29 research outputs found

    Near-Optimal Hardness Results and Approximation Algorithms for Edge-Disjoint Paths and Related Problems

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    We study the approximability of edge-disjoint paths and related problems. In the edge-disjoint paths problem (EDP), we are given a network G with source-sink pairs (si,ti), 1 ≀ i ≀ k, and the goal is to find a largest subset of source-sink pairs that can be simultanoeusly connected in an edge-disjoint manner. We show that in directed networks, for any Δ \u3e 0, EDP is NP-hard to approximate within m1/2-Δ. We also design simple approximation algorithms that achieve essentially matching approximation guarantees for some generalizations of EDP. Another related class of routing problems that we study concerns EDP with the additional constraint that the routing paths be of bounded length. We show that, for any Δ \u3e 0, bounded length EDP is hard to approximate within m1/2-Δ even in undirected networks, and give an O(√m)-approximation algorithm for it. For directed networks, we show that even the single source-sink pair case (i.e. find the maximum number of paths of bounded length between a given source-sink pair) is hard to approximate within m1/2-Δ, for any Δ \u3e 0

    Approximability of the Unsplittable Flow Problem on Trees

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    We consider the approximability of the Unsplittable Flow Problem (UFP) on tree graphs, and give a deterministic quasi-polynomial time approximation scheme for the problem when the number of leaves in the tree graph is at most poly-logarithmic in nn (the number of demands), and when all edge capacities and resource requirements are suitably bounded. Our algorithm generalizes a recent technique that obtained the first such approximation scheme for line graphs. Our results show that the problem is not APX-hard for such graphs unless NP \subseteq DTIME(2^{polylog(n)}). Further, a reduction from the Demand Matching Problem shows that UFP is APX-hard when the number of leaves is Omega(n^\epsilon) for any constant \epsilon \u3e 0. Together, the two results give a nearly tight characterization of the approximability of the problem on tree graphs in terms of the number of leaves, and show the structure of the graph that results in hardness of approximation

    A Quasi-PTAS for Unsplittable Flow on Line Graphs

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    We study the Unsplittable Flow Problem (UFP) on a line graph, focusing on the long-standing open question of whether the problem is APX-hard. We describe a deterministic quasi-polynomial time approximation scheme for UFP on line graphs, thereby ruling out an APX-hardness result, unless NP is contained in DTIME(2^polylog(n)). Our result requires a quasi-polynomial bound on all edge capacities and demands in the input instance. Earlier results on this problem included a polynomial time (2+epsilon)-approximation under the assumption that no demand exceeds any edge capacity (the no-bottleneck assumption ) and a super-constant integrality gap if this assumption did not hold. Unlike most earlier work on UFP, our results do not require a no-bottleneck assumption

    Edge disjoint paths with minimum delay subject to reliability constraint

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    Recently, multipaths solutions have been proposed to improve the quality-of-service (QoS) in communication networks (CN). This paper describes a problem, DP/RD, to obtain the -edge-disjoint-path-set such that its reliability is at least R and its delay is minimal, for 1. DP/RD is useful for applications that require non-compromised reliability while demanding minimum delay. In this paper we propose an approximate algorithm based on the Lagrange-relaxation to solve the problem. Our solution produces DP that meets the reliability constraint R with delay(1+k)Dmin, for k1, and Dmin is the minimum path delay of any DP in the CN. Simulations on forty randomly generated CNs show that our polynomial time algorithm produced DP with delay and reliability comparable to those obtained using the exponential time brute-force approach

    Maximum Weight Disjoint Paths in Outerplanar Graphs via Single-Tree Cut Approximators

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    Since 1997 there has been a steady stream of advances for the maximum disjoint paths problem. Achieving tractable results has usually required focusing on relaxations such as: (i) to allow some bounded edge congestion in solutions, (ii) to only consider the unit weight (cardinality) setting, (iii) to only require fractional routability of the selected demands (the all-or-nothing flow setting). For the general form (no congestion, general weights, integral routing) of edge-disjoint paths ({\sc edp}) even the case of unit capacity trees which are stars generalizes the maximum matching problem for which Edmonds provided an exact algorithm. For general capacitated trees, Garg, Vazirani, Yannakakis showed the problem is APX-Hard and Chekuri, Mydlarz, Shepherd provided a 44-approximation. This is essentially the only setting where a constant approximation is known for the general form of \textsc{edp}. We extend their result by giving a constant-factor approximation algorithm for general-form \textsc{edp} in outerplanar graphs. A key component for the algorithm is to find a {\em single-tree} O(1)O(1) cut approximator for outerplanar graphs. Previously O(1)O(1) cut approximators were only known via distributions on trees and these were based implicitly on the results of Gupta, Newman, Rabinovich and Sinclair for distance tree embeddings combined with results of Anderson and Feige.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Survivability in Time-varying Networks

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    Time-varying graphs are a useful model for networks with dynamic connectivity such as vehicular networks, yet, despite their great modeling power, many important features of time-varying graphs are still poorly understood. In this paper, we study the survivability properties of time-varying networks against unpredictable interruptions. We first show that the traditional definition of survivability is not effective in time-varying networks, and propose a new survivability framework. To evaluate the survivability of time-varying networks under the new framework, we propose two metrics that are analogous to MaxFlow and MinCut in static networks. We show that some fundamental survivability-related results such as Menger's Theorem only conditionally hold in time-varying networks. Then we analyze the complexity of computing the proposed metrics and develop several approximation algorithms. Finally, we conduct trace-driven simulations to demonstrate the application of our survivability framework to the robust design of a real-world bus communication network