124 research outputs found

    Identification of Simulink model antipattern instances using model clone detection

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    Abstract—One challenge facing the Model-Driven Engineering community is the need for model quality assurance. Specifically, there should be better facilities for analyzing models automat-ically. One measure of quality is the presence or absence of good and bad properties, such as patterns and antipatterns, respectively. We elaborate on and validate our earlier idea of detecting patterns in model-based systems using model clone detection by devising a Simulink antipattern instance detector. We chose Simulink because it is prevalent in industry, has mature model clone detection techniques, and interests our industrial partners. We demonstrate our technique using near-miss cross-clone detection to find instances of Simulink antipatterns derived from the literature in four sets of public Simulink projects. We present our detection results, highlight interesting examples, and discuss potential improvements to our approach. We hope this work provides a first step in helping practitioners improve Simulink model quality and further research in the area. I

    Clone Detection in Matlab Stateflow Models

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    Matlab Simulink is one of the leading tools for model based software development in the automotive industry. One extension to Simulink is Stateflow, which allows the user to embed Statecharts as components in a Simulink Model. These state machines contain nested states, an action language that describes events, guards, conditions and actions and complex transitions. As Stateflow has become increasingly important in Simulink models for the automotive sector, we extend previous work on clone detection of Simulink models to Stateflow components

    Handling Clone Mutations in Simulink Models with VCL

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    Like any other software system, real life Simulink models contain a considerable amount of cloning. These clones are not always identical copies of each other, but actually show a variety of differences from each other despite the overall similarities. Insufficient variability mechanisms provided by the platform make it difficult to create generic structures to represent these clones. Also, complete elimination of clones from the systems may not always be practical, feasible, or cost-effective. In this paper we propose a mechanism for clone management based on Variant Configuration Language (VCL) that provides a powerful variability handling mechanism. In this mechanism, the clones will be managed separate from the models in a non-intrusive way and the original models will not be polluted with extra complexity to manage clone instances. The proposed technique is validated by creating generic solutions for Simulink clones with a variety of differences present between them

    SimNav: Simulink navigation of model clone classes

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    SimNav is a GUI designed for displaying and navigating clone classes of Simulink models detected by the model clone detector Simone. As an embedded Simulink interface tool, SimNav allows model developers to explore detected clones directly in their own model development environment rather than a separate research tool interface. SimNav allows users to open selected models for side-by-side comparison, in order to visually explore clone classes and view the differences in the clone instances, as well as to explore the context in which the clones exist. This tool paper describes the motivation, implementation, and use cases for SimNav

    Analysis and clustering of model clones: An automotive industrial experience

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    Abstract—In this paper we present our early experience analyzing subsystem similarity in industrial automotive models. We apply our model clone detection tool, SIMONE, to identify identical and near-miss Simulink subsystem clones and cluster them into classes based on clone size and similarity threshold. We then analyze clone detection results using graph visualizations generated by the SIMGraph, a SIMONE extension, to identify subsystem patterns. SIMGraph provides us and our industrial partners with new interesting and useful insights that improves our understanding of the analyzed models and suggests better ways to maintain them. I

    Model analytics and management

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    Model analytics and management

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    SAMOS - A framework for model analytics and management

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    The increased popularity and adoption of model-* engineering paradigms, such as model-driven and model-based engineering, leads to an increase in the number of models, metamodels, model transformations and other related artifacts. This calls for automated techniques to analyze large collections of those artifacts to manage model-* ecosystems. SAMOS is a framework to address this challenge: it treats model-* artifacts as data, and applies various techniques—ranging from information retrieval to machine learning—to analyze those artifacts in a holistic, scalable and efficient way. Such analyses can help to understand and manage those ecosystems
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