20 research outputs found

    Progress on the adjacent vertex distinguishing edge colouring conjecture

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    A proper edge colouring of a graph is adjacent vertex distinguishing if no two adjacent vertices see the same set of colours. Using a clever application of the Local Lemma, Hatami (2005) proved that every graph with maximum degree Δ\Delta and no isolated edge has an adjacent vertex distinguishing edge colouring with Δ+300\Delta + 300 colours, provided Δ\Delta is large enough. We show that this bound can be reduced to Δ+19\Delta + 19. This is motivated by the conjecture of Zhang, Liu, and Wang (2002) that Δ+2\Delta + 2 colours are enough for Δ3\Delta \geq 3.Comment: v2: Revised following referees' comment

    Planar graphs with maximum degree Delta\geq 9 are (\Delta+1)-edge-choosable -- short proof

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    We give a short proof of the following theorem due to Borodin~\cite{Bor90}. Every planar graph with maximum degree Δ9\Delta\geq 9 is (Δ+1)(\Delta+1)-edge-choosable

    Planar graphs with maximum degree Delta\geq 9 are (\Delta+1)-edge-choosable -- short proof

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    We give a short proof of the following theorem due to Borodin~\cite{Bor90}. Every planar graph with maximum degree Δ9\Delta\geq 9 is (Δ+1)(\Delta+1)-edge-choosable

    An Improved Bound for the Linear Arboricity Conjecture

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    A forest is linear if all its components are paths. The linear arboricity conjecture states that any graph GG of maximum degree Δ\Delta can be decomposed into at most Δ/2\lceil \Delta/2\rceil linear forests. Here, we show that GG admits a decomposition into at most Δ/2+3Δlog4Δ\Delta/2+ 3\sqrt{\Delta} \log^4 \Delta linear forests provided Δ\Delta is large enough. This improves a recent result of Ferber, Fox and Jain. Moreover, our result also holds in a more general list setting, where edges have (possibly different) sets of permissible linear forests. The proof is based on a simple tweak of a well-known technique in list edge-colouring, which was introduced by Kahn and refined by Molloy and Reed

    Pseudorandom hypergraph matchings

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    A celebrated theorem of Pippenger states that any almost regular hypergraph with small codegrees has an almost perfect matching. We show that one can find such an almost perfect matching which is `pseudorandom', meaning that, for instance, the matching contains as many edges from a given set of edges as predicted by a heuristic argument.Comment: 14 page

    Edge-colouring graphs with local list sizes

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    The famous List Colouring Conjecture from the 1970s states that for every graph GG the chromatic index of GG is equal to its list chromatic index. In 1996 in a seminal paper, Kahn proved that the List Colouring Conjecture holds asymptotically. Our main result is a local generalization of Kahn's theorem. More precisely, we show that, for a graph GG with sufficiently large maximum degree Δ\Delta and minimum degree δln25Δ\delta \geq \ln^{25} \Delta, the following holds: for every assignment of lists of colours to the edges of GG, such that L(e)(1+o(1))max{deg(u),deg(v)}|L(e)| \geq (1+o(1)) \cdot \max\left\{\rm{deg}(u),\rm{deg}(v)\right\} for each edge e=uve=uv, there is an LL-edge-colouring of GG. Furthermore, Kahn showed that the List Colouring Conjecture holds asymptotically for linear, kk-uniform hypergraphs, and recently Molloy generalized Kahn's original result to correspondence colouring as well as its hypergraph generalization. We prove local versions of all of these generalizations by showing a weighted version that simultaneously implies all of our results.Comment: 22 page

    A special case of Vu's conjecture: Coloring nearly disjoint graphs of bounded maximum degree

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    A collection of graphs is \textit{nearly disjoint} if every pair of them intersects in at most one vertex. We prove that if G1,,GmG_1, \dots, G_m are nearly disjoint graphs of maximum degree at most DD, then the following holds. For every fixed CC, if each vertex vi=1mV(Gi)v \in \bigcup_{i=1}^m V(G_i) is contained in at most CC of the graphs G1,,GmG_1, \dots, G_m, then the (list) chromatic number of i=1mGi\bigcup_{i=1}^m G_i is at most D+o(D)D + o(D). This result confirms a special case of a conjecture of Vu and generalizes Kahn's bound on the list chromatic index of linear uniform hypergraphs of bounded maximum degree. In fact, this result holds for the correspondence (or DP) chromatic number and thus implies a recent result of Molloy, and we derive this result from a more general list coloring result in the setting of `color degrees' that also implies a result of Reed and Sudakov.Comment: 14 pages with one-page appendix; this version adds Theorem 1.5 due to L. Postl

    Choosability of Graphs with Bounded Order: Ohba's Conjecture and Beyond

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    The \emph{choice number} of a graph GG, denoted ch(G)\ch(G), is the minimum integer kk such that for any assignment of lists of size kk to the vertices of GG, there is a proper colouring of GG such that every vertex is mapped to a colour in its list. For general graphs, the choice number is not bounded above by a function of the chromatic number. In this thesis, we prove a conjecture of Ohba which asserts that ch(G)=χ(G)\ch(G)=\chi(G) whenever V(G)2χ(G)+1|V(G)|\leq 2\chi(G)+1. We also prove a strengthening of Ohba's Conjecture which is best possible for graphs on at most 3χ(G)3\chi(G) vertices, and pose several conjectures related to our work.Comment: Master's Thesis, McGill Universit