problem, our proposal relies on a special type of node called Mobile Ubiquitous LAN Extension (MULE), able to move over the airport surface, gather data from the subnetworks along its way and eventually transfer it to the sink. One of the main demands for the deployment of any new system in an airport is that it must have little or no interference with the regular operations. This is why the use of an opportunistic approach for the transfer of data from the subnetworks to the MULE is favored in this thesis. By opportunistic we mean that the role of MULE will be played by some of the typical vehicles already existing in an airport doing their normal displacements, and the subnetworks will exploit any moment of contact with them to forward data to the sink. A particular characteristic of the MULEs in our application is that they move along predefined structured trajectories (given by the layout of the airport), having eventual contact with the set of nodes located by the side of the road (so-called subsinks). This implies the need for a data routing strategy to be used within each subnetwork, able to lead the collected data from the sensor nodes to the subsinks and distribute the data packets among them so that the time in contact with the MULE is used as efficiently as possible. In this thesis, we propose a routing protocol which undertakes this task. Our proposed protocol is named ACME, standing for ACO-based routing protocol for MULE-assisted WSNs. It is founded on the well known Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) technique. The main advantage of ACO is its natural fit to the decentralized nature of WSN, which allows it to perform distributed optimizations (based on local interactions) leading to remarkable overall network performance. ACME is able to assign sensor nodes to subsinks and generate the corresponding multi-hop paths while accounting for the minimization of the total path length, the total subsink imbalance and the total number of retransmissions. The problem is defined as a multi-objective optimization task which is resolved in a distributed manner based on actions of the sensor nodes acting in a collaborative scheme. We conduct a set of computational experiments in the discrete event simulator OMNeT++ which shows the advantages of our protocol in terms of performance and its ability to adapt to a variety of network topologie