246 research outputs found

    Time for dithering: fast and quantized random embeddings via the restricted isometry property

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    Recently, many works have focused on the characterization of non-linear dimensionality reduction methods obtained by quantizing linear embeddings, e.g., to reach fast processing time, efficient data compression procedures, novel geometry-preserving embeddings or to estimate the information/bits stored in this reduced data representation. In this work, we prove that many linear maps known to respect the restricted isometry property (RIP) can induce a quantized random embedding with controllable multiplicative and additive distortions with respect to the pairwise distances of the data points beings considered. In other words, linear matrices having fast matrix-vector multiplication algorithms (e.g., based on partial Fourier ensembles or on the adjacency matrix of unbalanced expanders) can be readily used in the definition of fast quantized embeddings with small distortions. This implication is made possible by applying right after the linear map an additive and random "dither" that stabilizes the impact of the uniform scalar quantization operator applied afterwards. For different categories of RIP matrices, i.e., for different linear embeddings of a metric space (K⊂Rn,ℓq)(\mathcal K \subset \mathbb R^n, \ell_q) in (Rm,ℓp)(\mathbb R^m, \ell_p) with p,q≥1p,q \geq 1, we derive upper bounds on the additive distortion induced by quantization, showing that it decays either when the embedding dimension mm increases or when the distance of a pair of embedded vectors in K\mathcal K decreases. Finally, we develop a novel "bi-dithered" quantization scheme, which allows for a reduced distortion that decreases when the embedding dimension grows and independently of the considered pair of vectors.Comment: Keywords: random projections, non-linear embeddings, quantization, dither, restricted isometry property, dimensionality reduction, compressive sensing, low-complexity signal models, fast and structured sensing matrices, quantized rank-one projections (31 pages

    Sparser Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transforms

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    We give two different and simple constructions for dimensionality reduction in ℓ2\ell_2 via linear mappings that are sparse: only an O(ε)O(\varepsilon)-fraction of entries in each column of our embedding matrices are non-zero to achieve distortion 1+ε1+\varepsilon with high probability, while still achieving the asymptotically optimal number of rows. These are the first constructions to provide subconstant sparsity for all values of parameters, improving upon previous works of Achlioptas (JCSS 2003) and Dasgupta, Kumar, and Sarl\'{o}s (STOC 2010). Such distributions can be used to speed up applications where ℓ2\ell_2 dimensionality reduction is used.Comment: v6: journal version, minor changes, added Remark 23; v5: modified abstract, fixed typos, added open problem section; v4: simplified section 4 by giving 1 analysis that covers both constructions; v3: proof of Theorem 25 in v2 was written incorrectly, now fixed; v2: Added another construction achieving same upper bound, and added proof of near-tight lower bound for DKS schem
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