9 research outputs found

    A Match in Time Saves Nine: Deterministic Online Matching With Delays

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    We consider the problem of online Min-cost Perfect Matching with Delays (MPMD) introduced by Emek et al. (STOC 2016). In this problem, an even number of requests appear in a metric space at different times and the goal of an online algorithm is to match them in pairs. In contrast to traditional online matching problems, in MPMD all requests appear online and an algorithm can match any pair of requests, but such decision may be delayed (e.g., to find a better match). The cost is the sum of matching distances and the introduced delays. We present the first deterministic online algorithm for this problem. Its competitive ratio is O(mlog25.5)O(m^{\log_2 5.5}) =O(m2.46) = O(m^{2.46}), where 2m2 m is the number of requests. This is polynomial in the number of metric space points if all requests are given at different points. In particular, the bound does not depend on other parameters of the metric, such as its aspect ratio. Unlike previous (randomized) solutions for the MPMD problem, our algorithm does not need to know the metric space in advance

    Stable Secretaries

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    We define and study a new variant of the secretary problem. Whereas in the classic setting multiple secretaries compete for a single position, we study the case where the secretaries arrive one at a time and are assigned, in an on-line fashion, to one of multiple positions. Secretaries are ranked according to talent, as in the original formulation, and in addition positions are ranked according to attractiveness. To evaluate an online matching mechanism, we use the notion of blocking pairs from stable matching theory: our goal is to maximize the number of positions (or secretaries) that do not take part in a blocking pair. This is compared with a stable matching in which no blocking pair exists. We consider the case where secretaries arrive randomly, as well as that of an adversarial arrival order, and provide corresponding upper and lower bounds.Comment: Accepted for presentation at the 18th ACM conference on Economics and Computation (EC 2017

    Tight Bounds for Online Matching in Bounded-Degree Graphs with Vertex Capacities

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    We study the b-matching problem in bipartite graphs G = (S,R,E). Each vertex s ? S is a server with individual capacity b_s. The vertices r ? R are requests that arrive online and must be assigned instantly to an eligible server. The goal is to maximize the size of the constructed matching. We assume that G is a (k,d)-graph [J. Naor and D. Wajc, 2018], where k specifies a lower bound on the degree of each server and d is an upper bound on the degree of each request. This setting models matching problems in timely applications. We present tight upper and lower bounds on the performance of deterministic online algorithms. In particular, we develop a new online algorithm via a primal-dual analysis. The optimal competitive ratio tends to 1, for arbitrary k ? d, as the server capacities increase. Hence, nearly optimal solutions can be computed online. Our results also hold for the vertex-weighted problem extension, and thus for AdWords and auction problems in which each bidder issues individual, equally valued bids. Our bounds improve the previous best competitive ratios. The asymptotic competitiveness of 1 is a significant improvement over the previous factor of 1-1/e^{k/d}, for the interesting range where k/d ? 1 is small. Recall that 1-1/e ? 0.63. Matching problems that admit a competitive ratio arbitrarily close to 1 are rare. Prior results rely on randomization or probabilistic input models

    Improved Competitive Ratio for Edge-Weighted Online Stochastic Matching

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    We consider the edge-weighted online stochastic matching problem, in which an edge-weighted bipartite graph G=(I\cup J, E) with offline vertices J and online vertex types I is given. The online vertices have types sampled from I with probability proportional to the arrival rates of online vertex types. The online algorithm must make immediate and irrevocable matching decisions with the objective of maximizing the total weight of the matching. For the problem with general arrival rates, Feldman et al. (FOCS 2009) proposed the Suggested Matching algorithm and showed that it achieves a competitive ratio of 1-1/e \approx 0.632. The ratio has recently been improved to 0.645 by Yan (2022), who proposed the Multistage Suggested Matching (MSM) algorithm. In this paper, we propose the Evolving Suggested Matching (ESM) algorithm, and show that it achieves a competitive ratio of 0.650.Comment: To appear in WINE202

    A Randomness Threshold for Online Bipartite Matching, via Lossless Online Rounding

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    Over three decades ago, Karp, Vazirani and Vazirani (STOC'90) introduced the online bipartite matching problem. They observed that deterministic algorithms' competitive ratio for this problem is no greater than 1/21/2, and proved that randomized algorithms can do better. A natural question thus arises: \emph{how random is random}? i.e., how much randomness is needed to outperform deterministic algorithms? The \textsc{ranking} algorithm of Karp et al.~requires O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) random bits, which, ignoring polylog terms, remained unimproved. On the other hand, Pena and Borodin (TCS'19) established a lower bound of (1o(1))loglogn(1-o(1))\log\log n random bits for any 1/2+Ω(1)1/2+\Omega(1) competitive ratio. We close this doubly-exponential gap, proving that, surprisingly, the lower bound is tight. In fact, we prove a \emph{sharp threshold} of (1±o(1))loglogn(1\pm o(1))\log\log n random bits for the randomness necessary and sufficient to outperform deterministic algorithms for this problem, as well as its vertex-weighted generalization. This implies the same threshold for the advice complexity (nondeterminism) of these problems. Similar to recent breakthroughs in the online matching literature, for edge-weighted matching (Fahrbach et al.~FOCS'20) and adwords (Huang et al.~FOCS'20), our algorithms break the barrier of 1/21/2 by randomizing matching choices over two neighbors. Unlike these works, our approach does not rely on the recently-introduced OCS machinery, nor the more established randomized primal-dual method. Instead, our work revisits a highly-successful online design technique, which was nonetheless under-utilized in the area of online matching, namely (lossless) online rounding of fractional algorithms. While this technique is known to be hopeless for online matching in general, we show that it is nonetheless applicable to carefully designed fractional algorithms with additional (non-convex) constraints

    Online Algorithms for Matching Platforms with Multi-Channel Traffic

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    Two-sided platforms rely on their recommendation algorithms to help visitors successfully find a match. However, on platforms such as VolunteerMatch (VM) -- which has facilitated millions of connections between volunteers and nonprofits -- a sizable fraction of website traffic arrives directly to a nonprofit's volunteering page via an external link, thus bypassing the platform's recommendation algorithm. We study how such platforms should account for this external traffic in the design of their recommendation algorithms, given the goal of maximizing successful matches. We model the platform's problem as a special case of online matching, where (using VM terminology) volunteers arrive sequentially and probabilistically match with one opportunity, each of which has finite need for volunteers. In our framework, external traffic is interested only in their targeted opportunity; by contrast, internal traffic may be interested in many opportunities, and the platform's online algorithm selects which opportunity to recommend. In evaluating different algorithms, we parameterize the competitive ratio based on the amount of external traffic. After demonstrating the shortcomings of a commonly-used algorithm that is optimal in the absence of external traffic, we propose a new algorithm -- Adaptive Capacity (AC) -- which accounts for matches differently based on whether they originate from internal or external traffic. We provide a lower bound on AC's competitive ratio that is increasing in the amount of external traffic and that is close to the parameterized upper bound we establish on the competitive ratio of any online algorithm. Our analysis utilizes a path-based, pseudo-rewards approach, which we further generalize to settings where the platform can recommend a ranked set of opportunities. Beyond our theoretical results, we show the strong performance of AC in a case study motivated by VM data

    Near-Optimum Online Ad Allocation for Targeted Advertising

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    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volum