3 research outputs found

    Moisture measurement in crops using spherical robots

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a new low-cost system based on a spherical robot for performing moisture monitoring in precision agriculture. Design/methodology/approach – The work arose from the necessity of providing farmers with alternative methods for crop monitoring. Thus, after analysing the main requirements, a spherical robot was chosen as a tentative approach. The presented work summarizes the work carried out in selecting the basics to apply in the robot, as well as its mechanical and electronic design. After designing and constructing the robot, several tests have been performed, in order to validate the robot for performing monitoring task and moving on different types of soil. Findings – The performed tests reveal that spherical robot is a suitable solution for performing the task. Research limitations/implications – Some improvements in control should be applied in order to reach a fully autonomous navigation in very slippery soils. Nevertheless, the performance of the robot in teleoperated mode allows validating of the system. Practical implications – The robot turned out to be friendly and harmless in its use for this application. The cost of final series will be affordable in comparison with the cost of other methods. Endurance of the robot can be considered as fair. Originality/value – The paper presents a new tool for farming based on non-common robot

    Robots in Agriculture: State of Art and Practical Experiences

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    The presence of robots in agriculture has grown significantly in recent years, overcoming some of the challenges and complications of this field. This chapter aims to collect a complete and recent state of the art about the application of robots in agriculture. The work addresses this topic from two perspectives. On the one hand, it involves the disciplines that lead the automation of agriculture, such as precision agriculture and greenhouse farming, and collects the proposals for automatizing tasks like planting and harvesting, environmental monitoring and crop inspection and treatment. On the other hand, it compiles and analyses the robots that are proposed to accomplish these tasks: e.g. manipulators, ground vehicles and aerial robots. Additionally, the chapter reports with more detail some practical experiences about the application of robot teams to crop inspection and treatment in outdoor agriculture, as well as to environmental monitoring in greenhouse farming

    ROSPHERE: Diseño, Construcción y Aplicación de una Esfera Robótica

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    Este trabajo fin de máster presenta la concepción, diseño, modelado, simulación y construcción de un robot móvil terrestre con forma esférica, el cual presenta un mecanismo alternativo de locomoción respecto a opciones tradicionales como son los vehículos con ruedas, orugas, extremidades, etc. El sistema denominado ROSPHERE (“RObotic SPHERE”), esta ́ compuesto por una coraza o cuerpo exterior de forma esférica y un mecanismo interno que le permite autoinducir movimiento